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Planet Awkwardlisp had many locations from which dimensional tunnels could be generated; but when the heroes on Awkwardlisp heard that Kuparr Daku the Dreamtime Chieftain was coming from Ostralia, they made sure that the Aborigine shaman could meet with the party assigned to open friendly contact for Earth-Whichever with Urth.
Whiskey Dallas was the confirmed leader of this delegation. As a singer, she had always gained good rapport with audiences; and it was verified that the English language existed on Urth. Accompanying Whiskey would be Tin Rin Rin the dog hero, with his boy Jeff Stierman. It was a quality of dog heroes that good people meeting one would always understand that the dog hero's human friends were also good people. Irina Beriya and Tapidri Drifla lent obvious diversity to the diplomatic team. The combat-ready second team had Zoorama for magic, with her new husband Kirk Slippage for a mix of science and machismo. The Chinese kung-fu couple, who had arrived just in time to be in the second group, would supply more diversity and more combat power if needed.
Whiskey's team was supposed to land in front of Justified League Headquarters on Urth, while Zoorama's team stayed on standby. But Kuparr changed this when he announced that he had received a new vision on his tunnel-flight from Earth-Whichever. A vision, and a comparatively ordinary communication. The more ordinary communication had been from Green Flashlight John Stewmeat. John had to leave Earth-Whichever to seek help for some crisis on his own Earth ("Jersey Earth" to readers of this serial), and the help needed to include at least one powerful woman. Sushi Strum, the Woman Torch, volunteered to accompany Green Flashlight Stewmeat, whereupon She-Hunk instantly relieved Unfindable Man from any division of loyalties by saying, "Come on, Jimmy, let's go with her."
Kuparr's explicitly supernatural revelation requested a change of itinerary for the teams going to Urth. Zoorama's emergency-alert group should now become the open-diplomacy group, knocking politely on the Justified League's door. And for an out-of-left-field surprise, the revelation added that Whiskey's group should go to an out-of-the-way spot in the Cambodia of Urth. By way of explanation, Kuparr was only able to say that the errand to Cambodia should also prove non-violent, and that Tin Rin Rin's ability to understand all speech regardless of language would be extremely valuable. Nitara "Golden Rakshasa" Bagram asked at the last minute to come along with Whiskey Dallas, because Cambodia's culture had comfortable similarities to her own.
John Stewmeat was brought up to Awkwardlisp, so as not to strain himself with a galactic flight when he was barely recovered. She-Hunk, Unfindable Man and Woman Torch then went with John by wormhole to Planet Wawa; and the other two groups went to their newly designated objectives on Urth.
The Janitors of the Universe were good at surveillance. They knew that John's incoming wormhole was friendly, so did not block it.
Whiskey Dallas was the confirmed leader of this delegation. As a singer, she had always gained good rapport with audiences; and it was verified that the English language existed on Urth. Accompanying Whiskey would be Tin Rin Rin the dog hero, with his boy Jeff Stierman. It was a quality of dog heroes that good people meeting one would always understand that the dog hero's human friends were also good people. Irina Beriya and Tapidri Drifla lent obvious diversity to the diplomatic team. The combat-ready second team had Zoorama for magic, with her new husband Kirk Slippage for a mix of science and machismo. The Chinese kung-fu couple, who had arrived just in time to be in the second group, would supply more diversity and more combat power if needed.
Whiskey's team was supposed to land in front of Justified League Headquarters on Urth, while Zoorama's team stayed on standby. But Kuparr changed this when he announced that he had received a new vision on his tunnel-flight from Earth-Whichever. A vision, and a comparatively ordinary communication. The more ordinary communication had been from Green Flashlight John Stewmeat. John had to leave Earth-Whichever to seek help for some crisis on his own Earth ("Jersey Earth" to readers of this serial), and the help needed to include at least one powerful woman. Sushi Strum, the Woman Torch, volunteered to accompany Green Flashlight Stewmeat, whereupon She-Hunk instantly relieved Unfindable Man from any division of loyalties by saying, "Come on, Jimmy, let's go with her."
Kuparr's explicitly supernatural revelation requested a change of itinerary for the teams going to Urth. Zoorama's emergency-alert group should now become the open-diplomacy group, knocking politely on the Justified League's door. And for an out-of-left-field surprise, the revelation added that Whiskey's group should go to an out-of-the-way spot in the Cambodia of Urth. By way of explanation, Kuparr was only able to say that the errand to Cambodia should also prove non-violent, and that Tin Rin Rin's ability to understand all speech regardless of language would be extremely valuable. Nitara "Golden Rakshasa" Bagram asked at the last minute to come along with Whiskey Dallas, because Cambodia's culture had comfortable similarities to her own.
John Stewmeat was brought up to Awkwardlisp, so as not to strain himself with a galactic flight when he was barely recovered. She-Hunk, Unfindable Man and Woman Torch then went with John by wormhole to Planet Wawa; and the other two groups went to their newly designated objectives on Urth.
The Janitors of the Universe were good at surveillance. They knew that John's incoming wormhole was friendly, so did not block it.
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