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  • Episode IV: A New Hope

  • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  • Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  • Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Clone Wars Animated

  • Episode VII: The Force Awakens

  • Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

  • Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

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Die or leave, whatever happens to her will have to be bad enough to impact Anakin on a pretty deep level. Even though they're basically taking Clone Wars out of canon in a lot of ways (for the sake of argument: canon of the films), I really think something will happen to Ahsoka that will cause Anakin to become slightly dark. Of course, I thought Anakin was going to flip when Obi-Wan "died" and went undercover (which, I thought was a good move by Filoni and his team).
Interesting...and kind of surprising. however, I'll wait until after the movie comes out and there is a definitive yay or nay to whether or not the deleted scenes are incorporated...I dunno if I want to pay $10 to sit through even more Whinakin. :rolleyes:

What about if they use the "lost twenty/Dooku's past" scene?
But no guarantee those will be incorporated. In fact, I believe the article only mentioned the ones included on the dvd. If Lucas DID incorporate ones that were completely cut, not included on the bonus features, then I might consider going. Maybe.

Cool! Of course, I'm always game for more Obi-Wan in the movies...and I've always thought there was some missing dialogue in the scene that ended up in the film itself. There was a lot more, at least from the scripts I've seen, to do with Obi-Wan on Geonosis, and I really really wish they had kept those scenes. Of course I also wished they had kept the Obi-Wan/Padme/Anakin triangle but they didn't. :rolleyes:
There was a lot more, at least from the scripts I've seen, to do with Obi-Wan on Geonosis, and I really really wish they had kept those scenes.

Totally agreed. I would love to see some of those scenes back in the movie. The Kenobi detective adventure, was definitley a highlight for me.

Of course I also wished they had kept the Obi-Wan/Padme/Anakin triangle but they didn't. :rolleyes:

From Revenge of the Sith? Yeah, that would be nice to see, along with the rebel suplot and the Qui-Gon scene.
Yeah...though I don't know how far ahead Lucas was thinking. I do think it would have made Obi-Wan a much more human character. He came off as being a "perfect" Jedi when he wasn't, at least in the books.
Actually the love triangle was something that was originally placed in episode 1, and something that was to continue, but Lucas discarded it.

Oh yeah, but the original triangle was much more involved and an actual love triangle. I meant the "Revenge of the Sith" version, which was more Palpatine stirring up decent and jelousy in young Anakin. But yeah, your right.

Interesting...though I'm really surprised to hear that from Ewan. I read somewhere, a long time ago, that Ewan became a little disgusted with the scripts Lucas wrote (Liam Neeson did too, as I recall). If they did a live action series (I don't think they will, but who knows?), they could very well work Obi-Wan into the story. I mean, they could go back and forth from Coruscant to Tattoine and tell the story of the young Luke. Obi-Wan was involved in Luke's life long before A New Hope, so Obi-Wan's inclusion would not be that much of a jump...