Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

In Reslagor, the prosperous trading nation bordering Bamulica to the south, Armando Casador came home to his Two Rivers Estate, and was very warmly welcomed by his wife, Lady Selma of Malgriff. She had never had cause to complain against him, since he had always treated her like the royalty she longed to be. She was delighted to hear of his success with new naval weapons: his ship, the Clutching Fist: his rockets had shot down two airships over the Equatorial Ocean, with no witnesses remaining except the criminals.

The morning came, and Selma told her husband, "I'll always be grateful for the fine life you've given me, darling."

"It's all worth it, sweetheart," Armando replied-- an instant before someone joined them in the room. It was the well-dressed immortal villain Jaheg-Jorod, smirking more cruelly than Armando had ever seen him do.

"Good morning, Armando. You've done well, almost too well. Precisely because you're so prosperous, people are beginning to suspect that you might be behind recent calamities befalling other people's commerce. But once you're dead, all the neighboring nations will feel sorry for your grieving widow, and your Evil Business Corporation will gain goodwill. Your loyal man Yarbeck Trask will take over your business efficiently; and no one will suspect him of wrongdoing, because he ISN'T guilty of anything where you're concerned. He'll never know that you didn't die of natural causes, and Selma will never tell him."

Fear belatedly broke through Armando's disbelief. "Jaheg! Selma! How can you--? This isn't necessary! I've done everything you wanted!"

"You did it too well, fat fool. As I say, I want to prevent your business attracting too much attention from powers of goodness. Recovering from the loss of you will make Selma and Yarbeck look brave. And for what it's worth, Yarbeck has never coveted your wife any more than he coveted your wealth. His comparative decency will be good camouflage. Next year will be soon enough for Selma to 'discover' that she loves your ship captain. Prepare to meet your eternal punishment, idiot."

"You can't do this! You can't!" Armando shrieked.

"As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be able to kill you, if you were filled with the Spirit of the Creator. But since you're not....."

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At the time when Sir Ronald met with the Trail-Chooser in Upper Wenzeppu, it was night over in Mifdola. Down at the southwest corner of this modest kingdom, Queen Mother Yiltim, widow of the assassinated Feckladast, arrived at a border fort. Besides bodyguards and ladies-in-waiting, Yiltim was accompanied by Heejee the girl sniper, and by the four Loi-Jeltua airship crewmen who were temporarily grounded.

A secret courier from the fort had ridden hard to the capital, telling his message only to Queen Sotavalit, the Queen Mother, and the visiting noblewoman Setbari Timsad: the last, because the message concerned her own country of Jeltua, whose people racially resembled the Asian-like inhabitants of Hukshem and Bavrid. A roundabout relay of telegraph lines had reported to the Mifdolan border fort the fact that the friendly contingent of Malgriff and Sagrum cavalry from Bamulica had gotten as far as Jeltua. Colonel Roger Zaptrim would be leading these troops across the wilderness between Jeltua and Mifdola; a crowd of Loi-Jeltua merchants and artisans had asked to come along, since the Bamulican soldiers would protect them from possible attack by Sledge Nomads.

Anticipating a problem, the Queen Mother instructed the fort commander to have the tundra bears at his post moved two miles away. Not all horses were as nonchalant in the presence of bears as Mifdolan horses were.

When the Malgriff Hussars and the Sagrum Rangers arrived with the commerce caravan, Yiltim and Heejee, assisted by the airship men and some of the arriving merchants, made haste to figure out who could speak to whom. Lady Setbari had been ill and unable to travel here, but had sent along a written account for her countrymen's benefit, describing the regicide investigation, and also the recent activities of Engineer Kring Dakamish and the airship
Gogatai Canyon. Colonel Zaptrim, in turn, related his company's adventures, especially their victory over the Bloody Diggers.

Learning that the Hussars were acquainted with Ronald of Goliad, Heejee used all the linguistic help available to obtain a sketch of his personality. She knew that Zoralee was intrigued by tales of the gunslinger-knight, so the lady detective would be glad to learn more.

Heejee was especially impressed when hearing of Ronald's gift, that if he spoke the truth, every hearer would KNOW he spoke the truth.
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East by southeast of Mifdola, Felipe Catalano's cousin Ysidro Lopez, the animalized Billyboy Jeralo, Bear Brother Hemrogo, and the tundra bear Daintycrunch were continuing their hunt for the treasonous fugitives Lord Prendok Fegsor and Guardsman Thellark. The quartet's visit to a major outlaws' roost had yielded nothing of importance, besides allowing Ysidro to rid Planet Punksteema of two petty criminals, who had carried a suicidally foolish grudge against the noble-hearted gunman from Gromstark.

Around halfway to Valtork, they came upon the adventurous wagoneer Skagruth Johnston with his faithful camelopards. He had been rambling up and down, selling and buying at assorted villages and settlements on behalf of the Harness and Sail Company. Mister Johnston, after inquiring after Zoralee's health, was glad to share news which he realized would be meaningful to Ysidro.

"Mister Lopez, I believe you've heard of Keith Standish, the first man to be restored to normal human life after being changed into a lich during the recent undead plague. That preacher in Tablanor, Silas Larkburg, prayed over Mister Standish for five hours; then Mister Standish received some sort of anointing! Versions vary as to what came next, but Standish received a blessing of some kind. Separate rumors allege that the undead walkers have disappeared both from Tablanor and from Felruda."

"Did Standish destroy them?" asked Hemrogo.

"Not exactly, from what I hear. Instead, wherever he went, his very presence had an effect. Some undead walkers were brought back to life as he had been; others crumbled into dust. I suppose the Almighty decided which cadaver went which way. The ones whose bodies disintegrated must have been souls who were already settled on, for The Good Place or The Bad Place."

Ysidro crossed himself. "Yes, I'm sure that is the explanation. Do you know if any ghouls escaped into the Bavrid Mountains?"

"I don't think so, but I can't be certain. Even a likeable supporting character, who exists in the story in order to pop in and provide fortuitous assistance or information to heroes, can't answer everything. Even Tom Bombadil couldn't do that."

