war of the dwarves and elves!

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*uses teleportation device (made in moria) and dwarven stealth tech to sneak in to the elf camp, plant a treacle time bomb and get out again*
*gets a magician to cause an earthquake to reverse the flow of the river so it floods the DWARVES camp with custard* :p (note it was a harmless earthquake to both sides, though there may be some colapses in the surrounding land)
OOPS! It's supposed like totally read "like that," dude, y'know. Like, totally, I just, like, totally, edited it, y'know, like, dude.

That made me laugh. Out loud. I'm still grinning.:D
I thought that might be the case, but I had to say something just in case it wasn't.:p
An ultrasonic signal, audible only to animals, sets off a trained response in the puppies taken from the Dwarf camp. All of the puppies immediately begin chewing up furniture and shoes belonging to Elves.
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