The OFFICIAL Paperb'nites Thread

How come I'm the only one who only has one paperboy?:p
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How come I'm the only one who only has one paperboy?:p

Mine change too often for me to have just one. I can narrow it down though:

Damian McGinty

Keith Harkin

Little Johnny Depp

^ isn't he adorable

My main 3 I suppose.
He sounds a little too modern to me..although hes very nice-looking.:D
I love George's voice,though,and Paul's is interesting....They sound good together,but separately I only like George's voice.:eek:
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Aye, I understand.
And George does have such an amazing voice. Paul's is okay when it's in the right song... sometimes it annoys me. Ryan's is my favorite. But Keith's voice goes well with the songs he sings in my opinion.

because we're in picture posting mood... and I absolutely adore the look on his face:
My top paperboy: (although, it seems quite disrespectful to call him a paper boy...maybe a paper man *and this isn't a case of the crush either!*)



John Wayne!!!!!!!!!:eek:
Wow,I usually don't recognize most paperboys..I thought I was the only one who had somebody old as mine..
Haha,I don't have a crush on mine either..if I had grown up in the 60s I'm almost positive I would have,but sadly I was born too late.:p
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I guess I kinda have a crush on The Duke, but who wouldn't? I mean, the man was a legend, he was one of the best movie stars who ever graced the silver screen, and he was a very, very, VERY patriotic American.
^Definately...I love many of his movies,but I think I almost admire him more as a person than as an actor.:cool:

Edit:Maggie,its John Wayne.:)
Aye, so I saw from your post. Sadly, due to my very sheltered life, I STILL don't know who that is.

Haha,no prob..I hope Petra doesn't mind my telling you.;)
John Wayne was an actor back in the late 1930s-his death in the 1970s.He is famous for his westerns that he made with director John Ford esp. "Stagecoach" his first starring role.
His best film,imo is The High and the Mighty.:D
Heres more info,if you're curious:
Its wikipedia,so take it with a grain of salt.(;)) but it will at least tell you about his career in film.
I'm an old film/music/tv/books junkie.:p Can't get enough of stuff like his films.:p