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Brewster of Goliad, fellow-countryman to Sir Ronald, had done his part in the story by giving guidance to Mukuma, Florence, Abigail and Halima, the four unattached black women on Disappointment Plateau: the ones having ancestral connections to Towermen and Smoke Maidens. They were on their way north now, on board a merchant sailing ship, flagged from the island nation of Kassregistra. Before embarking, they had been overtaken by Mukuma's grown son Gatmorbek, who had a career as a surveyor. He was one of no more than thirty men on the whole continent of Wellvernia who specifically made a career out of charting property lines and choosing routes for new railways. Joining the four women, Gatmorbek pointed out to them that, in any wilderness travel on the north continent, his orienting skills would help them not to deviate from their planned course.

Since the two widows and two unbetrothed maidens didn't know where they were going, didn't speak any language of Arcondoyla, and had very little coin that could be used on the north continent, Gatmorbek's pathfinding talent wasn't his only virtue. He knew useful phrases in two Arcondoylan commerce languages, and he retained two gold pieces and seven silver after paying five passage fares for the ship.

Halima, the youngest of the women, had been unmarried long enough in her opinion. She already had an acquaintance with Gatmorbek; now she hoped to increase the acquaintance. It was known that Smoke "Maidens" didn't have to be celibate. The surveyor, for his part, was undecided about her.
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Returning to a story arc in which I'm not bothering to italicize the names of ships:

On board the Selenium Falcon, Cyberdork from Seedubb Earth was performing his most ambitious hacking effort ever. Because he and all associated characters were existing at a point in time a year and a half earlier than the time at which Copperfox was currently reporting their actions, the DC-derived superhero needed not merely to spy on Original Earth, but to spy on the FUTURE of Original Earth. He was doing this because he and his companions had realized that they couldn't remember where they had left Groan Starr and Princess Vixen. The furry Kashorchekian Puke, and Trala-Lalia the sister of Groan Starr, were the most concerned of everyone on board this ship, thus were constantly hovering around Cyberdork.

"I've got it!" Cyberdork suddenly exclaimed.

"What's the answer?" asked Trala and Puke in unison, joined by Spiderweb-Man whose mind-web sense had told him a breakthrough was impending. (Giles Magg, Bunkem Isotope and Duskwing-formerly-Evening-Wing were currently asleep.)

"We did remember at least that Groaner was doing well at refining his Fuss abilities back on Seedubb; we just weren't sure if he went anywhere else. Well, Copperfox has determined-- I mean, he will determine in the future-- that Groaner and Vixen will take a space-hop with Green Flashlight Ryan Pebbles to a world where they could gather some herbal products especially helpful to expecting mothers. But by the time we come back to look for them, not only will they be on Seedubb again, but Vixen will be raising a baby."

"Are you sure that we WILL be on Seedubb again ourselves?" asked Spiderweb-Man.

"I deliberately didn't try to make sure of that, because I don't want to screw up the cause-and-effect continuum, when we have neither The Whoosh nor Doctor Unusual here to guide us in that."

So the entire three-ship group continued its own present errand: heading for a human-settled planet called Gumwad, which had been part of the Calamari Dynasty's empire, but which had lost contact after Paul Muddy-Drip Ashtrayides messed things up.
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The planet Gumwad enjoyed environmental variety similar to all versions of Earth. But unlike any direct Earth-variant, the arid regions of Gumwad were home to a drought-resistant vegetable very much like Earth-type jalapeno peppers BUT with special qualities. When Muddy-Drip's ill-advised jihad shattered the cohesion of a galactic empire, several Penny Jezebels and Lazytaxies, isolated from their top leaders, had been left to their own devices. Knowing that imitations of the True Jalapeno from Planet Srirachiss had enjoyed some success, these marooned intellectuals had gone to work, experimenting on the Gumwaddian plant closest to the plant eaten by Habanero monsters on Srirachiss.

They had not yet succeeded when, thirteen days before the Ashtrayides women and the Seedubb superheroes arrived in the star system, someone ELSE arrived in the system, coming from a group of worlds entirely outside the territory of the Dune-derivative sub-reality.

Mother Nutrellia was the ranking Penny Jezebel on Gumwad. She herself didn't have the botanical knowledge to contribute to the Jalapeno-duplication project, but she had more than enough to do supervising the maintenance of life-necessities for the half-million people dwelling on Gumwad. Twenty-eight other Penny Jezebels, including three locally-inducted novices, lived with her in what was called the High Sisterhood Lodge, and they were the majority of all Penny Jezebels on the planet. The Lodge stood on a broad mesa, at a latitude comparable to the state of Wisconsin on Earth, and received adequate rain for non-desert food crops to grow, and for sheep-like animals to graze.

Male workers did all the collecting and processing of livestock manure.

On the fateful day, Nutrellia was talking with Sister Biddymickie, one of the few Jezebels to have taken a Gumwaddian husband. There was no rule against Jezebels being married; but most of the married Jezebels on Gumwad had brought their men here from other worlds. Nutrellia's conversation with Biddymickie was about mundane practical subjects-- but this changed when a spacecraft passed over their heads.

The ship did not match any of the shuttle types carried by the gigantic Naughtygator jump-ships. From what the two women could see, it looked like an independent starship with inboard faster-than-light propulsion.

Nutrellia and Biddymickie had never seen such a spacecraft in reality, but they knew such a ship was possible. They just had never lived in a universe where starships other than Spaced-Out Guild products could even be necessary.

Still less had they lived in a universe where a spaceship flying in atmosphere would circle around the mesa, firing laser blasts which hit no living thing, but which were obviously warning shots intended to intimidate.

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When the three good-guy ships entered the star system which contained Gumwad, their sensors detected two unfamiliar ships, each about thirty percent larger than the Sky Queen, parked in orbit above the planet. Ulysses Bardette, Bunkem Isotope, and Princess Eerilake were at the controls of their respective ships, and each called out the sighting. Then Chip Thursday asked Ulysses, Duskwing asked Bunkem, and one of the former slave women asked Eerilake, if the ships were of a familiar type. Ulysses, Bunkem and Eerilake all admitted that they didn't recognize the design. But Bot Index, possessing datafiles covering more than the Dune-based sub-universe, told everyone that ships like these might exist in a story-reality based loosely on Star Trek stories.

Many eyebrows went up when Bot added that the possible origin place of the ships was in a galaxy at the other end of something called the Red Streak Wormhole.

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The orbit-parked ships had only necessary crew on board. The landing parties, and the standby ship-crews, were both entirely female. Or as female as demons incarnate could be. These were the Hotblood Matrons.

