![The Chronicles of Narnia 4: The Silver Chair](https://narniafans.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/the-silver-chair.jpg)
How can I audition to be Jill Pole in The Silver Chair? At the time of this writing, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair has not been given the green-light. However, that hasn’t stopped the e-mails from coming in asking for the role of Jill Pole in the movie.Β In fact, the absolute number one request we have gotten since The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was just announced for production has been the role of Jill Pole in The Silver Chair. It seems a lot of girls want to be her, more than any other role in the series. We have been inundated with requests to audition and felt the need to address this question.
I have a few tips for those looking for an audition for the role, as well as some information about where we are at right now with the film. We are not in charge of casting, though, so please refrain from asking us for an audition. We cannot grant you one, nor can we send any contact information on to any casting directors. Requests in the comments also cannot be granted or guaranteed.
1. Pre-Production
Pre-production encompasses a lot, including script writing, storyboarding and character design and casting. It even begins, at times, prior to a film getting funding from a studio (part of the green-light process).Β The Hobbit is one of those movies that was in pre-production for the last few years and only recently was given the go-ahead.
Sometimes a studio will hire a writer onto a movie that hasn’t yet been given the green light, which has always been the first step with the Narnia movies. Currently, we haven’t heard about a screenwriter been signed to take the book and turn it into a script. All three films have had the same screenwriters, save for Dawn Treader which added another writer to the mix. This is one of the first things that needs to happen before casting can begin.
2. The Green-Light
The production team will then take the material they’ve developed to the studio to present it before the studio heads. This can either be just a script, or a set including a script, storyboards and pre-vis demos of different sequences. They may also try to give an asking price for how much they think it would take to produce the film based on the script that was written. This is based on knowledge of how much various things tend to cost, among other things.
This could be expedited by the box office success that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader sees. If the film does really well, then Fox will see value in continuing the series.
3. Pre-Production goes full speed ahead
If the film is granted funding by the studio, the pre-production team is built up with more production staff and sets are built and everything necessary to get the film put together is acquired.
This leads us to the next phase, the one that you were looking for.
4. Casting
Once casting begins, they are going to look for the best actor to play each role. This is someone that fits the character that they are looking for. Usually they have the look of the character in mind when they start the casting process. They look at casting agencies mostly, but sometimes drama clubs and even open casting calls.
The best thing that you can do to increase your chances is to start acting in local plays. Many areas have drama clubs or local theater guilds that you can try out for roles with. Getting an agent is another good way to increase your chances of getting the role. There are a lot of phony agents in Hollywood, so you need to be very careful to go with a well known and well regarded agency.
When it comes to these films, they tend to look in the UK first, as they want to cast someone that has a natural British accent. There probably won’t be any open auditions for the role, as it is a leading role and they’ll need someone that can carry a film. They’ll look for someone charismatic that gets along well with Will Poulter.
5. Summing it all up
If you want to be Jill Pole, help make sure that the series continues by helping The Voyage of the Dawn Treader do well in theaters.Β The filmmakers haven’t yet decided what they’ll do next if given the chance to do another Narnia, and word is they’re trying to decide between The Silver Chair and The Magician’s Nephew. (In multiple polls on many websites, approximately 75% of fans want to see The Silver Chair next.)
It is best if you are actually British, and part of an acting agency or group.
They aren’t currently casting the movie, as there is no movie to cast at the moment.Β If or when the movie is officially announced by the studio, we will announce any casting calls and do whatever we can to give you as much information as possible to help you out.
If you find this later, should the film move forward and casting begins, and you have an audition, read this: Auditioning for Dummies.
thankyou C.S!! i’ll give it a try, just gotta find the courage to tell my parents i’m interested first haha. kinda a daunting thought to tell them!! i’m going to write to nina gold & ask for an audition, does anyone think it’s worth sending her a headshot aswell? thanks for the advice people, its really helpful (:
yeah i would but she won’t reply so be prepared for that
Who is nina gold?
I agree with liz, I so want to play da part! Never have I ever wanted this role befor. But I just dont know where to strt. Wat do I do?
Well do u have an agent? And the start is get acting! Join ur school play or a drama club. And most importantly, get an agent!!!
hii C.S. i agree that they could look in countries other then the U.K for this particular role because narnia has fans all over the world and every girl who wants it shuld hav a chance at it, no matter how small. but some people are against that sorta thing because they think jill shuld b english because it says she is in the books. andd i readd somewhere that will poulter is round 5’9-6’0. so jill shuld b arounn 5’4-5’6 mayb. i think will is cute too π
I think you and i would get along well, I so hope to meet you some day!
It also says in the book that she is small for her age.. but we’ll see what they want…
I am a little small for 15, At least I think I am…
Thanks Lisa and your very welcome Lizzie!
I talked to my mom yesturday! It turned out better than I thought, but my brother doesn’t think i should try out, but i think he will get over it. So my mom says i just need to talk it over with my dad.YEAH! There is hope for me to try out!
