The Pass to Archenland (From Narnia and the North): Free RP

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Ava's family, though they loved the tigers, the humans, and the fauns, decided that at this point they were going to separate from the group and try to find some forested land that was unowned to take up residence on until they could either go back to Narnia or live out their days. They voiced their decision to the others in the group and then they went out into the wilds of Archenland.
Libertas and the others thanked the foxes for taking part in their evacuation, said goodbye, and headed for Felstan's hunting lodge.
The inside joke from a mysterious, beautiful lady did not spoil the gladness Orestes and Laertes felt at reaching a welcoming place of shelter. :D
Longtail, Dar, and Mathan also were glad to see unravaged human dwellings. The boys had not been inside a house in nearly a month and it was such a relief to be among humans again.
NPC Archenlanders

Felstan's next-to-youngest brother, Norbin, was currently preparing to enlist in the Archenlandish army. He had a letter of introduction to show to officers in Anvard, written on his behalf by a nobleman who had been a guest at this lodge for hunting and had been favorably impressed with the young man. Norbin said he would be glad to make the trip to the capital together with any of Longtail's party who were inclined to go that way.
"Sir, you have been most kind to us. Have you chanced to see a gryphon flying overhead in the past couple of day?"
NPC Archenlanders

Another of Felstan's brothers, named Kordavin, remarked, "I'm sure I saw one in flight yesterday, while I was patrolling the perimeter of our land. He never came near enough for me to speak with him, but he might have been heading for Anvard."
NPC Archenlanders

Felstan, the eldest of six brothers, was the only one married so far. His wife Jibrala made sure that every hungry guest had something to eat, and their children were pleased to meet Longtail, Ninecatcher and Gripstone, the first tigers of talking OR wild variety that they had ever seen. (They had, however, met several kinds of Narnian beings at one time or another--since, contrary to some theories, Archenland had not spent the 800-plus years of its existence in total isolation with no knowledge of Narnia and its inhabitants.)
OOC: Well, considering Archenlanders originated in Narnia. There is no fear there. But I digress.

IC: Longtail thanked Aslan that he had sent Felstan to them. Not only had he supplied them with food, but he was also to supply them with a guide. Also, it could be hoped that he would be a great ally in the attempt to get humans out of Narnia.
Libertas perked up at Norbin's offer to go to Anvard. He looked at the rest of the party hesitantly and spoke up, " I wouldn't mind going to Anvard with you, Norbin."
More disposition of NPC's

Orestes tapped Libertas on the arm. "Don't worry about my brother and me. We Fauns like the countryside better; Laertes and I will see if we can make some employment arrangement with Master Felstan here."

Felstan nodded. "I'm sure we can work something out. If nothing else, given the state of the times, you two can be useful just by continually scouting the foothills."

Now Norbin addressed Libertas: "We have two horses and a wagon here, which were borrowed some days ago from a friend in Anvard. You and I and Dar and Mathan could return them by riding in the wagon to the capital."

"Then perhaps you could get word to Goewyn that the rest of us are all right," interjected Laertes.

* * If I'm right about passage of time, it would be reasonable for these human characters to arrive in Anvard sometime after the incident which revealed that blind werewolves are omnipotent.
"Yes, that is a capital plan because, while most Archenlanders may now that we tigers are here, they may not finding seeing us very lovely. We can look scary. I wonder how the gryphon is handling this."
Tiger Gripstone

"Retaw will have one advantage going for him when meeting Children of Adam and Eve. We Talking Tigers have to make it known that we are not wild tigers; but there is no such thing as a wild, non-intelligent Gryphon. This is a well-known fact, and no Gryphon has ever joined the service of Jadis. So Retaw should be able quickly to reassure humans he meets."
"I think the people ought to head out soon. I am eager to find out what has become of your friends, Gripstone."

Dar had heard what Longtail said. "Yes, we ought to go soon. I am eager to get to Anvard; I am eager to meet this Vandrick."
Longtail walked over to the boys, "Go little friends, make of yourselves useful men in this country."
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