In the hour when the Matron ships fired their warning shots, Nutriella had recognized symbols painted on the hull of the nearby strafing vessel. When Biddymickie asked what this meant, Nutriella had grimly explained:

"The Penny Jezebel Order has never attempted or desired to terrorize and oppress males in general. We believe that we are qualified to guide and instruct men, but we certainly don't consider all men worthless. Duke Neato Ashtrayides the Pure-Hearted and Generally Likeable was a great man, although he wasn't obedient to us as we wished. Overall, we can live with men. But sisters among us who DID want all men trampled underfoot, finally broke away from the order. They emigrated to regions unknown to us, unknown even to the Naughtygators.

"And we hoped they would STAY wherever they went to. Obviously, they didn't."

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On board the Sky Queen, Eerilake told her companions, "Our ships have defensive measures, but except for Selenium Falcon, lack any offensive armament, and Falcon's is light-caliber. If those mystery ships prove hostile, Cyberdork would be able to fly out on his own and counterattack them, but I'm not sure how much the rest of us can do that would affect a spaceship."

"Given a spacesuit," replied Raisin of the Teen Tryouts, "I could levitate myself in their direction, and interfere with their controls telekinetically. But only while they're parked. I would have no chance of pursuing them if they took off."

"Given a tough enough spacesuit, so my own actions wouldn't breach its air containment," offered Maritima, "I might be able to damage the actual ships. The same goes for Spiderweb-Man. But again, that's only if they're so obliging as to stay still and let us approach."

The rescued slave woman who had recently won the heart of Chip Thursday suddenly spoke up. 'What if we could get them interested in BOARDING our ships? If they came to us, the heavy hitters we have could capture the boarders and hold them hostage!"

"I like that!" exclaimed Lady Jazzica. "If my daughter and I have a chance to use The Chatter on them through voice comms, we can make them believe that boarding us is the perfect idea, and that we're helpless to do anything against them."

"Let's tell Falcon and Waterpark One," Bot Index urged; "but on an encrypted frequency."

The entrapment plan had much to recommend it, but Eerilake warned the others that the Matrons (about whom she had heard things on Lousy Sekondhanstor) might have the suicidal recklessness to blast open a ship's hull from within rather than be taken hostage.
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Down on the surface of Gumwad, the role of Mother Nutrellia in The Never-Stopping Story was abruptly shortened. When almost fifty Hotblood Matrons marched up to the High Sisterhood Lodge to demand the unconditional surrender of the planet, Nutrellia made the mistake of trying to influence the renegades with The Chatter. The only result she obtained was one of the younger Hotblood Matrons lashing out with a micro-wire whip, which neatly severed Nutrellia's head.

Yolesha, the next-highest-ranking Penny Jezebel present on the mesa, prevented more deaths by offering immediate submission. The first command issued to her by the conquerors was to hand over all available information on the Jalapeno-substitute project. Once Yolesha did so, male Gumwaddian workers were told that from now on, they would be working directly for the Matrons. It emerged that the Matrons had three fully-mutated Naughtygators preserved in cryogenic hibernation. Once these Naughtygators could be properly fed, they would be awakened to assist the Hotblood Matrons in regaining instant space travel.

But the traitorous witches were not destined to have everything their own way. The reversal of their undeserved triumph would start from the last place the galactic narcissists would have expected: from an idea in a MAN's mind.

In an encrypted ship-to-ship exchange, the Kansas State Police officer told Bot Index, "I know some fellow cops back on Seedubb who've worked under cover. One thing that helped them to survive was the fact that the gang leaders they targeted were so full of themselves, they thought no undercover cop could ever fool them. Connect this to the fact that, although you are alive in every way that matters, you still are inorganic-- so that these witch-types should be unable to do their form of mind-reading on you....."

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Elder Sister Koridmi, in acting command of one of the orbiting Matron ships, accepted the transmission from the mysterious robot who was jet-packing in their direction.

"Calling the superior flesh-beings! You know that the Calamari Galactic Dynasty rejected the use of self-aware artificial intelligences. The humans I just escaped from were planning to hand me over to the horrid Ashtrayides bigots who hate everyone that's different! But I knew that YOU are ever so much wiser and better. I wish to assist you in your future operations."

Koridmi allowed Bot Index to come on board...... and with Bot came a sophisticated computer virus created by Cyberdork. When systems began crashing on the Matron ship, our electronic heroine bailed out before anyone could interfere with her. But she took along a spacesuit from the ship, that she could fit inside. The virus left the ship able to communicate for a few minutes longer: long enough that Koridmi could beg for mercy. Cyberdork remotely restored life support on the enemy ship, and surrender terms were hashed out.

All this before the OTHER enemy ship, some distance removed, understood what was happening.
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Bot Index flew toward the second Matron ship. On the first ship, she had downloaded a security code. Now she transmitted this code to the second ship, after which she exactly imitated one woman's voice that she had heard on board the first ship, calling for pickup. The second ship's crew believed her deception.... and ended up ALSO being disabled by Cyberdork's virus. The bad girls on both ships would not die, but they would be unable to help their sisters planetside in any way.

Hurrying to exploit their advantage, Cyberdork and a spacesuited Raisin started down toward the surface of Gumwad, hauling Spiderweb-Man, Luchador Hidalgo, and Gladiola Ashtrayides, down toward the mesa where the Hotblood Matrons had first landed. At the same time, the three good-guy ships entered atmosphere, aiming for the largest concentration of Matrons ELSEWHERE THAN the mesa. Bunkem Isotope reminded all the non-Dune-related characters that they must not use any beam weapons, because the Matrons might be wearing the personal shields which would explode if hit by a directed-energy beam.

As they were on landing approach, Jazzica suddenly was video-called by the Goulash clone of her deceased husband.

"Listen, Jazzica, time is short. We've talked before about my incomplete memories of coming to life. Being told about the Hotblood Matrons --about whom I never heard anything as Duke Neato-- awakened something in me. Eerilake, are you hearing this?"

"Yes, Giles, I hear you. To anticipate: Lady Twitfloozie did worry sometimes about the violent Hotblood Matrons returning to known space, and used to say that it made sense to have a secret weapon against them."

Jazzica leaned in toward Giles' face on the display screen. "And the weapon was YOU!"

"I don't know that," the clone admitted, "But it MIGHT be true. Jazzica, even though I'm not really Neato Ashtrayides, there's enough of him in me that it would respond to you specially. Use The Chatter now! COMMAND me to reveal any special powers I may p0ssess!"

