"Everyone just calm down." Terran said loudly. "No one in this room is the threat. The threat is Decay and his little snake friend or whatever it is. We need to work together. Leila I don't like doctor Quack any more than you do. But we need to put up with him since he's not going to go away. Now back to work. Decay doesn't like earth so if he comes back I'll be the point of the attack on him. I'll try to draw him away from you guys so you can take out the other one." Terran made the dust on the floor make a 3-d map of the castle and surrounding area. "Ok here's the castle. I think that they will probably attack the main area. They don't seem like the subtle type. I'll try lure Decay outside where I can unleash a bigger attack while you guys try and take care of the other one in here where she won't have the maneuverability. I think you should surround it and hit it with everything you have. Fire, Water, Light and Plasma. Don't let up for anything. I'll try to take care of Decay. If I fail hopefully you will have taken are of the other one and will be able to get Decay. How does that sound?" Terran asked looking at everyone there.