Story of a Servant

Lol sorry folks, I'm still working on the chapter! And I've got a bit of writer's block so I'm afraid you will have to be patient for this one.
Thanks NarnianPrincess, it's greatly appreciated :D I promise I'm working on the chapter!! Please do not abandon the story!!

I've just been really busy cos I have Tennis Camp :rolleyes:
Ok, the long awaited......Chapter 7!!


Kari smiled as a soft breeze blew across her face. She had been exploring the room and found to her delight that the wardrobe was filled with dresses and shoes- actual shoes! Kari had never worn shoes in her life. She decided she would try them on tomorrow, when she went riding with Queen Susan.
Now she was standing on the balcony, looking out to the sunset. Soft orange and pink rays were cast upon the still waters of the river. It was so peaceful.
“Enjoying ourselves, are we?” a voice that was all too familiar said.
Kari whipped around and saw the cloaked figure that had approached her by the river.
“What are you doing here? How did you get in?” she asked, guiltily remembering why she had accepted being a maid to the Queen in the first place.
“I’m making sure you don’t forget our little deal.” Even though Kari still couldn’t see his face because of the hood, she could tell he was smirking.
Then all Kari felt was anger. She didn’t want to do this. She wouldn’t do it. She liked King Peter and Queen Susan- they weren’t as stuck-up as Kari had once thought they were. And even though she hadn’t properly met King Edmund and Queen Lucy, she was sure they would be as nice as their siblings.
“I don’t want to do this anymore. The deal is off.” Said Kari quietly.
“Then I’m afraid you must die,” said the figure menacingly, taking out his dagger. Kari immediately recognised it- it was the same dagger he had used to blackmail her with at the river.
“Even if you do kill me, someone will find my body and then King Peter will send his guards to look for you, and whoever you’re working for,” she said, slowly backing to the bedside table. She was trying to stall for time.
The figure laughed. It sounded as if he was trying to gargle with rusty nails. “Do you think the High King will really bother avenging you, a lowly servant?”
The words stung, but Kari wouldn’t let him put her off. But some of her sadness must have shown on her face.
“Oh, I know how you feel about King Peter. But do you think he really returns your affections?”
Kari started as if he had slapped her across the face. She was next to the table now. Reaching out for anything that was there- which just happened to be a candle stand with the candle still in it- she raised her arm and flung it with all her might. The figure ducked with astonishing speed and it hit the wall behind him.
Then he started advancing upon her, the dagger in his hand. Kari backed away once more and found to her horror that he had cornered her on the balcony.
His hood fell back and Kari screamed. It was the most grotesque sight she had ever seen- his face was heavily scarred, which made it look distorted. He had long, almost colourless, hair that reached down to his jaw line. His parchment-like lips curled into a smile, revealing missing teeth. He walked purposefully towards her. And raised the dagger.