Spam Board II

scary. i found a letter in my bed yesterday night written in terrible english by a french porcupine. i was kinda scared to find the porcupine as well, but it is still safely nailed to our front door.

beat that! :D
oh yea, i found a very well written letter with no words misspelled saved on my computer written i was so shocked that I spell checked it again.
*raises eyebrow*

Not that I blame you, but... just out of curiosity, how much cheese did I have by the time the lesson ended?

Don't tell my dad I ever said this, but I actually quite enjoy the lessons. :)

And since I was also busy translating the first five lines of the Iliad, I only got up to four pieces of very nicely drawn pieces of swiss cheese. (I also drew other random thingies all over my book...)

EDIT: a few random drawings...

and a rather nicer one of MF. (you were by far the easiets to doodle)
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