The Elements

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"I don't know what I can do,"she said. "I can help find more greens"she said, she walked faraway and came back with a arm full of greens.
"Somehow, they produced a pot;) and Arcturus began collecting water from the dew and humidity collected in the nearby plants to fill the pot with water. It was a kind of dance he did, as he made motions with both hands and face, while moving his feet in both short and long steps, turning and swaying as the water moved at his command and began gathering in the pot."
Sienna was watching Arcturus make the water appear. She couldnt believe that he could do that. "This is just so wierd....but wierd in a good way." She said. "I would make it breezy but its already too cold for me. How is everyone doing?"
"I'm hungry," said Arcturus watching Terran beginning to put all the ingredients in the pot. "And would agree with Sienna that it is getting chilly a bit."
"It is," agreed Arcturus, "but what I' wondering is, what are we supposed to do here?" Then in almost a low voice, but loud enough for anyone to hear he said. "I wonder were we should go from here? And if we have to go into the city, how is Terran going to travel? I mean, here she can travel on a rock and over dirt but in that city?"
Turning to Terran:
"Will you be able to use the paving stones? or the bricks?"
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"Where exactly do we have to meet? Maybe we can go stay in the woods, and then try and figure out how Terran can travel. Thats going to be rather difficult if she cant travel." Sienna said as she wrapped her cloak around her tightly.
"Ladies, I also have extra blankets in my saddle bags. I believe my mother packed the entire house," he said smiling. "She seems to think I am still a little child. Why, she even packed fish jerky!" He said, making a face of disgust. "She knows only father likes that."
Sienna laughed at Arcturus' face of utter disgust to the fish jerky. "But I thought you loved that!" Sienna said sarcastically. "Your mother seems like she loves you very much"
"My mother, aye!" He said with a worried face. "She was really acting strange the day I left. She told me she was not only my mother, but a guardian. I wonder if that was a clue or what. She didn't even answer most of my questions, she just told me to leave, and to hurry."
"Maybe it was a clue. It must be something important that we have been called to." She said to Arcturus.
"Acela, I'm sorry." Sienna said quietly.
"I am sorry too, Acela. But yes, maybe I am lucky, I guess. Do you think you could someday find your parents, or you already know what happened to them?"
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