Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

Which is your favorite?

  • Episode IV: A New Hope

  • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  • Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  • Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Clone Wars Animated

  • Episode VII: The Force Awakens

  • Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

  • Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

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Rogue One-Personally, I loved it more than TFA. As good as TFA was, it felt too much like a rehash of ANH and ESB. This one had a storyline I've wanted to see since AoTC came out. I felt the space battle was much tighter, Vader was awesome, and over all, it felt more connected to the other films, and even the TV shows. It also added huge layers to the series as a whole. More importantly I cared about the characters. SO much so that by the end, I was shocked. I was like "NO! You can't do that! I like those characters!"

Carrie Fisher... Heartbreaking. Even more so when her mom dies a day later. Back when I was a kid, my mom first showed me Singing in the Rains he got my attention by pointing out that Debbie Reynolds was Carrie Fisher's mom. It's a huge loss.

Some have compared her death to Heath Ledger after the Dark Knight, but well, the difference is Ledger was playing a Batman villain. Batman ahs a lot of bad guys you can easily feature with out mention of the Joker. General Leia however...she's the leader of the Resistance, the sister of Luke, the mother of Kylo Ren, and is supposed have a huge role in IX. If I were LucasFilm I would consider switching the release dates for IX and the third Star Wars Anthology film ( say either a Kenobi movie or maybe a movie about Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex and the Siege of Mandalore and their experience during Order 66), that way the cast and crew not only have more time to grieve but the writers can work out this major change to the story.

On a lighter note, this Christmas, my family got the memo to "Go Rogue" and gave me all Star Wars presents. Mom and dad got me three Star Wars Christmas T-shirts, Star Wars Christmas socks, and an action figure of Chirrut Imwe, my sister and her boyfriend got me the Rogue One Catalyst Novel and the Rogue One soundtrack and an action figure of Kaytoo, and my other sister, brother-in-law, and niece got me on of those nice collectors figure packs from the Disney Store for "Star Wars Rogue One."
We really need /something/ about the Siege of Mandalore already. They gave us about two pages of it in the "Ahsoka" novel (which I didn't enjoy very much) and nothing since then. Bleh.

The reason that Rogue One felt so connected to the cartoons, by the way, is that the screenwriter is also a writer for "Rebels".
On a lighter note, this Christmas, my family got the memo to "Go Rogue" and gave me all Star Wars presents. Mom and dad got me three Star Wars Christmas T-shirts, Star Wars Christmas socks, and an action figure of Chirrut Imwe, my sister and her boyfriend got me the Rogue One Catalyst Novel and the Rogue One soundtrack and an action figure of Kaytoo, and my other sister, brother-in-law, and niece got me on of those nice collectors figure packs from the Disney Store for "Star Wars Rogue One."

All these people getting cool nerdy gifts for christmas from their parents not so much. I think my mom is slowly (very slowly) embracing the fact that I'm nerdy about Star Wars and other things. But i ask for nerdy stuff all the time and don't really get it. Oh well. I did at least get the Ahsoka novel, which I could not put down after starting it. It probably helped that I'm an Ahsoka fan anyway, but I fell in love with it. I haven't seen Rebels yet, so it's a nice preface to the series (because I'm familiar with who Fulcrum is). I'm hoping to one day catch up on Rebels, but I almost don't want to until the series ends. I don't get Disney XD so I'd have to wait for each season to release on netflix and that takes a while.

Rogue One was also related to the cartoons because they put in some easter eggs from Rebels and I think Clone Wars as well. I feel like Rogue One really connected with the core fanbase in a way that TFA failed to. It resonated with me more than TFA did at least, and I cannot wait to add it to my dvd collection!
I've been watching Rebels on kisscartoon. Despite the name, it's a clean site with no viruses, and it's free to watch, too. They add the new episodes as they become available online. The first two seasons and eps 1-11 of season three are up right now.

Edit: Wow, that kinda sounds like an add. It's not. It's a recommendation.
I really like Rogue One. I nearly missed it - I've been out of the loop somewhat and didn't know what it was, and then last week I had a Star Wars discussion with someone who explained what it was and urged me to see it, and I managed to see (I think) the very last showing in my area. Glad I did! It restored my faith after the calamity of Episode VII.

Missed the crawl, but I understand why they wanted to make this film distinct from the main sequence. I was also surprised by the ending, but on reflection I guess they had to kill everyone off in order to explain why none of them appear in Episode IV, and also to explain the line "Many Bothans died to bring us this information".

Question: Is the stuff about the Order of the Wills (sp. Whills? I've seen both) connected with anything in the original six movies? I've read some things about it in EU stuff, but I couldn't remember if there is any 'canon' about it. I remember reading that Qui-Gon was connected with the Order of the Wills.

Also liked the stuff about the crystals that power both light-sabres and the death star, and how they explained why the first death star blew up so easily (though it doesn't explain the same for versions 2 and 3...)

Well, actually, the "Many Bothans died..." line was from VI, so they'll probably be saving Bothans for Rogue Two.

The Whills come from the first draft of the original Star Wars script, and eventually turned into the Jedi.

As for Death Star 2 and Starkiller Base? Well, Lando literally bombed the highly radioactive core directly on DS2, and Starkiller Base had a whole other weakness in that thermal oscillator. Which wasn't actually much of a weakness, considering they had to blow it open from the inside to allow Poe to fly in and bomb it.

I will defend VII to my final breath.

Also, the title for SWVIII has been released. "The Last Jedi"
Well, actually, the "Many Bothans died..." line was from VI, so they'll probably be saving Bothans for Rogue Two.
Oh, you're right. Ok, I'm less taken with the plotline now. Is that a joke about Rogue 2 or are they actually making one?

