You're Banned! II

Is't for the sake of that noble Tongue that thou so lovest? In any case, thou art banned, in hopes that thou mayest reconcile with Shakespeare.
Thou'rt banned, for Tolkien wrote far too little. And I do want another movie after The Hobbit, but alas, The Silmarillion is too complicated to cinemize.
Thou'rt banned, for I understand thy desire, and often suffer the same. But when I finished The Children of Hurin, I did not want to touch another book for a while--that is, for thirty minutes. Very depressing, and...something else.
Thou art banned. Asketh thou why? Thou art in as much need of being banned as I am of banning thee. (or anyone else who happens to be around)
Thou art banned, for I am delighted to find that Shakespearian still reigneth queen, tho' my spell checker loveth her not and hath repeatedly abused her with Autocorrect.