The Order of the Can II

*ROFL* Lieke, that was hilarious. Except that in the first telling of the story, you got it wrong - you had me walkig away, when I undoubtedly would have walked toward you, holding something suitably large and heavy. :D
*ROFL* Lieke, that was hilarious. Except that in the first telling of the story, you got it wrong - you had me walkig away, when I undoubtedly would have walked toward you, holding something suitably large and heavy. :D
*bows* Thank you:)

Now, what did i tell you about lifting HB like that:rolleyes:

But i´m still the narrator, you didn´t think i would let you come to me, now would you?:D I have the pooowweeerrrrr!
Well, since you think that duct tape(said with no respect despite her former alliegences) is shiny (I find it rather dull myself) the Can would more than blind you, you would think He looked like the Sun.