I just picked up the 360 version for about $50 bucks or so, and lemme tell you that this game is 10x better than LWW

I haven't beaten it yet, but what I've played so far looks really impressive :cool:
I have the PC game and I can't get past the werewolf/Nikabrik part! Any one have any suggestions??? Also, I don't have the LWW game, but this is really good. Is it better or worse???

I have the PC game for the Wii. My sister Kells and I play two player and it's tons of fun! It's a lot of fun fighting over which direction we should go and why. There is a lot of "Go to your left! NO! You're other left!!!"

It's too bad that LWW didn't come out for the Wii. I may buy it for my PS2, though it won't be as fun without the real wii remote slashing action.
I have the PC game and I can't get past the werewolf/Nikabrik part! Any one have any suggestions??? Also, I don't have the LWW game, but this is really good. Is it better or worse???


You need to use the bumpers on your controller to aim at the hag and throw the rock that falls. Then you can kill the werewolf and Nikabrick. You'll need to do this a couple of times.

Ps. The bumpers are on the top of the Xbox 360 controller and I think the PS3 controller. To make easier just looking in the booklet and see what buttons say aim, then aiming throw the rock at the hag.
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i love the game. i have it for PS2.
i like using edmund, since he's my favorite =)
i love using caspian's arrows though...
i was stuck at the part where you have to defeat nikabrik and the werewolf, but i read some things, and now i'm going to go have another go!
for narnia!!
I just got the game for ps2 like last week and I'm loving it!! But the thing is is that I don't own my own ps2 so I play it on my friends system.lol.And he is a big fan of it too.
I wish that they had added an RPG element to the game like LOTR: ROTK. Where you can learn new moves and level up. That would have given it some more replay value.
I got Prince Caspian for the WII and loveeeeee it :) I just defeated Miraz and Gregoire but had a HECK of a hard time defeating the White Witch (probably because i had no idea how to aim and was getting to mad that the stupid rocks would just fly infront of Caspian and do no damage! LOL).
I wanna have Prince Caspian for the PS2 or 3!
But I can't find it in the stores... But I'll keep looking for it!:D
One of the other disspointments about Prince Caspian the Game is once you've beaten it and gotten all the extras there isn't much more replay value.
That`s too bad. Is it better or worse than the LWW game? I thought that game was okay but nothing special.

It was better game than the LWW game. It was better mix of hack and slash and puzzle. It's lots of fun until you beat it and unlock everything. The Xbox 360 is lots of fun because you can unlock achievements for donig things like for example: Girl Power Acheivemnt - Kill 20 Telmarines with Susan.

Edit: Also buy the Nintendo DS version of Prince Caspian The Game. It's totally different from the other platforms. Instead of being a action/puzzle game it is a Turn based RPG.
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It was better game than the LWW game. It was better mix of hack and slash and puzzle. It's lots of fun until you beat it and unlock everything. The Xbxo 360 is lots of fun because you can unlock achievmeents for donig things like for example: Girl Power Acheivemnt - Kill 20 Telmarine with Susan.

Edit: Also buy the Nintendo DS version of Prince Caspian The Game. It's totally different from the other platforms. Instead of being a action/puzzle game it is a Turn based RPG.

I don`t have a DS. I thought about buying one a few days ago though lol. So the DS version is really good?