The Outsiders Fan Club!

hey cool pics!! and did they show the entire family in the movie? i don't think they did but i don't remember that well either....
*looks back at previous pages* Wow, I must've been really tired to make a corny joke like that, putting a picture of a Pepsi can with two pictures of Sodapop...Lol.
Getting more pictures to post...

Ponyboy and Johnny in the church.

A funny avvy with the same picture. :p

And here's a pic of Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy.
Yeah, I think pretty much everyone just wants to curl up and bawl their eyes out continously over Johnny's death... :( We all loved Johnny, like we knew him as a real person and none of us wanted to let him go. I think that part's hard for everyone.
I knew it was gonna happen, cause my sister told me but actually reading it, I became so attached to Johnny that it just made it harder when it really happened. I just wanted to give up on the book for some reason and more when Dally died.
That happens to all of us. I bawled my eyes out off and on through the book after Johnny and Dally died. And I think alot of us do. But sometimes they don't admit it. I didn't for the first few months after I read it for the first time.
It's all so overwhelming but so beautiful in so many ways that it seems....Well, impossible.
We all feel that way. I hope.
Eeeeee, I need more pictures, but I've gone EVERYWHERE!!!
....Maybe I can convince my sister to capture some images from the movie for me on her laptop...*evil grin*
Yeah, I was so traumatized when my sister told me he was the karate kid. The next time we watched The Outsiders, she shouted "HIIIIYAAAA" the first time there was a close-up of Johnny....Lol.
Yeah, Johnny is just one of those people that make you go, "Aaaaawwwwww!" :)
But personally, Pony's my fave and always has/will be. *hugs Ponyboy* :)
Since Johnny's your fave, I'll post some Johnny. :D
....Huh? I don't get it....It's either cause I've never seen the Karate Kid or cause I'm a total ditz..XD All I know about the karate kid is it's Johnny, he does karate, and about the whole famous karate kid stance...And the "hiyaaa"s that all karate movies have...
I might've seen it when I was little but I was too busy with my stuffed animals to care...
Dude, I just realized that Johnnycake's holding a GUN in that second pic I posted! Oh, my, how..Un-Johnny-ish...Lol. Eh, he's just gonna shoot the camera, that's all. XD
[sing]Johnnys got a gun, Bob is on the run[/sing]

Heheh. I've watched the first two Karate Kid films.
I like Pat Morita. I've met him before. I hadn't watched The Karate Kid before I met Morita, so I didn't really care when I walked up to him. (my dad told me to go say hi XD)
It's kind of annoying when people automatically say "OMG KARATE KID!!!1!!" when they first see Johnny.
Johnny Cade > Daniel LaRusso

Yeah, I think pretty much everyone just wants to curl up and bawl their eyes out continously over Johnny's death... :( We all loved Johnny, like we knew him as a real person and none of us wanted to let him go. I think that part's hard for everyone.
I knew it was gonna happen, cause my sister told me but actually reading it, I became so attached to Johnny that it just made it harder when it really happened. I just wanted to give up on the book for some reason and more when Dally died.
That happens to all of us. I bawled my eyes out off and on through the book after Johnny and Dally died. And I think alot of us do. But sometimes they don't admit it. I didn't for the first few months after I read it for the first time.
It's all so overwhelming but so beautiful in so many ways that it seems....Well, impossible.
We all feel that way. I hope.
Most of my classmates laughed when Johnny died. They were calling him emo...they're mean
And most of my classmates only liked the movie 'cause of the guys. D: I was the only one who thought Ralph Macchio was kind of cute. Lol

It's sort of surprising how no director has made another film of The Outsiders. I mean it's been, like, how many years since 1983, and nobody's ever thought about it? o_o
no one in my class laughed. everyone was so quiet and i was pretty sure i wasn't the only one trying to hide the fact thet they were crying :p
no one in my class laughed. everyone was so quiet and i was pretty sure i wasn't the only one trying to hide the fact thet they were crying :p

You're classmates are cooler than mine. :p :D

Ralph Macchio would make a pretty girl. XD

Anyways...what was your guy's favorite part? I liked when they were hiding in the old Church..
You're classmates are cooler than mine. :p :D

Ralph Macchio would make a pretty girl. XD

Anyways...what was your guy's favorite part? I liked when they were hiding in the old Church..

lol. don't tell them that :p it'll go to their heads

i liked that part too. hmm. favorite? i dunno, this is hard. probably when Ponyboy ran away from home.
Aww, poor Johnny! How can people be so mean? He's not emo...If I know MY class when we have to watch/read it in school they'll laugh. At all of it. And I'll toss glares at them and they'll shut up. It works wonders on my friends that laugh about those things.
Yeah, I was in the store the other day and I saw the karate kid (movie) sitting on a shelf and I was like, "Dude, it's Johnny!" The whole Johnny=the Karate Kid is the other way around for me...The Karate Kid=Johnny. :p

My favorite part? Hmmmmmm.....This is a hard one....I really don't know. I wouldn't really call this a FAVORITE part, but in the movie the first time I saw it I laughed so hard there were tears in my eyes and I was turning red in the beginning when Ponyboy stood in front of that store window looking at his reflection and striking a stupid pose and saying something I don't remember. I was like, "Oh my gosh, Katy, what on EARTH did he just do and why?" Katy, (my sister) was like, "Okay, Beth, it wasn't even meant to be funny...Beth, stop it. Breathe. Beth shut up and watch the movie."
That's just a funny/stupid part.
I think my fave part is probably when Ponyboy and Johnnycake are in the church cai=use they're my fave characters.. :)