The Whills come from the first draft of the original Star Wars script, and eventually turned into the Jedi.
You mean Whills = Jedi, but Lucas decided that Jedi was a cooler name? In that case, what is the relation between the Whill and the Jedi in the 'real' version (as opposed to the draft)?

As for Death Star 2 and Starkiller Base? Well, Lando literally bombed the highly radioactive core directly on DS2, and Starkiller Base had a whole other weakness in that thermal oscillator. Which wasn't actually much of a weakness, considering they had to blow it open from the inside to allow Poe to fly in and bomb it.
Yeah, yeah. I still maintain that building not one but three massive weapons that can be caused to explode in a single action is a major design flaw.

I will defend VII to my final breath.
Really? I find you abundance of faith disturbing....

Also, the title for SWVIII has been released. "The Last Jedi"
Hmm... So what's going to be left for Episode IX?
Rogue Two was a joke. As far as I know, there is no Rogue Two planned.

So, in canon, especially if, like me, you read the books and comics, you can see that there is now a Galaxy-wide religion called the Church of the Force. It's mostly lay people, but there are two religious orders-- the Jedi, who are Force-sensitive, and the Whills, who are not, or whose sensitivity is too low to become a Jedi, like Chirrut.

Personally, I believe that the Church of the Force started on Jedha, since someone from Jedha could potentially be called Jedhai.

As for the planet killers blowing up, DS1 was designed with that flaw on purpose by Galen Erso, DS2 probably kept that flaw, since the Empire was presumably using the same blueprint, just on a larger scale, but it was destroyed differently, and Starkiller Base required people to actually be inside the planet to help blow it.

Besides, the base probably wouldn't have been totally destroyed if it hadn't just finished fueling. It did have an entire compressed star inside of it when they blew the oscillator. Anyway, if the bad guys actually thought through their plans and provided for every contingency, there wouldn't be much of a story, would there?

I think that IX is going to be called "From His Nap".

The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
From His Nap
I'm pretty sure the Marvel movies/superhero films thrive on the "bad guys don't really think that through" angle.

And for the sake of argument: you can find plot holes in anything if you're looking for them. ;)

I still haven't seen Rogue One again; haven't had any time or energy! And I am curious about IX's subtitle. "The Last Jedi" sounds
My appreciation for these films seems to change over time. I was fine with The Force Awakens as a nostalgic but complementary reboot. Yet it felt dark, and lacked much of the hope, heart, grit and splendor Rogue One brought us. Did I read The Last Jedi would be an ominous film? I'm trying to stay away from rumors, including the description of the first trailer that's out there somewhere expected to be released in April. Seven months prior is about on par with the release of first trailers for the prequel films. The title of Episode 8 is found explicitly within the crawl of Episode 7 ("...and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, is destroyed...") yet only 40% of those polled think that Rey is akin to Luke.
Well, so far, they've said that The Last Jedi will be "weird", and they have also said that neither of Rey's parents appeared in The Force Awakens, so that rules out Luke. That's pretty much all the info we have now.
(In regards to the whole "weird" aspect, we've been told that certain sexual orientation elements will appear in the Wars universe, in future films. We can presume that means that Last Jedi will have one or some of these elements. :rolleyes: )

That being said, I've avoided reading or hearing any spoilers related to the film. Not necessarily on purpose either, but I supposed I'm okay with that at least until I see the trailer(s). I'm still holding out hope that Rey's lineage will not be what the majority of fans think (I.e. Skywalker or Solo; and since we've been told that her parents won't appear in this film, that gives me a slim measure of excitement that her lineage will be tied to another certain Jedi. ;) ).

Apparently there's been already a lot of hub-bub with the photo of the product packaging. Rey's hair is down (yay!) and people are trying to tear apart the meaning of the photo. Who cares? It's a promo photo. Those things are usually photoshopped out of context anyway!
So, regarding Rey's lineage I know there has been a lot put out there. I'm only aware of two back-to-back quotes by Abrams from April 2016:

“Rey’s parents are not in Episode VII. So I can’t possibly say in this moment who they are. But I will say it is something that Rey thinks about, too.”

Then he clarified:

“What I meant was that she doesn’t discover them in Episode VII. Not that they may not already be in her world.”

More may have been revealed since then, I honestly just don't know. I suppose many of us might want another unexpected, mind-blowing revelation akin to Vader/Luke in The Empire Strikes Back. A Kenobi connection could be intriguing. Random parents ought to have some relation to a previously established character, I think. At any rate, I suspect Rey and Luke belong in the same family tree. It fits nicely with the idea of her waiting for her parents in The Force Awakens versus reluctantly seeking the legendary Luke. But I'm open to anything that ties together nicely.

There are a few suggested relationships that concern me. Bromance is one thing, and I'd like to see it left at that. One theory (spoiler?) suggests Rey and Ren falling in love, which makes me cringe. After Ren's behavior in Episode VII, I want to see him gone. More is supposed to revealed about this Snoke thing. There are obvious parallels to the Emperor, but who knows who/what this ridiculous contortion is?!

What I hope for most in Episode 8 is a reunification, if only at the very end, of brother and sister. I'd much prefer a creative revision to Episode 9, than any of Leia's scenes cut out of Episode 8.
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The HISHE for Rogue one was OK, but not as funny as some of their other ones. Best parts in that video were "Dad Jokes Vader", and Kaytoo quoting Wash from Serenity. ( Because for those who don't know the actor who voiced Kaytoo, also played Wash who just so happened to be a pilot.)