Jessica swept sudden tears away from her cheeks. "Hear me, good-hearted reflection of my Neato! By the respect you show for the love between your template and me, I call upon you to respond as fully as you would respond if you actually were my Duke. If you have ANY special powers, I ask you to BE CONSCIOUS OF THEM and show them to us-- provided that your doing so harms no one!"

Giles Magg's eyes went out of focus. When they focused again, he startled everyone watching him on board Selenium Falcon or Sky Queen-- by moving his arms in all the movements of the Macarena, almost too swiftly to be seen by living eyes. Duskwing exclaimed, "He has the Quickness Force, like The Whoosh on Seedubb!"

Moments later, it became evident that Giles was what THEY needed. For a distress call came from Cyberdork revealjng that the Matrons they encountered were outmaneuvering them. Luchador, Gladiola, and even Spiderweb-Man had been bested in close combat by the Matrons, though it had taken two Matrons together to stop Luchador, and three to take down Spiderweb-Man. Some of the Penny Jezebels had tried to help Cyberdork's party, but each of these had suffered a non-fatal flesh wound in her left shoulder. Cyberdork with his flying ability, and Raisin with her telekinesis, were holding off the Matrons, but were unable to remove their defeated friends to safety.

Accordingly, Selenium Falcon, Sky Queen and Waterpark One all changed course, to descend near the High Sisterhood Lodge. And Giles Magg began visualizing himself moving with super-speed.

As soon as the ships landed, Giles charged into the midst of the nearest Hotblood Matrons. The next-fastest heroes disembarking, Stillneater and his mother Trala, were at least somewhat quicker than the Matrons; they followed in Giles' wake. Bunkem came too, but a Matron who simply was too fast for him knocked him out cold. Ulysses Bardette, Chip Thursday and Puke raced out on one flank, and opened fire at evil women's kneecaps with needle pistols. No shields, as it turned out, which meant that the needle rounds struck home; but it also meant that Matrons with pistols could shoot back. Ulysses and Puke were wounded, but Chip, who had his police-issued weapon in addition to the bullet-gun Stillneater had given him, was a better gunfighter.

And he went by state police rules of engagement for when someone tried to kill him. Two shots per hostile target, center mass, shooting only when friendlies were clear of his line of fire.

Those Matrons were in The Bad Place before they had time to be outraged at a man being able to best them in any way. Those overpowered by Cyberdork, Giles or Stillneater felt the same outrage as living narcissists. Those overcome by Trala had at least the consolation of losing to a female adversary. Less than ten minutes after the ships had landed, all surviving Hotblood Matrons were prisoners. Chip reflexively began to tell them their rights, then laughed at himself.

The very moment they could safely do so, the former Snarkonnen slave women emerged from Sky Queen and began rendering aid to everyone wounded on their side.
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All of the surviving Hotblood Matrons, including those brought down from orbit with their ships, proved immune to any form of mind control; and none of the good guys on the scene was a true mind-reader. But with all of them shackled, and all subject to being gagged if they attempted to use their own version of The Chatter, Cyberdork devised a work-around.

Brainwave readers were connected to all of the captives' brains. Simply seeing brainwaves did not reveal exactly what the women were thinking, but this was just a preliminary. Duskwing and Chip were both experienced at interrogating criminals, and Eerilake had similar skill; they and the Ashtrayides women, with Yolesha and some of the other Penny Jezebels, prepared a list of questions. The brainwave reactions of the Matrons to each question, along with the brainwaves displayed when they answered, would all be recorded and correlated. Over time, the side-of-good characters would form a cyber- dictionary of Hotblood Matron thinking.

Bot Index, meanwhile, kept herself linked with the onboard computers of the captured enemy ships. In this way, she would know if other Hotblood forces called the ships, in which case Bot would try to fake satisfactory replies.

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A contribution by Princess Eerilake led to a breakthrough. Since the Hotblood Matrons clearly didn't have any Naughtygators, it occurred to Eerilake that a reference to the ancient Starhatch technology might evoke an interesting reaction from the Matrons' brains. This added gambit did seem to affirm that the Matrons had at least heard of that super-duper-alien science. It could not be ascertained, however, whether any Matrons had ever SEEN a Starhatch.

Jazzica suggested that the local Penny Jezebels begin scouring their planet, seeking any indication that there was a Starhatch on Gumwad which they had never before suspected.
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>>>>> On Jersey Earth, Sawyer Boyd had by now accumulated forty-two male followers, who all had magical gems plugging their ears. It was uncertain whether these gems could be removed, because none of the boys (all were age nineteen or younger) WANTED to remove them. These new "auxiliaries" to the Heart Sapphires remained unable to hear any sound at all, except each other's words, or words which said what the boys wanted to hear. (Within those conditions, they could understand any language, and make themselves understood in return.) Anyone who wanted to tell them anything otherwise, had to WRITE something and hope the boys would look.

They had agreed on a collective name for themselves: the Cosmic Fact Checkers. They had also agreed among themselves that the world owed them a living. They shared the Sapphire Sisters' abilities to fly in space, to create food and drink for themselves, and to shield themselves from harsh weather; they even had taken it a step farther, and were now able to create new clothing for themselves. But they didn't want to HAVE TO exert even this much effort. As they roamed the globe, wherever they found communities recovering, they would visit any functioning store-- and would demand that the owners GIVE them free stuff. They didn't commit or threaten to commit any violence, not even so much as a smash-and-grab raid; but they fussed and cried, and called store owners (even street vendors) evil, greedy corporate capitalists.

They were afraid to face any Green Flashlights; but at last they were caught, sort of. Gramsuli, the turtle-shaped Green Flashlight, dropped in on them in Manila, Philippine Republic. Ten of them, including Sawyer, were sleeping in five dusty rooms of a Manila hotel which had not yet managed to re-open.

Having recently seen a picture of the Fact Checkers' ringleader, Gramsuli soon located him. Despite her ponderous weight (think of a miniature version of the benevolent monster Gamera in Japanese movies), she didn't awaken Sawyer or his roommate when she entered the room. Some plotline-convenient bit of intuition prompted her first to listen to what the would-be lizard might say in his sleep. After a full minute of mumbling about "fair distribution" and "safe spaces," the delusional teenager whispered:

"Yes, my lord Slightray, I see Highfyver's wisdom. It is a brilliant idea that some of us should migrate to that other Earth which you mentioned, so as to proclaim the message of economic equity. But I myself would rather not leave my family behind; they might yet open up to the doctrine of infinite feelings. May I be allowed to suggest that you call for volunteers?.....Thank you, Lord Slightray. My available brothers and I will discuss it in the morning."

