The Outsiders Fan Club!

My brother is complain caue he has to read TO (the Outsiders) for school, he hates it, and he keeps calling Ponyboy "gay". I hate that. :mad:
I have no allies, either. I love my brother, but I don't think he understands how attached I can get to a character I love.
My brother is complain caue he has to read TO (the Outsiders) for school, he hates it, and he keeps calling Ponyboy "gay". I hate that. :mad:
I have no allies, either. I love my brother, but I don't think he understands how attached I can get to a character I love.

i'm like that too!! i feel so close to charcters in books. and when someone dies i cryy co much. my family thinks i'm going crazy. :rolleyes:
Luckily my family cries when one of their fave characters die, too. But I'm usually in my room when the tears come. I don't let people see my tears. I've tried. But I can't even cry on purpose in front of people.
for me it depends on why i'm crying. if i'm crying because a charcater died i'll cry in front of people and when i'm in my room. but if i'm crying because of my problems i can't cry in front of people.
Oh, and the whole thing about Sandy leaving cause she's pregnant, I think it's true. I just reread T.O and it's sorta obvious....Cause Steve's like, "It was either that or get married." which usually means she's pregnant. And they weren't married...Poor Soda. :(
My English teacher made the Academic classes read The Outsiders. Unfortunately, I'm in the Advanced class. XD I hope get to read it later in the year..
at my school the acedemic students and the enriched students read all the same books, except the enriched students go into more depth when they read it. o_O so far we've read Of Mice and Men (good book, the ending made me bawl :rolleyes:), now we're doing Greek Mythology, and next we're gonna do Shakespeare :D
I've read the Outsiders for school and it made me cry! Poor Johnny! Anyway, I'm gonna see the movie soon (my dad has Netflix). I <3 Pepsi-Cola ;)