Well-known member
The subject of new fortifications being purely academic at present, Tarp Kanvas presently found a different conversation to engage in. Joined by Quismar Fradd, the most socially prestigious female among the Greedork settlers, he sought out Slick and Krayzee Mudpackis.
The six-limbed warrior began: "Mistress Quismar already knew, and I was recently told, how Mistress Krayzee came to possess your mind-over-matter powers. But no one here seems to know-- unless you know it by now, Krayzee-- how you, Slick, first came to have these powers."
Slick lowered his eyes for a moment before answering:
"From what I've heard about your native world, counting both your species and the human types, it has more than fifty separate, independent nations, any two of which might at a given time be friendly or hostile to each other, depending on various political changes. But the reality I was born in-- the universe which contains the Republic of Lots of Worlds, and which in recent years beheld the rise of the Empire of Evil Badness-- was shaped in every way by The Fuss. The history of the first person to acquire Fuss powers is shrouded in obscurity; but we do know that the irreconcilable enmity between up-side and down-side became clear as soon as anyone realized that there WERE two sides.
"My native planet of Razgrom produced Fuss users on both sides, but up-siders usually held leadership. Now, you can see that I am physically smaller than many human males-- John Cardsharper, for sure!-- and I always resented this disadvantage."
"Then did the up-side Fuss users treat you as inferior?" asked Quismar. "If so, that would make them very different from the few up-side Fuss users my own race has produced."
Slick sighed. "No, far from it, all up-siders I ever knew on Razgrom behaved kindly toward me, and encouraged me to develop the abilities I had. But what they DIDN'T encourage was my wish to possess Fuss powers for the specific purpose of dominating and intimidating larger boys AND all the girls who held me in contempt."
Krayzee interjected: "I resented larger girls too. I know, I'm a good height now, but I was a slow grower. If I'd had the chance as a teenager to gain Fuss abilities, a lot of my snotty schoolmates would have mysteriously seen their data devices flying out of their hands and getting smashed against stone walls."
Acknowledging Krayzee with a nod, Tarp Kanvas looked thoughtful. "Humans on my old world often resented my kind being bigger. But some of their men took this as a challenge, and worked so hard at improving their martial skills that, even without John Cardsharper's great strength, one of them would have some chance of winning a fight against one of us."
"Felgercarb on that!" snapped the former Dark Headgear. "Pardon my language, but everyone always used to tell me to look at unfair disadvantages as a 'challenge.' Easy for them to say that, when THEY didn't face a 'challenge' that was rigged against them from the lift-off. Anyway, that WAS how I felt. And feeling that way, I was a sucker for the down-side. Up-siders observed so many restrictions, trying to avoid killing people, trying to avoid becoming tyrants."
Quismar touched Slick's arm sympathetically. "So you followed what seemed to you like a path to freedom."
"Yeah, freedom for myself-- and enslavement or death for others."
"But you're not like that anymore," Krayzee reassured her husband.
Slick smiled faintly. "I wonder if Groan Starr, his hairy friend Puke, Princess Vixen, King Lowbrain, Master Yoga-Rug, Bob Snooze, Professor Yuss, or Admiral Blender would survive the shock if they learned how much I've changed?"
The six-limbed warrior began: "Mistress Quismar already knew, and I was recently told, how Mistress Krayzee came to possess your mind-over-matter powers. But no one here seems to know-- unless you know it by now, Krayzee-- how you, Slick, first came to have these powers."
Slick lowered his eyes for a moment before answering:
"From what I've heard about your native world, counting both your species and the human types, it has more than fifty separate, independent nations, any two of which might at a given time be friendly or hostile to each other, depending on various political changes. But the reality I was born in-- the universe which contains the Republic of Lots of Worlds, and which in recent years beheld the rise of the Empire of Evil Badness-- was shaped in every way by The Fuss. The history of the first person to acquire Fuss powers is shrouded in obscurity; but we do know that the irreconcilable enmity between up-side and down-side became clear as soon as anyone realized that there WERE two sides.
"My native planet of Razgrom produced Fuss users on both sides, but up-siders usually held leadership. Now, you can see that I am physically smaller than many human males-- John Cardsharper, for sure!-- and I always resented this disadvantage."
"Then did the up-side Fuss users treat you as inferior?" asked Quismar. "If so, that would make them very different from the few up-side Fuss users my own race has produced."
Slick sighed. "No, far from it, all up-siders I ever knew on Razgrom behaved kindly toward me, and encouraged me to develop the abilities I had. But what they DIDN'T encourage was my wish to possess Fuss powers for the specific purpose of dominating and intimidating larger boys AND all the girls who held me in contempt."
Krayzee interjected: "I resented larger girls too. I know, I'm a good height now, but I was a slow grower. If I'd had the chance as a teenager to gain Fuss abilities, a lot of my snotty schoolmates would have mysteriously seen their data devices flying out of their hands and getting smashed against stone walls."
Acknowledging Krayzee with a nod, Tarp Kanvas looked thoughtful. "Humans on my old world often resented my kind being bigger. But some of their men took this as a challenge, and worked so hard at improving their martial skills that, even without John Cardsharper's great strength, one of them would have some chance of winning a fight against one of us."
"Felgercarb on that!" snapped the former Dark Headgear. "Pardon my language, but everyone always used to tell me to look at unfair disadvantages as a 'challenge.' Easy for them to say that, when THEY didn't face a 'challenge' that was rigged against them from the lift-off. Anyway, that WAS how I felt. And feeling that way, I was a sucker for the down-side. Up-siders observed so many restrictions, trying to avoid killing people, trying to avoid becoming tyrants."
Quismar touched Slick's arm sympathetically. "So you followed what seemed to you like a path to freedom."
"Yeah, freedom for myself-- and enslavement or death for others."
"But you're not like that anymore," Krayzee reassured her husband.
Slick smiled faintly. "I wonder if Groan Starr, his hairy friend Puke, Princess Vixen, King Lowbrain, Master Yoga-Rug, Bob Snooze, Professor Yuss, or Admiral Blender would survive the shock if they learned how much I've changed?"
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