New member
True. That was more of the timeline changing moment.
I agree!! That was the problem, he had issues and on top of that he had to make decisions that would affect the future of an entire country while working through those issues.. Of course he is going to make some bad decisions!What happens is that in the film Peter goes in to the middle section of the story with those issues unresolved and he`s having to make key decisions about Narnia while trying to deal with them!
All this about how the change of order caused such a different view of Peter is quite eye-opening. Seeing it this way, Book Peter and Movie Peter look a lot more like the same person, just shown at different points in time with slightly different circumstances.
To address your first point, that is a really good way for PCMoviehaters to look at it!Here is where my Stargate (SciFi) geekyness comes out. The PC movie makes me think of an aternate reallity. One small thing is changed and the rest of the story changes (same main plot different way to get to it). That might be a way to help people like the movie more but I wish they had kept inline with the book more. As I have said before, it is not how Lewis wrote the Character of Peter.
To address your first point, that is a really good way for PCMoviehaters to look at it!To address your second point, I believe that Peter was the same way in the book, just MoviePeter's attitude was exaggerated a little to much and his humbling himself came a little later than in the book. He DID humble himself though. That is the main thing that bugs me, that he humbled himself but no one sees that but a select few (on this forum at least).
I apologize if I seem like I am trying to push you to see what I see or seem rude in whatever I have said.![]()
Peter gets into the fight at the train station. We’ve already discussed this.
Peter is prideful to Trumpkin, insisting that he is right. Regardless whether Trumpkin was right or wrong, he should have been polite and respectful.
When Peter’s way turns out false, he is prideful and snaps, “Shut up,” to his sister, and insists that they weren’t lost, even though it was obvious that he had made a mistake.
Caspian starts the fight later. Peter could fight back or get his head chopped off. So of course, he fought back. Still, he wasn’t particularly nice about interacting with Caspian. But I have to admit that after how he had been received, it’s not fair to criticize his behavior harshly.
Peter’s expressions exude arrogance, and he glares much more than he smiles. I got really sick of him slitting his eyes, too, and jutting his chin. He reminds me of my brother when he starts to pout. xD (My brother is eight.)
He looks disgusted when Susan sides with Caspian about the raid. But she was being such an idiot that I don’t blame him. xD
Peter receives respect and honor from the Narnians. “We have anxiously awaited you return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service.” When he asks a centaur about the raid, he responds, “Or die trying, my liege.”
He demeans Lucy in front of everyone, telling her in an arrogant way that she should not be listening in as they discuss battle plans.
When Lucy asks him if he remembers who REALLY defeated the white witch, he juts out his chin and looks arrogant.
Peter refuses to pull out his troops, even though it’s too late. Caspian made a mistake. But it was Peter’s fault that his troops were trapped. He could have called them off.
“Exactly who are you doing this for, Peter?” Susan asks during the raid. So I’m not the only one who sees he’s being selfish.
You say that Peter was having trouble because the Narnians wanted him to prove himself again. No, they showed him respect. And they paid for it with their lives.
“Ask him.” Peter’s face contorts and he glares at Caspian. That was rude and unnecessary. The two of them hurl verbal insults, acting immature and childish. I literally want to jump into the screen and slap Peter’s face. Believe me, I don’t like Caspian’s behavior either, but he holds it together better.
Caspian walks away. Peter taunts him in a way that is reminiscent to people I encountered in first grade. Honestly, many of the teens in my youth group behave better than that. I was smarter than that when I was 10. Peter is a high king who has grown to full behavioral maturity, and has fought many battles. He has learned how to lose.
Caspian is the one who draws his sword first. I had forgotten this detail. He has been quite provoked, but still he is the one to blame.
The main battle scene is when book-Peter is finally allowed to shine through. I enjoyed this part because of it, although that enjoyment was tainted by Susan. -.-
For the most part, Peter is very nice when interacting with Lucy. He is gentle and kind. This doesn’t make up for how he treated Caspian, though.
Of course, at the end, I didn't think Peter was being humble at all, but we need not discuss this, since it is likely we shall both get mad...
I`m not sure how they are supposed to know this, after all apart from Lucy`s `dream` they havn`t actually seen Aslan at that point.However, when Peter goes on to blame Caspian's ancestors for invading Narnia and tells him that he has no right to Narnia's throne, when the reason the Pevensies were sent to Narnia was to put Caspian on the throne, that was absolutely wrong. Caspian had every right to the throne of Narnia. Miraz had none.
"Everything Peter said to Caspian was spot on... When he said "You invaded Narnia, you have no more right to rule it then Miraz does." he is SO spot!!!"
Actually, QueenLucy, this comment is exactly the wrong thing to say. Yes, Peter had the right to take Caspian to task--privately--for ruining the raid. Of course Peter had his own hand in that failed mission.
However, when Peter goes on to blame Caspian's ancestors for invading Narnia and tells him that he has no right to Narnia's throne, when the reason the Pevensies were sent to Narnia was to put Caspian on the throne, that was absolutely wrong. Caspian had every right to the throne of Narnia. Miraz had none.
So, I've been following this thread recently and I thought I would pop a comment in. I partly agree with both of you... I belive that Peter, in the movie, was not so terrible. But in regards to Peter saying that Caspian had no right to rule, I agree with MrBob. Peter should have recognized that they were to help Caspian to overcome the obstacles so he could become king, because ASLAN wanted that. It doesnt matter what Peter thinks concerning Caspian being king because however Aslan plans it is whatever is best for Narnia, the Pevensies, and everyone concerned.
Well, RSS and I were talking, and when we got to that point, we were talking about how the Telmarines invaded Narnia, and until it was clear that that was what Aslan wanted them to do, Caspian did have no right to rule. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were the only ones there who had been given the right, by Aslan, to rule. Caspian was an outsider and an invader. His authority was not clearly shown until Aslan himself says so in the end. Do you think that Peter should have been perfect? He could not have known that that was what Aslan wanted of him!! He could obviously not read Aslans mind, and Aslan had never told him what he wanted of him, so he had no idea that that was what was going on...
I am not sure if that was exactly what we were agreeing on, but it was something like that, and if I remember what exactly it was, I will post that on here..![]()
You repeat so many messages, inky![]()
Lucy Pevensie: What happened?
Peter Pevensie: Ask him.
Susan Pevensie: Peter!
Prince Caspian: Me? You could have called it off, there was still time.
Peter Pevensie: No there wasn't thanks to you. If you had kept to the plan those soldiers might be alive right now.
Prince Caspian: And if you just had stayed here as I suggested they definitely would be!
Peter Pevensie: You called us, remember?
Prince Caspian: My first mistake.
Peter Pevensie: No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people
Peter Pevensie: [turns around and begins to walk off]
Prince Caspian: Hey!
Peter Pevensie: [Peter turns to look at him]
Prince Caspian: I am not the one who abandoned Narnia.
Peter Pevensie: You invaded Narnia. You have no more right leading than Miraz does.
[Caspian pushes past Peter]
Peter Pevensie: You, him, your father! Narnia's better off without the lot of you!
[Caspian and Peter draw swords intending to attack each other]