The Order of the Can III

:D Brilliant, frecklacious. But that leaves the question: if she is, indeed, a maple tree, from where did she get piney branches?
What is the Tree doing at Wal-mart?! Didn't she see the sign at the door?

No trees permitted inside, unless they are Seeing-Eye trees used to help those with disabilities.

(And Mike...*groan* Are you sure that's not just preference? And that you shouldn't become an English teacher instead?)
She is a hybrid tree, which is part of what gives her the special ability to confer flying. Besides, being both a deciduous tree and a conifer gives added stability to her squirrel populations; they have both summer and winter forage in her limbs.
I disown you, Freckles.

And if anyone gets any ideas about running around me like the idiots you sometimes are... well, beware. *glare*

Here we go round the mulberry tree,
The mulberry tree,
The mulberry tree,
Here we go round the mulberry tree,
Dodging evil squirrels.
I guess we'll just have to conclude that she is very everything else in Dufferland....
Or, we could conclude that she changes species to suit her mood and it is only when she is a maple that she can confer flight.
Read the Encyclopedia; it might help, but...Dufferland is in a permanent state of confusion.

And, Lava, that sounds very like the Tree.
I think I can solve this...

She seems to be a chameleon tree, which is a rare species indeed. When one is found in the wild, it is rarely identified correctly until at least the third form has been taken. Furthermore, they do not thrive -- or even survive -- in captivity. This makes them "wildly" difficult to study.
So...if I take her captive.... *entertains evil ideas* *gives evil ideas tea and trumpets*
*evil ideas begin to play trumpets*

Is that...the Barney Song?! *flees in horror*
That's what you get for entertaining them. Evil Ideas are a little slimy...and not to be trusted. Much like earth worms. Also like them insofar as they multiply and regenerate when broken in half. You didn't do that too, did you? DID YOU?
No, what do you think I am, crazy? The trout is where the line between genius and insanity is, and if my evil ideas ended up there.... *shudders* There's a proverb for that, but I left it with a sheep, who lost it.

I suppose I should send Sushi after the sheep, but I'm too tired.