Spam Board II

No, 99% of Lieke is coffee. Therefore 13% Liekeness would be 99% of 13% coffee, which comes out to 12.87 percent squared. I'm not sure how you square a percent sign (you can't really make it look like a square, after all), but that's what the math says.
I meant that, Olorinsesss :rolleyes: I just have enough of a [substitute]life[/substitute] to not actually do the maths :p

Allright, and 1% Chocolate chip cookies (makes us come to the dark side). Then it has 101%, which is very dufferish, i guess:confused:
Yeah, woooooww :eek: We could make an infinite 42: 4242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242 times 42424242,4242424242 to the 4242424242,42424242 power

(okay, this is getting ridiculous :rolleyes: )
Math says: Anything times infinity is still infinity.
Math = evil
Anything times infinity = evil
This is not logic
Logic = evil
This is not evil
No, i said my reasoning was not evil, and i'm so evil for being able to deceive you into thinking i can only make evil reasonings, mhuahahaha
Ah, yes, true. But that's what you would expect, and because i don't do that i'm even more evil. I'm the unexpected evil, hehehe :D Beat that RF!
It so is. It's just my evilness that makes you disagree with me. Don't you remember, i controll your [substitute]brain[/substitute]? And no matter what your reply will be, it will be me deciding that:D
Rofl :D

Ah, true. It does undermine my authority, but that makes everyone believe that i do not in fact controll all of you, which makes me the laughing unknown controller. Mhuahahaha:D