I am also going to wait until after I see the movie to play the game.

I played the SW Ep. III game before the movie and it ruined part of the plot so I've decided to wait until after I see a movie to play a game.

I've had the game (DS version) for a few days now and I am really resisting the urge to play it!
Apparently it wasn't even supposed to be released yet, the Game Crazy near where I live just happened to get it in a few days early.

None of the other versions have come out yet, though I wish they had been.
Ok, I picked up my preordered PS2 version of PC today. Now comes the part where I don't play it until after I see the movie. Since the first game was pretty much like the movie, with extras like extra battle scenes and that, I don't want to actually watch the movie (by playing the game) before I'm going to see it in theaters. I don't want things to be ruined for me with spoilers.
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I've played a portion of the Prince Caspian game. It plays essentially like thE LWW game only with more battles. Also you get to view scenes from the movie that were cut out. There is a lot ot unlock, especially if you get the Xbox 360 version (via achievements). So far I like it, however I wish they would have added some RPG elements to it like the ROTK game. Anyhow it's a great game and worth picking up for any Narnia fan.
Disney has apparently had some trouble getting all the games out to different retailers. I spent most of Friday on the phone and internet attempting to track down a copy of PC for my PS2.

1) First store had 360 and DS only.

2) Second store had 360 and PS3 only.

3) Third store had no idea what a Narnia was.

4) Fourth store had DS only.

5) Fifth store has Wii, DS and 360.

6) Sixth store had PS3, DS, and 360.

7) Seventh store carried the PS2 version, but was sold out.

8) Eighth store had no idea what a Caspian was but told me they were paying $35 for GTA IV

9) Ninth store had a copy of LWW for $49.99

10) I gave up looking in stores and just bought it from gamestop's online store (but at least i'm supposed to get a free shirt for my effort.
I know what you mean by confusion with retailers. I went to pick up my reserved copy for the Xbox 360 at Game crazy and they only had it for the PS3. I then went to Target which seemed to only have two copies of Prince Caspian for the Xbox 360. I fortunately was able to get a copy. It is strange that a movie based game would be hard to find. Afterall Iron Man and Transformers were easy to find. Even LWW game was easy to find on the day of it's release.
Disney has apparently had some trouble getting all the games out to different retailers. I spent most of Friday on the phone and internet attempting to track down a copy of PC for my PS2.

1) First store had 360 and DS only.

2) Second store had 360 and PS3 only.

3) Third store had no idea what a Narnia was.

4) Fourth store had DS only.

5) Fifth store has Wii, DS and 360.

6) Sixth store had PS3, DS, and 360.

7) Seventh store carried the PS2 version, but was sold out.

8) Eighth store had no idea what a Caspian was but told me they were paying $35 for GTA IV

9) Ninth store had a copy of LWW for $49.99

10) I gave up looking in stores and just bought it from gamestop's online store (but at least i'm supposed to get a free shirt for my effort.

I'm also having a hard time finding PC for the Ps2 Last Weekend,i checked in datablitz,the ps2 version is sold out,the Ps3,DS,and XBOX 360 were the only available in the shop,and i'm still hoping for one ps2 version of PC :rolleyes:
I started playing the game the day after PC was out in theaters. I am enjoying the game a lot. I can easily spend an entire day on it. As far as I know the people that were in the movie, do the voices for the characters in the game. It has the autosave feature. I don't like that though, because I don't know when it has saved so I know when I can quit for the day. Also, you don't really know when a new level begins. I mean, you can know how far you've played at the beginning where it shows the thrown room and has bits and pieces of the levels you've gotten passed, similar to how it was set up for the first game on the wardrobe. The cutscenes are rather long, but they do edit some cutcenes together to make it look like one cutscene. The animation for the PS2 version isn't bad at all. Right now, my levels are centered around Miraz's castle. I have to kill the sentries, break into the castle, break into Miraz's chamber, save the professor, etc. This is what I've already done but it's constant, kill the sentries, break into the castle. I can't wait to get passed Miraz's castle. My favorite characters to play as so far are Caspian, Lucy and Reepicheep.

Has anyone else played it yet.

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No, but I want it now that you've told us so much :D I dunno if it's out here yet; the movie's only coming out next month here. But usually they release the game before the movie. But I don't think they've released it just yet.
I'm stuck at the part when you must defeat Nikabrick, the werewolf and stop Jadis from returning. It's very frustrating because I don't know how to defeat Nikabrick or the werewolf.
I haven't gotten there yet. My advice is check the checklist. Sometimes it says how you kill someone. Also, look around because there might be things around your area that you can use to help defeat the enemy to make it easier on you.
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I got the game several days ago for the PS2. The graphics aren't bad, considering. That's what I love about the PS2, it's still hanging in there with the newer systems.

As for the game? I'm enjoying it. I didn't really like game for The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Not enough action and too many silly side quests. However, this has great action and being able to be some of the creatures from Narnia is a plus.
I'm at Aslan's How right now. Miraz's castle seem so long with everything you had to do there. I couldn't figure out the puzzle for the four levers and looked it up online and couldn't get an answer because not many websites have walkthroughs yet for the game. Anyway, I typed in a piece of my question and got my answer. I performed what they said and it didn't work so I moved one of the other levers and it worked. I wouldn't ask me how I did it because I don't know. (lol)

I enjoyed the first game but I've played it so many times that it's not as fun anymore.

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I just got to the part where you get Caspian as a playable character..

...not like I'll be using him too much though... :D