From Empire Online comes better angles of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader Banner at Cannes. It turns out that there are five panels, and while one is not clear, it looks like it may have the front of the Dawn Treader on it. The other side definitely has the Dawn Treader on it, though.
Get clearer views of Caspian, Reepicheep, Aslan, Edmund, Lucy and Eustace, as well as a great look at the Dawn Treader herself!
-via Empire Online
-via Rope of Silicon
I am so excited! The poster is great and getting me more ready for the movie. It’s my favorite book in the series and I have a good feeling that it will be my favorite movie also.
Wow is that really Georgie on the right side. She looks amazing! Same for Edmund, Will and Ben. Can’t wait for the movie posters to appear in the cinema here.
I’ve been pumped for this movie since Prince Caspian came out. Definitely one of my favorites of the books. Georgie, Ben, Skandar, and Will all look fantastic. I seriiously can’t wait!!! I have really high hopes for this movie.
I think Georgie looks too old… And Caspian looks so funny 😀 But I love this poster anyway 😛
Georgie does look a little older than I’m keen on, but as for Caspian, he’s starting to actually look like he could be a king.
Wohoo!!! I can’t wait!
Awesome, seriously I can’t wait – I’m beyond excited!
They are getting sooo old! And I am getting more and more excited every day! Seven months away!
they look great cant wait
My jealousy of Ramandu’s Daughter has again been renewed…not sure I like how Will, Georgie and Skandar look, but maybe it’s just the photo.
If you notice, sun is coming up on the side with Ben, Reep and Aslan, so the side with Will, Georgie and Skandar is dark with shadow. That hurts the color of it in the picture.
I think Lucy looks just right – she’s right in that awkward girl age where she is grown up – yet not. Also, for the fact that Georgie is not related to either Will or Anna, I have to say that her expression, face shape and look in her eyes reminded me very sharply of Peter and Susan at first glance. Anybody else notice this?
I love how fierce Ed looks.
Goodness! Georgie looks different now!! It’s so weird to see all the actors older when I first saw them when they were just kids 😀
Georgie looks very classic Hollywood in that picture, sort of like Deanna Durbin. I love Edmund’s ‘Gladiator’ pose. It’s going to be a magical Christmas.
Deanna Durbin? One does not see her name often. Interesting comparison too! My mum still has her Deanna Durbin doll from 1938. [/random reply]
Yes! I thought there was something familiar about that face/pose of Georgie! Deanna Durbin to be sure! Definitely a resemblance there.
BTW, as far as I know, Deanna is still alive and well somewhere in France.
Looking forward to seeing VDT!
Glad I’m not the only one. Check out Google’s photo archive from LIFE magazine: http://images.google.com/hosted/life.
Also, look for Rita Hayworth, may she rest in peace. There are some pictures of her as a starlet in the 1930’s. Strong resemblance there too! The thought occurs that if they are going to put your face up 30 meters high, they probably have to make you up like a million dollars.
Here’s hoping lots of people are enchanted by VDT.
Georgie looks amazing :O
Does this banner mean that we’ll see the trailer soon…?
It looks that we
AHHH I LOVE SKANDAR!!!! Is he holding peters sward??!!! I cant telll someone tell me plzz..!!!! I cant wait for the movie!!!! Love you SKANDAR:)
(Actually, a sward is an area of grass, a sword is the lethal weapon he’s holding. Sorry, I couldn’t resist! 😀 ) I can’t tell for sure if it’s Peter’s sword he’s got, but it would make sense, since Peter’s gone from Narnia until maybe about 2020-ish (that’s my estimate for when the Last Battle movie will come out.)
Haha, thanks I did not see my mistake. :). Yeah I think it is his but like you siad not shere:) I think it will come out thin 2:) Thanks:)
Believe it or not but I do think that is Peters sword!!! It has the same inscriptions on it and the lion head. I didn’t realize it intill I saw your comment!! Trust me, I’ve seen the movie multiple times, (like 200 not joking!) and I’ve seen the sword. It either IS or very similar.
I think it is!!!!!! Thanks:) I have seen like 200 time to and more coming.lol. I really hope its his!!!! 🙂
I’m likin’ the Caspian beard, despite what all the fangirls might think. Makes him look more mature. Maybe a bit of an Aragorn vibe? I guess we’ll have to wait and see for that one.
Also… Edmund is absolutely epic! Lucy is growing up to be gorgeous, and Eustace…. well, he’s just like Eustace. 😛
And, of course, the Dawn Treader is beautiful. I can tell that even from the tiny pic you have here.
have you noticed that skandar has peter’s sword? what can that possibly mean?
Ohh memories… i have walked on board the Dawn Treadoe, and it was amazing… cant wait any longer for a TRAILER!!!!!
Georgie looks evil. 😛
No, she’s just a little over-intent…
*scrolls up to look again*
Wait, that’s the Frodo-with-the-Ring stare! ^_^
the pics are very cool. i can’t wait to see it on the TODAY show(they are brodcasting the fesivel)
Now, I am crossing my fingers. Hoping that this movie will coming to my country, Indonesia at the same time like other countries. The most anticipated movie to end the year..
aaaahhhhhh!!!! edmund! i can’t wait for the movie! edmund’s still so handsome <3 georgie's grown a lot over the years. i hope they don't film every two years. they should film every year if they're going to do ALL the books. it's tiring, but if they want to keep the other actors they'll have to. they don't stay the same age forever. 😐
Wow. Awesome poster- I can’t wait until December. Georgie’s grown up sooooo much. 🙂
I can not wait for the movie to come out! it’s my favorite book and I can’t wait to see the movie and how they did on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Georgie looks really nice there same with Skander
i can’t wait for the movie, georgie looks so much older n one of the comments above is kind of the same as mine which is good. and it is that georgie looks so like anna n will in the pic that see in.
They showed the banner on the Today Show this morning! I was freaking out!!! 😀
Couldn’t make it out at first, but after studying it I could figure out who is who. They look a little strange to me at the moment, but I’ll get used to it. They are indeed getting older Ben, Skandar, and Georgie. Can’t say much for Will for this is our first time seeing him in a Narnia film. Looks really cool and now I can’t wait for the movie release in December.
Next thing you know we’ll be seeing Will in SC and asking how HE grew up so much. :p
Hey were is this!!!!! PLZZZZ TELL ME!!!! 🙂
LOL I saw this and began hypervinalating! It is really awesome! As everyone else says, Lucy looks so grown up, compare a picture of her now to Lion witch and Wardrobe! Edmund looks Awesome, but why so “strict pose”?
To bad Lucy and Edmund don’t come back
I think everyone looks great! So happy that they are using the same cast threw it all! Nothing spoils a movie series more then changing the cast all the time.
This is one of my favorite books of the series.. Can’t wait to see the movie!
I think everyone looks different!!
Can’t wait to see the movie.
Georgie’s amazing!! she grew up so fast!