You're Banned! II

Thou art banned, for I have mine knitting forgotten (sort of), and crochet hath taken hold of mine life and limb. Farewell, thou knitting needles that did my great-grandmother use; for I bow unto the Hook.
You're banned, because in sixth grade I acted as Julius Caesar in a simplified production of that Shakespeare play! I did a great job of falling down dead once I got stabbed by wooden rulers.
Thou art banned, for my teacher still hath not graded the outline for my paper that is due tomorrow. *grimace*
Thou art banned, for the paper is turned in, but the grade is not. O teacher, thy silence shall indeed be avenged: thou shalt hear of this on the course evaluation. :p
Thou art banned, for the outline grade is now something like six weeks late...incredible. And this page needed saved from the Tree's thread revival. Kind of like a tent revival without the tent....