So...Who's On Now XVI

Yeah crackin'. You never heard that before? My friends are always like: Would you PLEASE stop saying that!
Whew! I'm glad you don't, because then I couldn't start calling you Ke-veen :p
I've heard it, I just could never imagine you saying it...:p
lol, yeah, I don't think anyone's ever pronounced it "Ke-veen"...Though my best friend calls me KevKin sometimes (I have NO CLUE why, either :p)
I've heard it, I just could never imagine you saying it...
lol, yeah, I don't think anyone's ever pronounced it "Ke-veen"...Though my best friend calls me KevKin sometimes (I have NO CLUE why, either)

You can't picture me saying it :eek: Is that a bad thing, now?
KevKin :p That's cute! I have now two nicknames for you Kevah-de-kev-kev and Ke-veen. Ke-veen is definitely faster and easier to type :D
Sheri!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! *hug!*
Kay!! YAY! *hug!*
Saammmiii!! *hug hug!*
Keeevvyyyy!! *hu-- uhhh... *stops hug just in time.* :p
Huuuuuullllllllllloooooooooooo everyone who's on!!! What's cooking? :D
Hey Cleo!!! I haven't talk to you in awhile! And I wish I could talk now :rolleyes:
I look really gross (;)) and my little brother's b-day party is in 45 minutes and people will be getting here early and I'm no where near to being ready! I'll be on around 11 my time, though. But y'all will probably be gone
You can't picture me saying it Is that a bad thing, now?
KevKin That's cute! I have now two nicknames for you Kevah-de-kev-kev and Ke-veen. Ke-veen is definitely faster and easier to type
Lol, yeah, its definitely shorter than Kevah-de-kev-kev! :p
Sheri!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! *hug!*
Kay!! YAY! *hug!*
Saammmiii!! *hug hug!*
Keeevvyyyy!! *hu-- uhhh... *stops hug just in time.*
Huuuuuullllllllllloooooooooooo everyone who's on!!! What's cooking? :D
CLEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not cooking anything at the moment...:p How are you? Still making graphics?
Pirate Queen said:
Hey Cleo!!! I haven't talk to you in awhile! And I wish I could talk now
I look really gross (;)) and my little brother's b-day party is in 45 minutes and people will be getting here early and I'm no where near to being ready! I'll be on around 11 my time, though. But y'all will probably be gone
Hi hi!! I know, my fault...
Hahahaaa! I bet you look better than I do right now, I just got out of bed... Bed-hair is supposed to be the craze right now, but I don't think I really pull the look off very well... :rolleyes:
Sounds great!! Happy Birthday to your little bro!! Hope you guys have an awesome party. :D
I have no idea what that is in my time... >_> :p
Hey Cleo!!! I haven't talk to you in awhile! And I wish I could talk now :rolleyes:
I look really gross (;)) and my little brother's b-day party is in 45 minutes and people will be getting here early and I'm no where near to being ready! I'll be on around 11 my time, though. But y'all will probably be gone
Awwww, bye Sherible! Tell your brother happy birthday for me! :p
Eärendil the Mariner said:
CLEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not cooking anything at the moment... How are you? Still making graphics?
Huuuuuullllllllllllllllloooooooooooo Kevin!!! Long time no see! :D
Nothing?! No evil plots, GIMP artwork... pumpkin pie(mplf)?? *puts hand on Kevin's forehead* Feeling okay? :p
I'm doing just AWESOME right now!! Really hyper... :p How aboouuutt yooouuu??
YEEEESSSSSSS!!!! I do sometimes try to stop GIMPing so much, y'know... but I can't resist! Sometimes, when I see a picture, I instantly think about how I could GIMP-a-tize it... :rolleyes: How about you? iLove your banner/avy, btw!! =D
loverble said:
Cleo! Kevin! How are you both?! Long time noooo speaky! :p
Yup yup!! I knooowww!! I haven't been on TDL for so long... and now I'm like, talking 200 wpm, trying to get rid of extra steam. :p
How're things? :D
Huuuuuullllllllllllllllloooooooooooo Kevin!!! Long time no see!
Nothing?! No evil plots, GIMP artwork... pumpkin pie(mplf)?? *puts hand on Kevin's forehead* Feeling okay?
I'm doing just AWESOME right now!! Really hyper... How aboouuutt yooouuu??
YEEEESSSSSSS!!!! I do sometimes try to stop GIMPing so much, y'know... but I can't resist! Sometimes, when I see a picture, I instantly think about how I could GIMP-a-tize it... How about you? iLove your banner/avy, btw!! =D
Weeeell, the evil plots are secret (though, I do have a few in the works. :p) I do use GIMP all the time still, although I don't post my stuff that much anymore...Pumpkin pie (mplf) is good, but sadly I don't have any. :(:p
lol, I'm good--suprisingly un-hyper. :p
LOL! I know exactly what you mean...I wish the kids at my school would get into GIMP like everybody on TDL! =D And thanks! I'm still trying to work on my coloring in GIMP...:p
Eärendil the Mariner said:
Weeeell, the evil plots are secret (though, I do have a few in the works. ) I do use GIMP all the time still, although I don't post my stuff that much anymore...Pumpkin pie (mplf) is good, but sadly I don't have any.
lol, I'm good--suprisingly un-hyper.
LOL! I know exactly what you mean...I wish the kids at my school would get into GIMP like everybody on TDL! =D And thanks! I'm still trying to work on my coloring in GIMP...
Hahaa!! Same here! I probably should revive my graphics thread and put up some of my latest stuff... but, gosh, that sounds like a lot of work... =P
We should make some!! Do you have any idea how to make pumpkin pie??(mplf) >_> *trots off to buy flowers and pumpkin* :rolleyes:
YES!! I have one friend who lives a few hours drive away (that's the closest any of my friends and we get on IM and have GIMPing Parties! LOL :D
I AdoRE playing with colouring!! :D
Lol! Thats coool.
Veeeery good thanks. You?
I'm super-duper!!! But I think I already told you that... :p
Oh! Are you still thinking about become a teacher, Sami?
loverble said:
I am! I am going to University hopefully in the comeing September :D
What is it you want to do ?
Ahhh! That's awesome!! :D I just asked, cause my sister is thinking of becoming a teacher too, although she won't be going to Uni for at least another year. ^_^
I'm not sure... I always change my mind! I've always thought of joining the police force or being a doctor... But then I go do some photography, or GIMPing, and and I think I want to have a career more connected with art! LOL :rolleyes:
I'm not sure, although I think she would probably go for an older age group. I don't think she really knows, she's just so inspired by her own teachers! LOL :D

You were thinking about the younger age group, right? *tries to remember*
Yeh I am. Primary school. So ikkle kiddies lol.

Just tell her that if she really wants to do it she needs some work exspirence. A) Just to be sure and b) All Uni's want you to have of had exsperience...