Share a Pic! III

This is what happens when I listen to Les Mis in public:

And then this happens, because it is sad:


I like your hat a lot.:D
@inkspot and BarbarianKing: Only just saw your posts... Thank you both! And yes, BK, I did indeed join TDL way back then! :D

@The Spanish Inquisition: I looove your hat! And it looks like I'm not the only one. :p
Afton, you look lovely! I like your dress. :) (I am correct in assuming that you're the female in the picture, yes? :p)

And Sopespian, you look very smart. :D
Nice tie!? Nice TIE!? Is that all you have to say to him?

Heheh. XD


I figured everyone else would say it for me so I'd just stick with complimenting the awesome tie. :p

Eh, I just went through our downloads folder and found pictures I didn't know existed.

The first is from our cast party at McDonalds after The Ugly Duckling. We went in costume and in character. You'll note that the cup says "Coo". :p

The second is from one of the times we've gone to the tea room, I think it was for my sister's birthday.


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