Sir Godfrey
Pelegrin Crucis
To my great delight I have learned the Jedi are not primarily based on Shaolin Monks! The Jedi are more closely based on The Christian Military Orders in the Holy Land during the Crusades. The Jedi clearly act like a military order, which were monastic and yet fought defensively in battle. Military orders like The Knights Templar had a council and a Grand Master. The Jedi have masters and council. Even the title knight is in the Jedi Order. Obi Wan Kenobi says in Episode IV: "Your uncle feared I would lead you on some idealistic crusade." This could have been a subtle hint from George Lucas. The robes and garments of the Jedi better match the Samurai without their thick mounted armor and monks from The Middle Ages.
All of this information comes from Star Wars in History. When I have the revenue, I intend to buy a copy.
All of this information comes from Star Wars in History. When I have the revenue, I intend to buy a copy.