You're Banned! II

Thou art banned, for thou shouldest leave thy room and enter the wide world, whereupon thou shalt be visited by persons three. The first--George Washington, who shall bequeath to thee wooden teeth. The second--thy mother, who shalt bequeath a shiny star sticker unto thee and tell thee that thou shalt become famous. The third--Jesse James, with whom thou shalt travel, accosting travelers with the wooden teeth until thy name is known across the country, and thou diest. The manner of thy death shall not be discussed, for it doth involve an obsessive-compulsive parrot, a subject which is banned in accordance with due taste.
Thou durst rebel against the Tongue?! Fie upon thee! Thou shalt feel the wrath of the forum upon thee, until thou return unto the earth from whence thou came. Dust thou art, and unto dust, of the sort that sparkles, shalt thou return, doomed to overdecorate the Sunday School papers of four-year-olds all the days of thy life. So shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be Fred. Fred the Box, that is.

(Thou shalt be Fred because Fred was made from recycled Sunday School sparkles. Who knew?)
Your banned because I am starting to kind of sort of, not really, just a little bit, like Justin bieber! :eek: I know! I am crazy! Please don't remind me!
I do not ban Morning Time, because I agree with her about the Twilight series. But I ban everybody else above me on this page, for having not yet written entries in the latest Narnian contest!
The three above me, with the addition of Mike, shall be everlastingly banned for rebellion against the Tongue. Surely doom and despair shall follow thee all the days of thy life, and thou shalt dwell in the house of HB forever. (A truly terrifying thought.)
Thou'rt banned, for thou hast gone to join the ghosts of many great Duffers in the land of mafia death. (Condolences, unless thou art mafia.)
You're banned for being interested in overseas travel.

For those who remember "The Tale of Sophia Renee," a writer's block of several years' duration is now broken. The alternate endings have begun to be written!