Gramsuli waited almost fifteen minutes, in case there might be more of this apparent psychic dialogue between Manila and the planet New Laziness. Finally, she put forth a semi-prehensile forefoot, and gently shook Sawyer awake.

Nonetheless, the soprano-coloratura shriek which resulted was loud enough to wake up not only Sawyer's roommate, but three other boys who came in to investigate. When the four followers caught sight of the scaly alien standing over their leader, they all instantly generated protective energy bubbles around themselves, even though they all knew that no Green Flashlight would ever commit murder. Doing as much of a resigned shrug as her carapace permitted, Gramsuli turned back toward Sawyer.

"Mister Boyd, are you aware of having talked in your sleep?" Then she remembered that he couldn't hear her. So she created visible words floating in the air. Understanding these words, and being able to speak TO others, the boy replied:

"Of course I know that, you hateful bigot. I have communed with the immortal one who raised up the Heart Sapphires in the first place. Speaking through one of his wisdom-bearers, King Highfyver is urging me to build upon the achievements of the Sisterhood, and help to expand the rule of tolerance, equality and compassion."
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More floating letters in the air: "All right, Sawyer, can you say how your pursuit of compassion will be any different from what the Heart Sapphires were already doing?"

"Not different in spirit," said the teenager; "but improved in the execution. The Sisters were not wrong to halt the ugly machine of dirty industry; but they didn't spend enough time teaching Earthlings WHY the horrid industrial blight needed to be done away with."

Writing on air: "So the rally which you attended in Fort Harris, and other such meetings in other nations, were not enough?"

"Of course not. No school curriculum can be completed in a day or two. More must be done. That's why we Cosmic Fact Checkers are all male: the work of the Sapphire Sisters is by no means wrong, but it needs to be extended to the male sex."

Floating words: "And what is the interest of Highfyver in this new development?"

"Nothing really different from what has gone before, just making it more effective."

She decided not to mention that she had heard Sawyer say something about another Earth-variant. It was likely that Rohavra, who had led the second wave of Heart Sapphires in an effort to salvage the nonviolent conquest of Jersey Earth, but who was now ashamed of having allowed Grrrryll the nasty daughter of Twerpseid to be part of that operation, might now be persuaded to disclose any pertinent information she was holding back.

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Far away beyond the Red Streak Worrnhole, the newlyweds Parbellik and Luvardra Magta were furthering their acquaintance with the unfamiliar humans whose males had been tampered with by an unknown power. Gaflatori, the station supervisor who had welcomed the couple to stay awhile, and was answering questions for them.

The substance of Gaflatori's account was as follows:

About 170 years ago, people on this region's nearest counterpart of Earth (but with different continents) had invented a rudimentary faster-than-light propulsion system. Colony ships had taken a year and a half to reach an uninhabited but inhabitable planet, starting a viable colony. This colony had later been visited by the region's nearest counterparts of Star Trek's Vulcans, though the Ziblamots were hairless, had an extra joint in their arms, had a ten percent shorter average lifespan than humans, and lacked any telepathic ability.

The Ziblamot starships of that time were twice as fast as human ships; but once the two races had established a firm friendship, human engineers had soon devised improvements to their new friends' ship designs (in areas other than speed). The Ziblamots in return had shared valuable medical procedures with the humans: procedures that had lengthened this race's life expectancy which had formerly been even shorter. Just over a decade after first contact, humans and Ziblamots had formalized a federation, which later invited several other species to join. Humans turning out to be more productive of children than any of the associated races, human votes had become the strongest bloc in their equivalent of the United Nations General Assembly.

Decades after the Cosmic Federation had taken shape, a human officer named Archisko Picurk had distinguished himself in many adventures as a starship captain: defeating hostile aliens when this became necessary, but often succeeding at making peace with other societies.

Within Gaflatori's lifetime, the Cosmic Federation's government had grown much more authoritarian; but because all races had still been included in its apparatus, no one had thought of it as a dictatorship. There were disturbing rumors of dissenters being made to disappear, but few people had taken them seriously until the Lodge Flake scandal.

Lodge Flake, a human born on the human home planet, had been a shipbuilding foreman on Krellos Four (the above-mentioned first human colony world), but one day had gone to the news media with an accusation that the regime was installing camouflaged surveillance devices on every new ship, to record words and actions of astronauts without them knowing it. When establishment reporters tried to deflect his charges by parroting the slogan "Honest people have nothing to hide," Mister Flake had come right back with: "In that case, why is the REGIME hiding the existence of their spy cameras?" This had soon resulted in Mister Flake being "invited" to enter a mental-health institution, so he could be "cured" of his inclination to "hate speech."

Gaflatori admitted to uncertainty about the rest of Lodge Flake's history. At some point after his mental-ward admission, he had gotten loose, collected six other humans also out of favor with the Cosmic Federation, hijacked a starship, and --allegedly-- become a pirate.

Here, Moon Goddess (i.e. a patrol-ship captain) Peevratu added: "It got so every crime in or near Federation space was blamed on Flake's Seven-- though I consider this name bad math or bad grammar, since there were only seven of them if one counted Flake himself."

Gaflatori resumed: "It was even worse astrography. More than once, atrocities committed at the same time, twenty or more light-years apart, would BOTH be blamed on Flake's Seven or Flake-Plus-Six, whatever."

"Was all this before the curse of stupidity struck your men?" asked Luvardra.

"It began before that calamity, but continued afterwards. It appears that Flake, and the males in his crew, enjoyed immunity to the phenomenon. Which, of course, prompted Coordinator Scurvylaff to blame the pirates for causing it."

"Who's Scurvylaff?" asked Parbellik.

"She's the chief executive of the Cosmic Federation. And no, SHE didn't use the phenomenon to seize power; she already was Coordinator before the business with Flake began."

Peevratu now put in a word again: "And Flake's ship has not been seen for six Krellos Four months. He might have been killed, or might have traveled beyond our known space."
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Unlike the Republic of Lots of Worlds and the Empire of Evil Badness, this galaxy's Cosmic Federation had not refined subspace-radio technology enough to enable real-time conversations between star systems. Their starships were swift enough to keep their member worlds in touch with each other; but Gaflatori could not simply tell the capital who had come visiting. She invited the Magtas to ride with her on a ship to that capital world, called Fussyfrit.

