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====== >> I remind my audience that my serial {1} began immediately after the ending of the movie "Spaceballs," {2} assumed that the ape world at the end of "Spaceballs" was in the same solar system as the royal heroine's native world, and {3} quickly began introducing elements directly from STAR WARS (and also "Dune"), as opposed to being filtered through SPACEBALLS.
My version of the tusk-faced Star Wars hero Plo Koon was not introduced until my serial had been going on for a long time; but when he did appear, he appeared "at the starting point," by visiting the solar system "Princess Vixen" comes from. I call the two inhabited planets there "Directvideo" and "Chimpanzia." My character "Plow Korn" earned the gratitude of both intelligent races in the system, by catching Fooldemall the Lazytaxie Face Twister, who had murdered and impersonated the Chimpanzian diplomat Minister Proconsul. Fooldemall had also tried unsuccessfully to corrupt Duke Diskoduck, a slow-witted but good-hearted cousin of Princess Vespa.
Once conditions in the Directvidean System were set right, Plow Korn wanted to seek out my version of Mace Windu, who had gone to the home planet of my version of Mel Brooks' version of Master Yoda. Plow Korn traveled in a spacecraft piloted by Wilma Dearthing, a Directvidean woman with light brown hair who is as lovely as Princess Vixen but isn't stuck-up about it. Joining them on board were Duke Diskoduck, who wishes to be useful; a robot named Clankalot, sort of a brother to Bot Index; and Rabbishop Malarkey, top clergyman of Directvideo, who would serve as an ambassador to the Toofah-Roffians. Also on board, to represent Chimpanzia, were Inspector Antilacor, an officer of his world's internal security force, and his bride Lucasta, sister of the deceased Proconsul.
On Toofah-Roff, a young-adult male of the Yoda-like species, Transmeddit by name, volunteered to share in the adventures of Plow Korn and Moose Windchime. They intended to join the characters on Bubblewrap Five in combatting the forces of Grand Admiral Thuglife Skrawn, and they will get to do this. But the battle to save Defenselessville from the Barnsmell, in which the Ringjonn-Earth soldier Jacob Mossyhutch played a vital role, was a rapid-response action, taking place before Moose and Plow could reach the area.......
====== >> I remind my audience that my serial {1} began immediately after the ending of the movie "Spaceballs," {2} assumed that the ape world at the end of "Spaceballs" was in the same solar system as the royal heroine's native world, and {3} quickly began introducing elements directly from STAR WARS (and also "Dune"), as opposed to being filtered through SPACEBALLS.
My version of the tusk-faced Star Wars hero Plo Koon was not introduced until my serial had been going on for a long time; but when he did appear, he appeared "at the starting point," by visiting the solar system "Princess Vixen" comes from. I call the two inhabited planets there "Directvideo" and "Chimpanzia." My character "Plow Korn" earned the gratitude of both intelligent races in the system, by catching Fooldemall the Lazytaxie Face Twister, who had murdered and impersonated the Chimpanzian diplomat Minister Proconsul. Fooldemall had also tried unsuccessfully to corrupt Duke Diskoduck, a slow-witted but good-hearted cousin of Princess Vespa.
Once conditions in the Directvidean System were set right, Plow Korn wanted to seek out my version of Mace Windu, who had gone to the home planet of my version of Mel Brooks' version of Master Yoda. Plow Korn traveled in a spacecraft piloted by Wilma Dearthing, a Directvidean woman with light brown hair who is as lovely as Princess Vixen but isn't stuck-up about it. Joining them on board were Duke Diskoduck, who wishes to be useful; a robot named Clankalot, sort of a brother to Bot Index; and Rabbishop Malarkey, top clergyman of Directvideo, who would serve as an ambassador to the Toofah-Roffians. Also on board, to represent Chimpanzia, were Inspector Antilacor, an officer of his world's internal security force, and his bride Lucasta, sister of the deceased Proconsul.
On Toofah-Roff, a young-adult male of the Yoda-like species, Transmeddit by name, volunteered to share in the adventures of Plow Korn and Moose Windchime. They intended to join the characters on Bubblewrap Five in combatting the forces of Grand Admiral Thuglife Skrawn, and they will get to do this. But the battle to save Defenselessville from the Barnsmell, in which the Ringjonn-Earth soldier Jacob Mossyhutch played a vital role, was a rapid-response action, taking place before Moose and Plow could reach the area.......
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