Yeah mvoie games arn't genrrally ment to have great replay value. I will say to those who are going to buy PC, it's worth it, but wait tell It's cheaper.
I think I remember seeing this board game at Waldenbooks when the first movie came out. I was wondering if anyone here has played it and if so, is it any good?
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Oh my God. Monopoly is one of the funnest board games of life. So awesome.
I remember I got a free CD in a Cereal box once. It was the game, rotfl, I was always anxious to get to the haunted house!
Same thing with Banjo Kazoui (sp?).
Haunted houses are made of awesome...
What the...? A Narnia monopoly game? What are the properties? The Dancing Lawn? Cair Paravel? should be fun but what are the manuafacturers going to make next into monopoly?
They'll probably make one for every film...

...However, Parker Brothers chose to wait until all three LotR films were made before they marketed a "Lord of the Rings 'Risk'" game, so I don't know.
I've been wanting it since before Christmas! It's at a calendar store nearby - along with the calendar itself.

The game looks really good. I personally dislike the long-ness of Monopoly, but would play it all the time if I had the Narnian version :p.

To bad they don't have credit cards in Narnia...;).(A joke, only a joke. So happy they don't :p).
They do indeed have a Narnia board game--but it's not like Monopoly or anything.
Its not really similiar to any board game we's just it's own game. :p

I own it, and it's pretty fun. I havent played it in about a year though. xP

Its for LWW, btw..
They do indeed have a Narnia board game--but it's not like Monopoly or anything.
Its not really similiar to any board game we's just it's own game. :p

I own it, and it's pretty fun. I havent played it in about a year though. xP

Its for LWW, btw..

That's probably what I saw. ;):) I thought it was a narnia monopoly game. :p
Avandia recall
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