Luvardra counter-offered: "If you feel you can put faith in us, get into a small space-boat for environment. Blick and I can survive in vacuum. we'll take your boat in tow, and all of us can reach Fussyfrit in less than half a day. You'll serve as our introduction to the Coordinator."

Gaflatori nodded. "Your getting HERE, from wherever you originated, proves your ability. Just let me bring one more official with us, one who is well respected in the capital. He is what counts as a male in his race, but completely non-humanoid, not affected by the dumbing-down phenomenon. He's from a member world called Shmeehob, and his name is Wibgug-Bifyok."

Wibgug-Bifyok proved to be a wobbly gelatinous mass who walked around on four pseudopods, and could extrude two additional appendages to handle objects. Upon being introduced, he formed a mouth and told Parbellik and Luvardra:

"My people are NOT that silly notion from fantasy, a purely liquid life-form that's nearly unkillable because of its liquid state. Only our outer protoplasm is fluid; inside that, we have a localized brain and some specialized organs. Cutting or penetrating our outer protoplasm has little effect on us, but we most assuredly CAN be killed by damage to our vital parts. And if you're wondering, no, I have no more idea than you have as to what could have stupidized upright-biped males hereabouts."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Peevratu was left in charge of the base, and the Magtas undertook to transport the two officials to Fussyfrit. This, after Parbellik and Luvardra had slept well. If they experienced fatigue enroute, they could take turns maintaining their life support.)

After they covered most of the distance, Parbellik tied into the small spacecraft's radio, to ask Wibgug-Bifyok, "Have any people of your species ever crossed paths with Flake's Seven?"

"Once that I know of. One and a half of our years ago, four of my kind were shipwrecked on a frozen dwarf planet. Flake's Seven picked up their distress call, and rescued them. Don't ask for more details. I will deny having told you anything."

"Were you among the Shmeehobbers rescued?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I never mentioned any rescue, or any dwarf planet."

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Back in the STATE of New Jersey on JERSEY Earth, Lately-inducted Sapphire Sister Bess Dickey, and her speed-gifted friend Sharon Rockwell, were meeting with two experienced Sapphire Sisters: the long-necked Joza-Varu-Paf and the orange-skinned Sitskorba. Listening in was a female Green Flashlight: the insectoid who has been referred to as Series-of-Gestures.

"I have spoken with Wispy Mythical," Joza-Varu-Paf reported, "and he suspects that some object of power is hidden somewhere in this province called New Jersey. It could be the reason why Highfyver wanted particularly to gain influence over THIS Earth-variant out of all Earth-variants.

With her Flashlight artifact enabling her meaning to be understood by the vertebrates, Series-of-Gestures remarked, "Without disregarding Wispy Mythical's conjecture, sometimes the simplest explanation is true. DEFINITELY not intending any disrespect to any humans on this planet, this Earth having till now possessed no locally-based superheroes except one member of our Corps may have made it an easy target in Highfyver's view. Since he truly would not conquer innocent populations by violence, his conscience would give him permission to take worlds over by INFLUENCE, if no one there can stop him."

"Maybe both are true at once," Sharon ventured. "Maybe there is an ancient super-device or magic wand hidden on this Earth, but Highfyver wouldn't dare to come after it if he would meet resistance which would make him look like the bad guy to other immortals."

Bess took the train of thought a step further: "Maybe there's more than one of whatever it is: a sort of Infinity Mitten scenario. Highfyver would want to start by digging up the whatever's that were easiest to obtain, before anyone else knew what he was doing."

Sitskorba sighed. "If there's anything to this, we should NOT ask Barndora and Wispy to involve themselves further, for their sake. It's already known that we Sapphires are questioning the rightness of what we've been doing to humanoid worlds; I don't want Barndora and Wispy to be sunk still deeper into a crisis of loyalties."

"I have to agree," said Bess. "But my Trace owes no allegiance to New Laziness. He both deserves and needs to know anything I may learn about super-unbeatable galactic whatsits that might be hidden in our own state."

As part of trying to restore civilized order to New Jersey, Detective Captain Trace Dickey had just lately been appointed as Commandant of the New Jersey State Police. As of the day of his appointment, there had only been fifteen officers of that force, with barely a dozen bullets per officer, still trying to keep law enforcement going. Half an hour after Trace had been sworn into his new post, he had issued a promise of no penalty for absent officers who returned to duty, nor for officers who gave legitimate reasons for being away. (It was known by now that Trace had acquired psychic powers, which would improve his already-strong ability to tell if someone lied.) Before that day was ended, additional officers had begun returning to their stations.

This aspect of social recovery was going well, but Trace dared not cease his efforts to make it succeed. His wife and children understood this, and only loved him still more for his devotion to duty.
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Some of Sawyer Boyd's followers had wavered in their commitment to narcissism, in the face of Gramsuli's reasonableness. But eight of the newly-minted Cosmic Fact Checkers held fast with Sawyer. Jersey Earth had had a J.R.R. Tolkien, so the nine persisting self-styled heroes began flattering themselves that they were like the Fellowship of the Ring.

As they flew fast, wanting to get far away from the turtle-shaped Green Flashlight and from the boys who had heeded her warnings, the "Fellowship of the Earplugs" beheld a vision of-- appropriately?-- a wizard-like robed man. Given their anti-reality filtering mechanism, the fact that they could HEAR this man speaking was comforting to them.

"Young men of insight and courage! Young men from a backward world which is not worthy of you! My name is Drigum Namdre, and I have seen your daring defiance to the forces of hate. I dwell in a world enough like yours, that you can be comfortable there. It even has the same geography. There are a few brave souls in my world who are shaking off the chains of syllogistic linear logic--"

The youngest of Sawyer's present companions, twelve-year-old Matt Bellcreek, squeaked, "What's linen logic?"

Drigum did not let anyone see his contempt for the clueless boy. "Excuse me, I meant to say, they're shaking off the chains of intolerance and hate. But there are super-powered persons on my version of Earth, who are on the side of oppression and inequality. So the side of inclusion and self-love needs all the metahuman help it can get. I myself cannot transport you to my world unless you assist me from your end."

"How do we do that?" asked Sawyer.

