~Us (me) Against The World~

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Lizzy gathered her stuff and headed to the platform to wait for the train. She slid open her phone to send a text to Cera.
"Hey Cera, The train will be here soon. I'm sorry I had to leave, I just need to get away. I promise I'll come back and visit. Thanks for understanding, and not telling James, he would only blame himself. Please dont worry about me. Love you! ~Liz"
She sent it and slid her phone shut and sat down on an open bench.
Cera felt her phone vibrate on her pocket and pulled it out, the display said "Lizzy". She slid it open and read the message

"Hey Cera, The train will be here soon. I'm sorry I had to leave, I just need to get away. I promise I'll come back and visit. Thanks for understanding, and not telling James, he would only blame himself. Please dont worry about me. Love you! ~Liz"

She felt a slight squearm in her stomuch at her promice that was now hopelessly broken.

She texted back.

"Ok, sure Liz, Please do come back soon, ly ~Cera".
"I'll try." She sent back. Then laid her head back and closed her eyes. How did she mess everything up this badly?
"No," she said then thought, she would have to explain to Lizzy that she had told James if they turned up there.

What if she had a ligit reason for going away, she just didnt want James knowing, if they all turned up there then she would have to explain.

She didnt know what to do.
She looked into his eyes and could see the pleading, the hurt, she couldn't lie to him when he was like that.

"At the train station," she told him, her stomach squirming with guilt again but she ignored it.
"Grand Central," he muttered, "Are you all comming wiht me?" he asked as he took off towards the main street where he could flag down a taxi

ooc: he got to go but be back on in a few
ooc: oh no Jas is on her way.
James finally got a Taxi to stop and as they bailed in Jasmin ran up, "you didn't think you were going to leave me did you?" she said panting
ooc: hmmm should she wait?? :p

Lizzy sighed as the train pulled up it would only be a few minutes now. She waited for it to unload and for them to start boarding.

ooc: is that how a train works? i would guess so....the process would take a while wouldnt it?
"Good." he nodded looking out the window

"I don't understand what all the fuss is about. I mean if she wants to go that is her right. sure I'll miss her but...I don't get it." Jasmin spoke up

"Because Jas she is leaving because of me. becaus I pushed her too far." James explained, "She has everythign here. her dance copotitions...everything."
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