The Insane Asylum II

Dr. Lava steps in sees the mewsies' musings about the internet and computer and wonders where all her patients went. It seems to sane in here so:

I, WarriorSatyr, Ruler of the Whales of Death, O Hear My Name and Tremble, Ugh, Ugh, take offense at this.

I understood that reference.

Caspian: It would be a less sane world IF I HAD ANYONE TO SHOOT TOMATOES AT.
Dorthy: Since when have you needed a reason to shoot tomatoes at people? There are plenty of other inmates.
Caspian: But they don't retaliate. They just creatively tell me to stop and frustrate me into doing so. Or they don't react at all.
Dorthy:..... Alright, this has gone far enough. I'm taking matters into my own paws. Frodo, get your toaster and pick a side.
Frodo:.... A side of what?
Dorthy: *grabs her bow and loads it with an arrow tipped with a baked potato* War. *fires tomato at Caspian, hitting him in the face*
Dorthy: *shrugs* It's really not that uncommon for siblings, apparently.
Caspian: YOU SHALL SUFFER MY WRATH! *blows cobwebs off his tomato cannon* *shoots tomatoes at Dorthy*
Dorthy: *dodges expertly* I should have done this ages ago!
Caspian: *shoots tomatoes furiously, hitting everything and everyone but his sister*
Frodo: What is going on? O.o
Caspian: WAR! *shoves Frodo into his tomato cannon and shoots him out of it*
Like you wouldn't believe. I mean, how fat is your average whale, right? And ALL THEY EAT is krill! Do you know how much krill it takes to fatten whales up that much? Me neither, and I'm in charge of procuring it.
McDonald's burgers tend to taste even worse underwater, and, as we all know, whales can't come up on land. I can suspend them in the air for a while, but it always ends up with them landing on someone. We're working on it.
Are they making you Blue? Whale, that's just too bad.

I love ocean puns. I'm very efishent at making them.

This is why Andrew Adamson killed me off.
For once, Andrew had the right idea.

Are you sure that your supposedly Telmarine thalassophobia isn't really just an excuse to avoid having to take Glozelle to the beach?

Ha. Hahaha.

Shh! Not so loud! Besides, you wouldn't want to take him to the beach, either. You've heard of dad bod? That guy has grandad bod. It's freaky.