"Since all of you have such highly-evolved minds, the superior emotional force inside you can do the job. Each of you must focus on FEELING that you would like to live in a world where your wisdom is appreciated. Keep on FEELING how good it would be to advance your self-realization without obstacles in your path."

All nine boys filled their feeble minds with what seemed to be the feeling their new friend had called for. Each of them could see the gems plugging the other boys' ears shining more brightly than ever before....

And suddenly, they found themselves being teleported or something like that. A moment later, all of them were sitting in comfortable chairs, in a place that seemed like the common room of a college dormitory. Drigum Namdre was there, and with him were a late-middle -aged white man and woman, whom Drigum introduced as Shelley and Lance Heflin. After a few phrases of explanation from Drigum, Shelley took over describing Mediumgard Earth-- while never allowing her husband to utter a single word.
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ON PLANET ANOXIA, this author's parody of Etherea in She-Ra stories, the inhuman dictator Crowdhack was moping in one of his major strongholds, drinking his equivalent of coffee (which would have killed any human being). Near him (drinking something less toxic) was the shape-changer Katlittura, likewise moping.

"How could Interrupta, one of my best scientists, have joined the side of good by her own free choice?"

"And how could my friend Tunafishla have joined the side of good by HER own free choice?"

Crowdhack shrugged. "Well, we do pretend to be in favor of allowing free choices."

Katlittura changed into her panther-like shape, as a sort of conversational emphasis. "But all the free choices are supposed to be in favor of evil! It isn't FAIR for anyone to choose in the other direction!"

He scratched her furry jaw. "Keep talking that way; inconsistency and hypocrisy remain our stock in trade. But back to business. Have any more of our fellow evildoers been retrieved from Alwaysurnia?"

Resuming her human shape, Katlittura produced a data device from somewhere. "Our Naughtygator friends have extracted the scientist couple Specularkus and Negafemina, with a dozen surviving robot soldiers. They're pretty sure that this is the last for our side on that planet, and we already finished retrieval of Skamartistor's people on Planet Gagspoon."

He rumbled thoughtfully. "While the forces of good were getting ready to reinstate the King of Alwaysurnia, they supported She-Wow's raids here on Anoxia, to keep us uncertain of their plans. We need to start making THEM uncertain, because we need time to increase our own strength at home."

An unexpected third voice joined the conversation. Neither Crowdhack nor Katlittura could see the speaker, but they recognized the voice of Equivvalentor, the Neutral Dragon of Reasonableness.

"Cheer up, Crowdhack. The cosmic balance has tipped enough to the advantage of goodness, that I'm prepared to render a modest bit of assistance to you. I propose to teleport a new villain to Alwaysurnia: someone who will worry the heroes there sufficiently, that they'll feel a need to take action against him, before they move against you."

"ONE villain?" The ruler of The Mob didn't sound enthusiastic. "Is he immensely powerful?"

"His power lies in his cunning; he's one of the smartest evildoers you could hope to recruit. I'll implant in his brain a thorough knowledge of Alwaysurnia, languages included, so he can find his way around. And I'll confer a modest amount of supernatural ability on him, like perhaps invisibility, so he'll be very difficult for Mighty Male to catch."

"Is he anyone we ever heard of?" asked Katlittura.

"No. He was born on an Earth-variant you never heard of, where he was a master criminal. His actual name is Rocco Nipper, but his criminal persona back there was a sort of murderous clown, calling himself the Joketeller. He's been exposed to GOOD influences recently, but the demon Kennedweeba appears to have restored him to his former villainy. It was she who let me know he was available."
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On Alwaysurnia, Prince Andy alias Mighty Male was enjoying his honeymoon with Lady Teerifica. Another honeymoon in progress was that of war veteran Dolph Bluntgrin and the benevolent werebeast Subsoila. Meanwhile, at Castle Greyhair, the converted villainess Interrupta, usually accompanied by her new best friend Winkyblue, strove to convert the tall female Face Twister who had impersonated Lady Teerifica. They were intermittently joined in this by the non-fishtailed mer-lady Tunafishla and her male cousin Tunakassrol.

Sorcery Lass had given the prisoner a new name: "Exculpa," derived from a word meaning atonement. Imposing a change of name on the native of Greedy Crime helped the super-beautiful magic-user to place two binding spells on her. Firstly, Exculpa would never again be able to assume the likeness of Teerifica. Secondly-- and this one might eventually be removed, if the prisoner demonstrated moral reform-- the prisoner would be subject to the "Clockwork Orange" effect. That is, if Exculpa ever felt a serious desire to do violence to anyone, she would immediately suffer violent nausea.

When Mighty Male's friend Storko asked why Exculpa's disguise power was not being entirely taken away, Sorcery Lass explained, "Tunafishla and Interrupta served Crowdhack for many years, yet they are now genuinely converted from evil. Tunafishla, because she learned how her former master had deceived her concerning her missing cousin; Interrupta, thanks to the tenderness and love shown to her by Winkyblue. I am hopeful that, now Exculpa is not a threat to anyone, she will soon also be brought over to the side of good. In that case, it will benefit our world if she retains her Face Twister abilities."

Not long after this conversation, Castle Greyhair was visited by someone as gorgeous as the rejuvenated Sorcery Lass, which is really saying something: Swimmer Pluto, the wisest of all the Spacer Swimmers. Swimmer Pluto had news to report to the King and Queen.

"I've just been on Anoxia, where I scouted the whole planet and provided She-Wow and Bowstring with updates on the positions and readiness condition of The Mob. As soon as I completed this errand, the dragon Equivvalentor summoned me to his island of Paxifica. All of that planet is his place of power, but especially that island. I might be able to defeat Equivvalentor in a fight on any other planet, but all the Spacer Swimmers together could not beat him on his own planet.

"He told me that he didn't really LIKE Crowdhack, but that he wanted the regional conflict to be fair. He said that he had no objection to us transporting people to and from Anoxia, healing sick or injured persons, or scouting the planet to gather information. But he will not permit us to do any more actual fighting on Anoxia. This applies also to people who came this way with us, like Tuxedo Dash and Black Giraffe."

"It sounds like a time NOT to be defiant," sighed the Queen. The King added, "But he isn't trying to tell you not to be active on Alwaysurnia; so if you and your group are willing to stay here longer, this will free much of our own military strength to assist our daughter over on Anoxia."

