Story of a Servant

When are you going to write more? I REALLY love your story. My favorite part would probly be the part when she is picking up the broken pieces of the vase in Peter`s room as well. :) But pretty much every part of this story is awsome.
I'll probably write some tomorrow..but I might not because I have a violin exam- Grade 3. Wish me luck!

I think I'll write on Thursday.
Wow! That's an awesome story, I love how Peter just seems so nice to Kari even though she's just a servant :) Can't wait for chapter 6!!!!
*grumbles* Jeez, you guys are so impatient! :D I still need to trim up the chapter (I'll do that now) and I'll post it ASAP.
Well, here y'all are....I think this chapter's stupid, but then I always think that, so..yeah...


Kari walked a little behind the High King as they went down the corridor and up the stairs. He did not talk to her nor look back. His guards marched either side of him. They went down the corridor to Queen Susan’s room.
“You know,” said King Peter finally as one of his guards knocked on the door. “That vase in my room was rather expensive.”

Kari started and blushed, subconsciously moving her hand to her pocket and feeling the jagged pieces of the vase in it. This was the first time he had ever mentioned what had happened in his room.
She looked up, expecting some sort of punishment or scolding, and was quite shocked when she saw that the High King was smiling down at her.
Then the door opened and Queen Susan stood there. Today she was wearing a flowing dress that was the colour of the sea. Her hair was loose so that it fell around her shoulders. Once again Kari was struck by how beautiful she was.
“My dear sister, this is Kari. She will be your maid and will assist you and accompany you in everything you do.” Said King Peter.
Kari remembered her manners and curtseyed. Queen Susan smiled at her.
“Well met, Kari. You will be staying in a room a little further down the corridor. My brother will show it to you.” She said. “If you wish, you may accompany me on a horse ride tomorrow.”
“Of course, Your Majesty.” Said Kari, even though she had never come within ten miles of a horse before, let alone ride one.
Queen Susan smiled again. “Good. Now, brother, if you would show Kari to her room.”
“Of course.” Said King Peter.
Then Queen Susan shut the door and Kari was taken to the other end of the corridor, to a polished wooden door. One of the guards pushed it open and Kari had to try hard to prevent herself from gasping.
It was a room she could never have imagined, not even in her wildest dreams. The floor was made of smooth stone. In the middle was a large four-poster bed with silk sheets upon it. One side of the wall was taken up entirely by a wardrobe, and there was a small door on the other side of the room leading onto a large balcony.
“Well, I hope you enjoy staying here,” said King Peter, looking rather amused at her astonishment. “If you need anything, please feel free to ask anyone in the castle.”
He inclined his head and left with his guards, leaving Kari speechless outside the room.
Aw shucks, I'm not that good. Have you seen onlymystory's story, Dream Peddler? It beats mine by a mile.

But thanks anyway, it's most appreciated.