You're Banned! II

Thou art banned for thy noble resolve.

And Dr. Bryne is banned as well, for I am not willing to submit to his remonstrations, I merely wished to recount bad childhood memories. :D
Dr. Byrne: Full of myself? You need to learn more professional terminology, Zella dear. Professionals (like myself) call it "positive self-esteem." There are other technical terms associated with it, but I won't burden you. *bans* And, D, my child, don't let negative inhibitions prevent you from freeing yourself from the pain of your tender years. *pats D on the head*
Thou art banned, for while there is such a thing as "positive self-esteem", you, Dr. Byrne, appear to be infected with "negative self-esteem".
Dr. Byrne: No, I think highly of my own abilities. I also think highly of your abilities, though not of your mental state.
Thou hypocrite, take the potato out of thine eye, and then thou wilt see clearly to take the cheese out of mine. Thou therefore art banned from my presence, where thou mayest bewail thy fate.
Thou art banned, because there are penguins in the "Toy that Saved Christmas" video I'm watching with my siblings, which reminds me of the heart-rending tale Glen has been telling us on the mafia thread. :(:D
And, pray tell, for why wouldst thou ban Lossiful by reason of something good? For thy hypocrisy and negligence, thou art henceforth and forever bann'd.