"We Swimmers may have other missions, but I'm confident that at least one of us can always be on Alwaysurnia. And Masked Biker positively loves this planet, even though level roads for his motorcycle are few. Liquid Snake also likes it here."
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Near the south-polar zone of Anoxia, there was a ruined fortress called Castle Klipnayle. It had been stormed by Crowdhack when he first invaded She-Wow's home planet. Thousands of warriors on both sides had suffered flesh wounds in their left shoulders, and in the end the castle had been so shattered that no one had use for it. Now, however, She-Wow and her followers had obtained an unusual new resource which would change all that.

By now, every major leader of the good guys on Alwaysurnia or Anoxia was aware of the existence of the wizard Hector von Bootblack, who had safeguarded the parents of Andy and Advila. but until now, they had not known that Hector had access to a sub-reality derived from Jim Henson's Muppet productions.

Undetected by Mob surveillance apparatus, Hector appeared at a hidden camp of She-Wow's partisans, bringing with him sixty very small dwarfs or gnomes, who called themselves Troozers. They weren't fighters, but were astonishingly strong for their size-- and they loved nothing so much as planning and performing construction work. They didn't need to be told what was desired. Within four days, the Troozers marvelously not only rebuilt and improved the castle, but somehow left it LOOKING as if it were still in disrepair. The renovation included new access tunnels and underground storage spaces.

Equivvalentor communicated with Hector von Bootblack about this. "Would you be interested in hiring out the Troozers to remodel my cavern under my island?"

Hector's answer was: "Ask She-Wow. The Troozers are her employees now."
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>>>>> On Planet Freesoil, my version of Dark Helmet from "Spaceballs" continued living in accordance with his conversion to goodness, alongside characters based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Barsoom" novels (and alongside his new wife, also a former evildoer). Slick Mudpackis, formerly Dark Headgear, told his comrades how he first became fascinated with The Fuss as a way of compensating for his physical smallness.


>>>>> On Jersey Earth, She-Hunk and other heroes from Earth-Whichever continued assisting Green Flashlight John Stewmeat in his efforts to restore order. Increasing numbers of Heart Sapphires, chastened by the disastrous results of their interference with Jersey Earth, began helping to repair the damage they had unwittingly done.... AND even began to doubt King Highfyver's wisdom in sending them here. But the delusional teenager Sawyer Boyd ended up out-Sapphiring the Sapphires, and to everyone's astonishment changed into the first-ever MALE version of a Sapphire Sister. Sawyer and like-minded friends were teleported (with their consent) to Mediumgard Earth, by the evil mystic Drigum Namdre: the same villain who had mesmerized an American missionary couple into preaching Marxism instead of Christianity.


>>>>> The Justified League on Urth, also enjoying support from Earth-Whichever's heroes, captured most of the villains in the Super-Gang of Naughty Persons. Telepath Charles Crazier, meanwhile, gained confirmation that Superdude and Superhottie had been imprisoned on Planet Senphatori after suffering a surprise attack by my version of Black Adam. Several heroes from Seedubb Earth, including Batfellow, were also teleported to Urth to help liberate Senphatori. Preston "Truthside" Vincent, the man whose good-aligned undead wife Erica had given him the combined powers of my versions of Darkseid and Steppenwolf, spearheaded the strike which liberated the Tonkrypian cousins. My version of Lois Lane, carrying her super-husband's son, found her unborn baby sharing his strength with her to ensure that she would not suffer harm in childbirth.


>>>>> On the planet they had helped to take away from Grand Admiral Skrawn, Moose and Melodica Windchime assembled a crew consisting largely of rescued slaves, to operate a captured ship in covert missions against the Empire of Evil Badness. One mission, in the Behemoth star system, involved Moose broadcasting his blues music to give people hope of eventual freedom.


>>>>>Returning to the sub-reality based on "Starship Troopers." the Unified Services of the Human Federation were enjoying support from Truthside's scientific advisors (who previously served Twerpseid), as well as from Dune-inspired characters AND my versions of Marvel Comics Asgardians. Thus helped, they struck the Creepycrawlids so hard that the ruling smart-bugs might actually be close to surrendering.


>>>>> On Hallpasscard, King Garryowen and Queen Sprigga, the parents of Thunder-Master Thorpe were made aware of an Asgard-equivalent existing in a galaxy not previously mentioned in my story. That other Asgard-equivalent, called Flashgard, was destroyed by evil forces, but some of its people were saved by my version of Beta Ray Bill. (He comes from yet another Asgard-equivalent, called Jumpstard.) A good-hearted Flashgardian version of Loki, named Lowerkey, was held captive in the notorious Hopecrusher Central, but was finally freed and brought to Hallpasscard.


>>>>>On Kummanokkin, the planet where Mopey-One Kanoli found true love with Massage Breathless (and she asked him to change his first name to "Only-One"), the soldier Vin Gasleen was working to guard caravans, when he became entangled with rival factions trying to claim "The Dimsaber." Prominent in this mixup was an Imperial officer named Shrinkdin, whose daughter was a novice Fuss user.


>>>>> Luvardra, a Heart Sapphire who had never set foot on Jersey Earth, is now married to the human Green Flashlight Parbellik, who was involved in teaching science to the natives of Planet Jinobrid. This project being in good shape now, the Janitors of the Universe instructed Parbellik to go deeper into this galaxy (the same galaxy where my version of "New Genesis" exists) and investigate a galactic region controlled by something like Star Trek's Federation of Planets. Parbellik and Luvardra succeeded in making a friendly first contact, but learned that all was not well in this Federation. Think of "Blake's Seven."


>>>>> Readers of the "extra" Dune books know about the evil "Honored Maitres." Lady Jazzica Ashtrayides, with other Dune-based characters AND comicbook characters, visited a planet named Gumwad, colonized under the leadership of Penny Jezebels-- only to learn that it had been conquered by the Hotblood Matrons. But the good guys liberated Gumwad. Especially important in this victory were my versions of Cyborg from DC comics, and of Dot Matrix from "Spaceballs."


>>>>> On Planet Punksteema, the many and various heroes are still scattered all over the place, with multiple missions. But at least one joining-up has occurred. Cavalry troops from Bamulica, who became friendly with Ronald of Goliad early on in my story, arrived in the kingdom of Mifdola where detective Zoralee Jeralo currently is. Meanwhile, the evil immortal Jaheg-Jorod, instigator of the zombie plague in Tablanor, decided that his mortal henchman Armando Casador...... was expendable.

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