So...Who's On Now XVI

Nothing really besides work and the stress. My identity was stolen. :( So was my best friends. :( :(

Tomorrow is my dad's birthday though. That's a good thing
I think I'm going to be okay. My friend on the other hand. She'll be okay in about three years.

I'm sorry to hear that. I don't wish this upon anyone. My mom's identity was stolen when I was her sister.
I learned there are bad people in the world at a very young age. I seemed to have forgotten it until recently.

It's okay, though. It shows me what I'm capable of being instead.
I learned there are bad people in the world at a very young age. I seemed to have forgotten it until recently.

It's okay, though. It shows me what I'm capable of being instead.

exactly...and you should just remember that not everyone is bad. We just tend to notice the bad ones more
I hope you're right. Because yesterday I actually asked that question. Are there more good people in the world than bad? Last night, I doubted it. Tonight, I don't know what I feel about it.
I hope you're right. Because yesterday I actually asked that question. Are there more good people in the world than bad? Last night, I doubted it. Tonight, I don't know what I feel about it.

it's just one of those things. like when you go to the store, if you had a bad experience with an'll remember it cuz it made you mad. But you never remember the good experiences you have. Good deeds and good people tend to go unnoticed. so i think there are a lot of good people flying under the radar ;)
Again, I hope you're right. :) I have to go though. I need to shower and go to sleep. I have to work in the morning. :(

Night, Ang. Much love *hugs*

I'll let you know what the doctor says.
Thread 16!?!??!?!?!? are you kidding????? HAHAHAHA! that's awesome. well..I'm on for the moment. not sure for how long though since I have to get ready for class soon.