The Outsiders Fan Club!

Aww, poor Johnny! How can people be so mean? He's not emo...If I know MY class when we have to watch/read it in school they'll laugh. At all of it. And I'll toss glares at them and they'll shut up. It works wonders on my friends that laugh about those things.
Yeah, I was in the store the other day and I saw the karate kid (movie) sitting on a shelf and I was like, "Dude, it's Johnny!" The whole Johnny=the Karate Kid is the other way around for me...The Karate Kid=Johnny. :p

My favorite part? Hmmmmmm.....This is a hard one....I really don't know. I wouldn't really call this a FAVORITE part, but in the movie the first time I saw it I laughed so hard there were tears in my eyes and I was turning red in the beginning when Ponyboy stood in front of that store window looking at his reflection and striking a stupid pose and saying something I don't remember. I was like, "Oh my gosh, Katy, what on EARTH did he just do and why?" Katy, (my sister) was like, "Okay, Beth, it wasn't even meant to be funny...Beth, stop it. Breathe. Beth shut up and watch the movie."
That's just a funny/stupid part.
I think my fave part is probably when Ponyboy and Johnnycake are in the church cai=use they're my fave characters.. :)

when did Ponyboy do that? i don't remember that part.
It might've been a deleted scene, but if it wasn't, it was in the beginning when he starts to walk home after the movie. It's real brief, but it's there. He stads with his hip out a little and puts his hand on it if I remember right and he says something in a dumb accent. I think he was supposed to be trying to look like Paul Newman, like he said in the book he wanted to look like Paul Newman.
I don't even know what Paul Newman looks like..XD
It might've been a deleted scene, but if it wasn't, it was in the beginning when he starts to walk home after the movie. It's real brief, but it's there. He stads with his hip out a little and puts his hand on it if I remember right and he says something in a dumb accent. I think he was supposed to be trying to look like Paul Newman, like he said in the book he wanted to look like Paul Newman.
I don't even know what Paul Newman looks like..XD

lol. still don't remember. hmm. but i wasn't paying attention in the beginning of the movie soooo..... :rolleyes:
Lol, will do. :) I'll see you tomorrow if I can get online tomorrow.



Argh, I have some more pics, but Photobucket is being dumb again...
lol. don't tell them that :p it'll go to their heads

i liked that part too. hmm. favorite? i dunno, this is hard. probably when Ponyboy ran away from home.
Oh yeah :p *runs all the way to her school to tell her friends* :D

Aww, poor Johnny! How can people be so mean? He's not emo...If I know MY class when we have to watch/read it in school they'll laugh. At all of it. And I'll toss glares at them and they'll shut up. It works wonders on my friends that laugh about those things.
Yeah, I was in the store the other day and I saw the karate kid (movie) sitting on a shelf and I was like, "Dude, it's Johnny!" The whole Johnny=the Karate Kid is the other way around for me...The Karate Kid=Johnny. :p

My favorite part? Hmmmmmm.....This is a hard one....I really don't know. I wouldn't really call this a FAVORITE part, but in the movie the first time I saw it I laughed so hard there were tears in my eyes and I was turning red in the beginning when Ponyboy stood in front of that store window looking at his reflection and striking a stupid pose and saying something I don't remember. I was like, "Oh my gosh, Katy, what on EARTH did he just do and why?" Katy, (my sister) was like, "Okay, Beth, it wasn't even meant to be funny...Beth, stop it. Breathe. Beth shut up and watch the movie."
That's just a funny/stupid part.
I think my fave part is probably when Ponyboy and Johnnycake are in the church cai=use they're my fave characters.. :)
:p Lol I want to see Johnny beat up Bob with Mr. Miyagi.
That'd be awesome. :'D

Yeah I think that might've been in the deleted scenes. I'll check later.
They should've kept all the deleted scenes D':

Rawr yeah I think Sodapop does die in the Vietnam War :'( broke my heart.
And yeah Soda's girlfriend might've been pregnant. Back then they'd send underaged daughters to another city to give birth to their child. I read that on this Outsider's website. It wasn't Soda's baby, either

