Well-known member
Jersey Earth:
The general population of this Earth-variant now understood firmly in their hearts that ALL Green Flashlights, regardless of bodily shape, were on the side of good. They also understood by now that the Heart Sapphire Sisters, though equally well-intentioned, and better-looking in human eyes, had proven much LESS WISE than the Flashlights.
The cricketoid Green Flashlight Shimtuku and the lobsteroid Green Flashlight Chubkripdak, now accepted as friends by all humans they met, were cruising to and fro, helping with recovery efforts everywhere they went. Apart from the special case of Princess Grrryll, who had been made a Heart Sapphire under unusual circumstances on Planet New Laziness, all Sapphire Sisters still present on Jersey Earth who had NOT flown away were now toiling in good faith to undo the damage they had caused. This included the especially tall woman with a musical name, who had almost been slain by Grrrryll. Grrrryll was not working in good faith, SHE was working under threat of execution.
The Heart Sapphires could produce food and water in quantity, accelerate growth of useful vegetation, cure diseases, and heal the sick, far better than the Flashlight Corps could do, so the Flashlights and their allied heroes were leaving this to the Sisterhood. The Flashlights, for their part, were better at building large structures and repairing existing ones, and even at generating electricity to run assorted machines, in order to renew the INFRASTRUCTURE of an industrialized world. In this area of work, Shimtuku showed his excellence with machines or buildings which had lots of small, complex parts, while Chubkripdak found his niche working with massive burdens and mechanisms.
Chubkripdak and Shimtuku were heading to Pakistan to continue restoration work, when Sister Nolarivu Pamizo-Stewmeat contacted them concerning the deranged American teenager Sawyer Boyd. Sawyer had gone with Sister Tahushio Bleebu (the one with an extra finger on each hand) to Saskatchewan, Canada. Nolarivu --and Trace Dickey with his new Fuss abilities-- had an intuition that Sawyer was going to make more trouble than they would have thought him capable of.
"You're more a hot-weather type than I am," the lobsteroid told the cricketoid. "You continue to Pakistan, I'll check up on the dopey kid."
Several Native Canadians, Algonquin tribe, joined an otherwise-white crowd to hear what Sawyer Boyd had to say. The Heart Sapphires had been talking up how enlightened the East Coast boy was. Sawyer knew next to nothing about Native traditions, but made an attempt to establish rapport with his Algonquin hearers.
"The lizard is my spirit animal! By the force of my feelings, the lizard spirit has allowed me to BECOME the lizard I now am! All of you can find your own spirit animals, if you simply break free from the cold, harsh, nasty grip of heartless logic! The advancement of love and freedom is now in peril, because of interference by hatemongers; but it isn't too late to turn back the tide. Join Sister Tahushio! Join me! Be the gods and goddesses you are meant to be! Ride forward in the fluid flow of the Universe, and build a world of spiritual joy!"
The eldest Algonquin present, a fiftyish man called Roger Tree Root, was watching this display with rather less approval than most other listeners. He was noticed and recognized by the approaching Chubkripdak, who had seen him once before.
"Mister Tree Root, isn't it?"--ignoring the others present.
"Yes, Crayfish Warrior;" and Roger grasped one of Chubkripdak's secondary forelimbs in a handshake. "Have you come to hear this empty-headed boy raving?"
"I've heard some of it before, but you know what I would rather hear? I would rather hear you telling THEM how my friend Poradsimu and I worked on reactivating the utilities in your town."
The general population of this Earth-variant now understood firmly in their hearts that ALL Green Flashlights, regardless of bodily shape, were on the side of good. They also understood by now that the Heart Sapphire Sisters, though equally well-intentioned, and better-looking in human eyes, had proven much LESS WISE than the Flashlights.
The cricketoid Green Flashlight Shimtuku and the lobsteroid Green Flashlight Chubkripdak, now accepted as friends by all humans they met, were cruising to and fro, helping with recovery efforts everywhere they went. Apart from the special case of Princess Grrryll, who had been made a Heart Sapphire under unusual circumstances on Planet New Laziness, all Sapphire Sisters still present on Jersey Earth who had NOT flown away were now toiling in good faith to undo the damage they had caused. This included the especially tall woman with a musical name, who had almost been slain by Grrrryll. Grrrryll was not working in good faith, SHE was working under threat of execution.
The Heart Sapphires could produce food and water in quantity, accelerate growth of useful vegetation, cure diseases, and heal the sick, far better than the Flashlight Corps could do, so the Flashlights and their allied heroes were leaving this to the Sisterhood. The Flashlights, for their part, were better at building large structures and repairing existing ones, and even at generating electricity to run assorted machines, in order to renew the INFRASTRUCTURE of an industrialized world. In this area of work, Shimtuku showed his excellence with machines or buildings which had lots of small, complex parts, while Chubkripdak found his niche working with massive burdens and mechanisms.
Chubkripdak and Shimtuku were heading to Pakistan to continue restoration work, when Sister Nolarivu Pamizo-Stewmeat contacted them concerning the deranged American teenager Sawyer Boyd. Sawyer had gone with Sister Tahushio Bleebu (the one with an extra finger on each hand) to Saskatchewan, Canada. Nolarivu --and Trace Dickey with his new Fuss abilities-- had an intuition that Sawyer was going to make more trouble than they would have thought him capable of.
"You're more a hot-weather type than I am," the lobsteroid told the cricketoid. "You continue to Pakistan, I'll check up on the dopey kid."
Several Native Canadians, Algonquin tribe, joined an otherwise-white crowd to hear what Sawyer Boyd had to say. The Heart Sapphires had been talking up how enlightened the East Coast boy was. Sawyer knew next to nothing about Native traditions, but made an attempt to establish rapport with his Algonquin hearers.
"The lizard is my spirit animal! By the force of my feelings, the lizard spirit has allowed me to BECOME the lizard I now am! All of you can find your own spirit animals, if you simply break free from the cold, harsh, nasty grip of heartless logic! The advancement of love and freedom is now in peril, because of interference by hatemongers; but it isn't too late to turn back the tide. Join Sister Tahushio! Join me! Be the gods and goddesses you are meant to be! Ride forward in the fluid flow of the Universe, and build a world of spiritual joy!"
The eldest Algonquin present, a fiftyish man called Roger Tree Root, was watching this display with rather less approval than most other listeners. He was noticed and recognized by the approaching Chubkripdak, who had seen him once before.
"Mister Tree Root, isn't it?"--ignoring the others present.
"Yes, Crayfish Warrior;" and Roger grasped one of Chubkripdak's secondary forelimbs in a handshake. "Have you come to hear this empty-headed boy raving?"
"I've heard some of it before, but you know what I would rather hear? I would rather hear you telling THEM how my friend Poradsimu and I worked on reactivating the utilities in your town."
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