You're Banned! II

Just now? What wert thou doing? Thou oughtest to be placed under curfew, for 'tis unwise for a maiden to endanger life and health by staying out so late. For thy recklessness, thou art banned.
Thou art banned Glen, for staying out late and staying up late art both endangering to thy health. Therefore thou, not us only, art guilty.

Thou art also banned Lady Chloe for thy rapid replies, which leaveth me guilty of over posting.
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thou art banned for 'tis spring! And branches are laden with beautiful blossoms and their fragrance fills the air.

The geese are back too. I like geese.
(But they're melancholy creatures, and contradict spring. Of course, contradiction is the essence of the Commune. Anyway, you're banned.)
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thou art banned for the lawn hath recently acquired an asian ghost...

and thou art banned for I seest that thou first thought is to point out my lack of capitalization. I tell thee, 'tis to honor Freckles' presence.
Thou art banned, for I should be working on my essay, but am not for I am too busy with planning my best friend's going away party (and while I wait for a phone call, I lurk on the forums)!
Thou'rt banned, for D's sheep are eternal sheep. They were discovered recently; but they have always been and shall always be.