(ooc: that is the update. We are going to have a funeral for the king and later the wedding. If the evil dudes attack. we will use Terran's plan. So right now prepare for the first of two main events).
"Twice Decay has told me that the enemy wants me alive. That he needs me for something. He has some kind of use for me. Do you have any idea what it is? Cause I don't and i'm not sure I should stick around if i'm part of the enemy's great plan."
Alyssa sighed " All right bye I'll let you two talk," she told him, then went back to Alex " I need to do somethng Alex," she told him.
"I don't thing those creatures will do anything for now. Could we go on with the burial of your father first? I really think we need to honor him first. Everything can wait until later. Will you trust me on this, Your Highness?"
" I don't know and I don't care what do you want to do?," she asked, taking his hand.
"Rigel, does it not make you curious as to why both you and your father have names after the names of stars in another world?"
BarbarianKing said:"Is that the royal graveyard? I think we have talked way too much already. Is someone preparing for the funeral?"