The Pass to Archenland (From Narnia and the North): Free RP

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After the wagon was on its way, Gripstone remarked to their human host, "I feel as if I will begin to be a useful beast again in another day or two." Ninecatcher added, "For my part, I feel almost ready for anything now; I was not hurt as badly as my husband, for he took on more foes than I did. Is there anything I could do for you today?"

"Yes, actually," said the lodge owner; "just do a routine patrol of the edge of my property which is toward the mountains. See if anything unusual is happening." He smiled. "Hopefully, any new unusual thing will be as good a thing as my home receiving honorable Narnian guests."
"If two of you are scouting," said the landowner, "perhaps you could extend your surveillance a little ways back into the mountains. Enough, at least, to see if you detect any sign of creatures coming into Archenland by mountain paths such as you yourselves used."
"It needn't be far. I care little about wild animals moving _within_ the mountains; but unusual trail sign coming _down_ from the mountains might bespeak something that the royal army would need to know about. You know, like omnipotent werewolves."
A troop of goblins, grim-visaged after the loss of their fellows, assembles approximately a mile from where the tigers were leading their charges through the pass.

They don mail, the sound of their armor like the clinking of so many coins, as they prepare to go on patrol.
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~ ~ Excuse me, Inkling, but all the tigers and their immediate companions have been _entirely_ clear of the mountains and _inside_ Archenland for hours by now. Did you see the description of a hunting lodge down the foothills??
OOC: I did. I also didn't specify that the goblins were going after the tigers. However, they're in place now, and the next group trying to use the path will have to deal with them first.

Your group is in the hunting lodge, I know.

At about the time that Captain Woefulgut was trying to get a hearing in Anvard about his rescue mission, Tiger Gripstone, feeling that the magical medication had advanced his recovery still further, tried stretching his limbs outdoors. He soon decided that he felt capable of slinking at one hundred percent, running at ninety percent, climbing at eighty percent, and fighting at seventy percent.
Longtail watched Gripstone for awhile, ever grateful that the Archenlander had given him the Salve and that he had been in time to help save Gripstone and Ninecatcher.
Before darkness came, Felstan took his longbow and a quantity of rope, and accompanied Ninecatcher on a careful patrol of the uphill extremities of his property. As they went, the lodge owner paused at selected spots and prepared noose-traps of the pull-you-up-in-the-air-and-dangle-you-upside-down variety.
Longtail, upon seeing that Gripstone was doing well, hurried to catch up with Felstan and Ninecatcher.
Felstan showed Longtail some of the traps he had been setting, and spoke about the small trails along which the potential foes might approach, against whom the traps were intended.
"I surely hope that we will not encounter the likes of them this close to Archenland. At any rate, we need to hold any evil that comes this way out of Archenland or no human will survive this scourge that has come upon Narnia and threatens the rest of our world."
"As for that," replied Felstan, "I _have_ been wondering why the royal army _hasn't_ been mounting their own regular patrols along our mountain border. I almost suspect that there could be some unspeakable traitor planted in the very castle at Anvard, persuading others to believe that Jadis, may her name perish, poses no threat."
"I don't think that this tyrant would work with humans. Does the palace have non-humans working for it?"

"Last I heard, no non-humans were employed inside the castle, though there have always been some who visited. But don't dismiss the possibility of Jadis getting a human to serve her. I have been assured by more than one Centaur that Jadis is not able to extend her winter curse beyond the borders of Narnia, because it was only Narnia which particularly forfeited Aslan's protection by becoming unfaithful to Him. She therefore will need to use more subtlety if she hopes to expand her conquest further. And if some human without moral integrity were made to believe that Jadis only desired conventional conquest and rule, he might well become her agent, upon her deceptive promise to give him some great reward."
"But, from what I understand, she has yet to let a human that she comes into contact with escape alive. I believe that she feels they are a danger to her. The two boys who we brought with us narrowly escaped dying at her hands. They said that all of the humans in their village were unmercifully slaughtered. They were tormented, not just killed. We who fight her also have another fear at her hands. Apparently, she has the power to turn people to stone. She has not even done this great travisty to the humans. They were all killed."

"Since most of us cannot see far and wide like the Hermit of Archenland, it remains possible that there are humans remaining even IN Narnia who are not aware of how merciless the Witch's plan is regarding them. Still more could someone in Archenland be lulled into a false belief that Jadis can be appeased. Therefore I still suspect exactly such treachery."
And Longtail is back too...

Having stayed the evening with Felstan, Longtail awakened the next morning and started making cautious patrols of the wood that he and the others had come through. He noted smells fom afar that he did not like after walking a mile into the woods toward Narnia; he was downwind from a stench. It was likely that the path he and the others had used was now discovered. Luckily, they had removed everything from the gap before so that none could use it. With that discovery, Longtail felt obliged to go tell the others.
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