I made it to the part where you have to defeat Nikabrick and the werewolf and prevent the white witch's return. I got passed it. All you have to do is take the boulders that you can life and aim them (press L1 for the PS2 version) and throw them at the hag in the middle. Keep doing that every time you find a boulder you can lift. You can tell if you can lift them because they'll be lighter in color. Anyway, Nikabrik and the werewolf will come at you at the same time so be careful. Use your swords against them like usual. Keep throwing the boulders and the hag will throw some kind of colored bottle at you and knock Peter and Edmund down. That will be a cutscene. Continue to throw the boulders and use your swords against Nikabrik and the werewolf and cutscene will occur that shows the witch trying to seduce Peter and Edmund will break the ice wall and you beat that part.

If this is confusing please let me know. :) I hope this helps too.

Religion Forum
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OK, I beat that part. What you do is pick up and aim (press L1 for PS2 version) the lighter colored boulders at the hag in the middle. Eventually Nikabrik and the werewolf will come at you at the same time. Use your swords against them. Keep throwing the boulders at the hag, and a cutscene will occur where you see the hag throw bottles at you that knock Peter and Edmund down. After the cutscene, continue to throw the boulders at the hag and use your swords against the werewolf and Nikabrik. A cutscene will occur later where the White Witch tries to seduce Peter like she did Caspian, but Edmund will break the ice wall that the Witch is contained in and after that cutscene you have beat that part.

Sorry I tried to edit my last post but it was taking too long. :rolleyes:

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I just got through the castle level, my friend was using Caspian and didn't like it to much, he said he jumped and danced with the sword to much (so much bette using Peter) Love the game so far. I have it for PS3, the graphics are amazing, too.
I just got through the castle level, my friend was using Caspian and didn't like it to much, he said he jumped and danced with the sword to much (so much bette using Peter) Love the game so far. I have it for PS3, the graphics are amazing, too.

I agree about Caspian, but I prefer to use him over Peter because Caspian can use a bow and arrow and sword which comes in handy. Plus, I didn't like Peter's attitude in the movie. :p
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I beat Prince Caspian the other night. Thanks for the tip Lucy, I looked in the manual and found that you use the right and left bumpers to aim. My favorite characters to play as aare Caspian, Susan, Reepicheep, and Peter.

I still have many things left to unlock, so I imagine I'll still be playing the game for sometime.
I beat Prince Caspian the other night. Thanks for the tip Lucy, I looked in the manual and found that you use the right and left bumpers to aim. My favorite characters to play as aare Caspian, Susan, Reepicheep, and Peter.

I still have many things left to unlock, so I imagine I'll still be playing the game for sometime.

You're welcome. Could you tell me how you beat King Miraz? A message says I have to use Peter to block Miraz's special attacks so Reepicheep can take off Miraz's armor. Reepicheep just stands there or walks around. Am I supposed to just hit the button that blocks people from hitting you? Miraz's attacks knock Peter and Reepicheep down no matter what I do.

Thanks. :)

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You're welcome. Could you tell me how you beat King Miraz? A message says I have to use Peter to block Miraz's special attacks so Reepicheep can take off Miraz's armor. Reepicheep just stands there or walks around. Am I supposed to just hit the button that blocks people from hitting you? Miraz's attacks knock Peter and Reepicheep down no matter what I do.

Thanks. :)

When Miraz swings for his attack to knock you down, you must time to block right as he hits you. You cannot hold the gaurd down, you must wait and time it right. Then Miraz will fall to his knees and you will have to switch to Reepicheep and take off his armor. Note: After doing this three times Miraz changes his attack pattern and begins to charge. Allow him to charge towards you and dodge. He will be winded and you'll be able to attack him.

I hope that helps, the Duel with Miraz is tricky, but once you figure out the rhytnm of the fight you'll be able to defeat him.
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You are so welcome. :)

I just won the game too. I must say it was easier than the first one, but fun nontheless. I was hoping one of the extras would be where you can see the kids do the voice acting and see them play the game like in the first one. There are a few things I didn't unlock so they could still be there.
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I want to unlock the bonus levels. I wonder what they are and if they are anything like ROTK bonus levels, were you fight almost endless waves of enemies.
I want to unlock the bonus levels. I wonder what they are and if they are anything like ROTK bonus levels, were you fight almost endless waves of enemies.

You can see them if you go to the upper right hand corner. Some should be unlocked for you. So far, they're just bits and pieces of storyboards and how some of the creatures moved by other people and how some creatures were animated. I think you can also see some of the cutscenes that were used in the game.
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Is this game any good? I'm curious whether I should try renting it or not... is it one to buy and replay to 100% complete it, or one you can play and it takes a while to do everything and then beat it? If that makes sense....
I just got mine today (it came while I was at work)!

From everything Lucy and Godfrey have been saying, I am really looking forward to playing it! (and to follow up my earlier post I did get my shirt with the game!:D)
I just got mine today (it came while I was at work)!

From everything Lucy and Godfrey have been saying, I am really looking forward to playing it! (and to follow up my earlier post I did get my shirt with the game!:D)

You got a PC shirt? You're lucky. My Disney Store doesn't have anything PC yet except costumes for young kids.
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I picked up the Prince Caspian game for the DS and it plays quite different from the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii versions. It's more of turn based RPG style than a hack'n slasher with puzzles. I like it, it's nice to have solid RPG to play on my DS and it's awesome that it's a Narnia RPG. :D
I just got it!

I just got it today.Its a great game, but not for the non-patient! Its fun to run around smashing enemies into walls and then continue with your mission.
I recently got it for the Nintendo Wii. It's fun to swing the wii remote like a sword and to sling it like graplehook when you need to use the grapplehook.
Can someone help me with the game? I just rescused Trumpkin and Edmund from the tower. Now I have to break into Miraz's room...but I can't figure it out. It's driving me nuts.