Story of a Servant

Guys, just to let ya'll know, I'm going to London for three days (leaving tomorrow). So I won't be able to update the story until after then.
princey said:
Guys, just to let ya'll know, I'm going to London for three days (leaving tomorrow). So I won't be able to update the story until after then.
Wow! Have fun in London princey, I'll be praying for your safe return! :)
I'm not going anymore guys, my parents have changed their mind. But I don't care, I didn't want to go anyways (I've been to London before- I live in the UK)- besides, now I can work on the story!!
I didnt post before but I like to get caught up with the whole thing before I comment! anyways are a really good writer. this is so exciting to read. i can't wait for more!
Thanks Nikkita!

And guys I'm sorry I haven't been able to update, it's just every time I try to write the next chapter my parents drag me off somewhere for the whole day :rolleyes: But do not lose faith, I WILL update eventually!!!
i know what you mean. i haven't updated mine in at least a week. (i went to my granparents for four days.) please up date and soon! :(
I will try, but I'm kind of stuck on this chapter plus I really am going to London tomorrow :rolleyes: My parents have changed their mind again, and this time we are DEFINITELY going- the tickets are bought.
Wow, so I just read the story and I really like it. It surprised me because I'm normally not a big fan of fanfic stuff. But this is really good. I can't wait to see more of it. And have fun in London.
i love your story!!! :D it is so awsome. i just read it for the hundreth time. im also posting to keep this on the first page. im also almost done with the next part of my story!! :D ill post it tommorow.
Thanks people! I'll try and read all your stories as well. onlymystory I love the idea of Dream Peddler!

This is probably going to annoy you because I kept saying I was going to go, but at the last minute my baby sister fell ill and we couldn't go to London :( Please pray for her.

But on a brighter side, I might try and work on the next chapter right this minute!