What ever happened to Cherry? o_o I'm mad at Cherry D: she didn't want to see Johnny at the hospital.
And I wonder how she felt when she found out that Dally died.
Unless it says so in the book..I'm not sure. I don't have it on me.
Nope. The brat never sheds a tear. Not about Dally OR Johnny. I hate her and I wish Ponyboy would never have forgiven her just because of her crocodile tears. I never did like that Cherry. Not a bit. She always seems so pretty and so kind but if you look on the inside she's truly the most hideous being.
Maybe I'm just a littlwe bitter. I never liked the fact that Ponyboy thought all greasy females, females of his own kind, were too loud and indecent. Contradicting himself. I don't know if I remember right but if I remember right he first described Socy girls as "catty" in a way. That's one of the few things Ponyboy and I don't have in common. I'm a bit more bitter at times, it's harder for me to forgive people unless I've known them forever, and I never would've forgiven Cherry Valance. I'd never have shared ANYTHING with her about myself. I would've lost all means of communication with her. I hate my friends being shunned for things they HAD to do. I guess Ponyboy didn't really care at all.Those are the things that dissapoint me about Ponyboy.
I don't know. Maybe I'm becoming more like Dally. Maybe I'm too hard and too cruel. I really don't know anymore.
Thanks for not killing me during this long rant session. I'm sorry. I have alot of those. I know it's kinda childish. I always rant like that. :rolleyes: Sorry. :)

Yeah, it would be fun to see Johnny use karate on Bob. XD That would be hilarious! Lol. Once my bro saw a comic that was titled, "The Outsiders: How it SHOULDA been". Johnny was a samurai and when they were in the park and the socs pulled up he's like, "Pony, stay back!" and he pulls out this samurai sword and practically fillets the soc..Lol, whoever made it has a crazy mind...XD
Oh, man, I feel so stupid bout that previous ranting...That's the best part about you other TDLers...You put up with my moods and stupidness. :D
Oh yeah :p *runs all the way to her school to tell her friends* :D

:p Lol I want to see Johnny beat up Bob with Mr. Miyagi.
That'd be awesome. :'D

Yeah I think that might've been in the deleted scenes. I'll check later.
They should've kept all the deleted scenes D':

Rawr yeah I think Sodapop does die in the Vietnam War :'( broke my heart.
And yeah Soda's girlfriend might've been pregnant. Back then they'd send underaged daughters to another city to give birth to their child. I read that on this Outsider's website. It wasn't Soda's baby, either

What ever happened to Cherry? o_o I'm mad at Cherry D: she didn't want to see Johnny at the hospital.
And I wonder how she felt when she found out that Dally died.
Unless it says so in the book..I'm not sure. I don't have it on me.

i HATED Cherry. no other way to descirbe it. she SUCKS!! i HATED her! LOATHED her!! *tries to calm down*
YES! Someone finally agrees with me!!! :D *high fives*

*high fives back* we read the book in class and i HATED her and i didn't mind saying so, and my teacher looked at me and tried to explian why she did what she did. but she has no right to.... *punches a hole in the wall* :D
*gasp* You greaser, you! Lol. :D
Once my sister and i were at the drive in theater and we were like, the only people there cause it was a fairly new place and we were there about 5 hours early so we were messing around. We ended up talking about the Outsiders and I called her a greaser but I'm not sure why (I forgot why). It went on from there....We're just weird like that. :D
*gasp* You greaser, you! Lol. :D
Once my sister and i were at the drive in theater and we were like, the only people there cause it was a fairly new place and we were there about 5 hours early so we were messing around. We ended up talking about the Outsiders and I called her a greaser but I'm not sure why (I forgot why). It went on from there....We're just weird like that. :D

YAY!! i'm a Greaser :cool: better than the Socs, was it? i don't remember what Cherry and the others were :p
I remember the rest of what happened. She pushed me down and tickled me until I had to use the little girl's room. :D

I cosplay as Ponyboy sometimes. I have this old blue tank top that I just put on with an old pair of jeans and tennis shoes. The best part is that I can wear it anywhere I go because it's fairly normal clothing. :)
I remember the rest of what happened. She pushed me down and tickled me until I had to use the little girl's room. :D

I cosplay as Ponyboy sometimes. I have this old blue tank top that I just put on with an old pair of jeans and tennis shoes. The best part is that I can wear it anywhere I go because it's fairly normal clothing. :)

wow. i never ever thought i'd meet someone who loved Ponyboy so much :rolleyes: bot that tahts a bad thing! :D