Thou art banned, for I kind of like Faramir in the movie. I mean, I would be happier if they had followed the book, but they did the added storyline well enough that I'm okay with how things are.
You are banned for being awesome and not talking to me in months!
Thou art banned, for I like the extended versions.
Thou art banned for sleeping on the floor. Didst not thy mummy tell thee? "Sleep not upon the floor, for it is brown, and brown it shall turn thee. Then shalt thou say: 'O grievous day of brownness, for my face now hath the grain of an oak tree, and a knot lieth upon my nose'." And thy mummy shall say, "I told thee so." And thou shalt say, "Thou art most unkind." And thy mummy shall say, "Fie upon thee. Dost thou not know that thou shouldest never speak so unto she from whence thou came?" And thou shalt say, "What dost 'fie' mean? For I know not." Then shalt thy mummy forsake all hope of thee, and cast thee from her doorstep and upon the circle of the earth, where thou shalt wander homeless for the rest of thy days.
You're not banned, you're orchestra.
Thou art banned for sleeping on the floor. Didst not thy mummy tell thee? "Sleep not upon the floor, for it is brown, and brown it shall turn thee. Then shalt thou say: 'O grievous day of brownness, for my face now hath the grain of an oak tree, and a knot lieth upon my nose'." And thy mummy shall say, "I told thee so." And thou shalt say, "Thou art most unkind." And thy mummy shall say, "Fie upon thee. Dost thou not know that thou shouldest never speak so unto she from whence thou came?" And thou shalt say, "What dost 'fie' mean? For I know not." Then shalt thy mummy forsake all hope of thee, and cast thee from her doorstep and upon the circle of the earth, where thou shalt wander homeless for the rest of thy days.