Did anyone hear about Natalie Portman might be the serpent lady in the Silver Chair? I read it on some where online, i think it was ‘narnia actors. com’ or somthing like that. I looked it up on yahoo.
I like chating on here, it is cool to talk to other girls and boys that are fans of the Narnia books and movies.
I guess that is it! I have to go back searching the web! (Unles i think of somthing else to say,that I might have forgot.)
Best luck to everyone!
wow i love natalie portman she is a fantastic actress i really wanna see the black swan!!! that would be good as it would get the movies even more publicity
I would love to meet natalie, but I don’t care for the publicity!
Whoa, Natalie Portmen?? No way!!! Shoot, I want soooooo badly to be in one of these plays. I’d like to play Frank’s wife in “The Magician’s Nephew” but I’d be ecstatic just to be an extra. It’s on my bucket list right up there with visiting Australia!!!
she played padme’in star wars…
When i read the book, i always thought that the lady in the green kirtle was Jadis…? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.. I guess different people interpret things differently?? Hmmm..
( sorry , bad spelling!)
Paul Martin,
Have you got any information yet?
Hey all,
So I’ve been DREAMING of playing Jill Pole since I was eleven. I’m sixteen now, and I have my audition tape, headshot, and resume ready to go once a casting director is announced. I’m not from England, but I’ve been practicing my accent for the better part of five years. I really think I have a good shot! My parents are behind me 100% as well. If anyone is interested in seeing parts of my audition video, it’ll be on YouTube soon. Send me a reply and I’ll let you know what it’s called. Again, this is my childhood dream!
cool i wanna see it what is it called??
a casting agency in england (where I live) have just emailed me saying that they want to represent me how cool is that!!!! i am so excited!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH YAAAY
what agency is this? x
Hey, don’t give up, that’s all I can say. Don’t know if you’ll make it but you keep trying and you’ll never regret giving up too soon. And if you DO get blessed with that ever-desired part, KUDOS!!! I think everyone here who wants that or another part need to just keep trying and not let anyone who’s unsupportive discourage them. Let’s just surround ourselves with people who tell us “You can do it!” I’m 38, so I don’t even know if I’m the right age for the part I want (Frank’s wife in “Magician’s Nephew). But if I’m not, I want SOME part or other. Maybe a noble in “The Horse and His Boy”.
Its not posted quite yet, but search my name on youtube in the next day or two and it should be there.
Hey I saw your video and I think its great=) Where are you from?
Are you saying that they are additioning for the silver chair? And what is this agency? I would really like to have some help! Getting an agent is expesive.
I am happy for you! Good luck!!!!!
I would so LOVE the part of Jill Pole. But I have know idea how I would ever get a part. My famly can’t aford an agent, and my town doesn’t have community plays. HELP!
I read somthing about not having to get an agent on the web! Just keep and eye out. And search the web, it can help, there is alot of infomation out there! Just keep looking! And good luck!
Here’s the link to my Jill Pole video!
i saw your video i am gonna try and put one up as well….umm ok so here is what i thought first off..were you trying to do an english accent???? if so it needs some work seriously and i should know as i am english umm the acting is ok but the camera couldn’t see your face so there was no way to really see how good your acting was
i suggest keep posting videos!!!! and maybe just have one of you simply reading the lines so that we can see your face π
Hey thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it. I know my accent probably needs some work…I’ve learned mostly from the Harry Potter and Narnia movies, with and without commentary, and various interviews and such. I just listen and try to mimic. Any advice on how I might do better? And I wanna see your video too! Send me a link when you post it!
ok so with your accent it kept slipping into an american accent when i post my video i have a strong british accent so you can copy that if you like π try and over pronunnciate each word quite a lot of the words you said had an “Ay” sound rather than an “ee” sound i suggest watch keira knightley as she has a very strong british accent like mine oh and don’t pronnounce R’s because that instantley makes you sound more american- listen to an english person and an american person saying the word car as an example.
Also, I think I’m going to upload two videos of me reading the lines: one with my own dialect (so people can see my acting), and one with an english accent (so I can get feedback on that). As you are english, I’m currently clinging to you as a resource. If you don’t want to be bothered, just let me know! π I’m really a very good actress, but I find that I’m concentrating on the accent so much that my acting is lacking a bit. I’m getting a voice coach so I can become more comfortable with it, though, so hopefully that’ll help! What are your thoughts?
ah good idea with the voice coach!!!! i would love to help you also with your accent anything you need just ask. i need to post my video but i have a very noisy house so i will have to find time when everyone is out!!!!
My parents said that it is fine with them for me to try out for jill pole , but they are just worrried about the money that it will take. Hopefully things will go well! I am sooo excited!
I really want to play Jill, it would be amazing. My only concerns are that my backround(I come from Newcastle) and the distance I’ll have to travel to audition. I wonder if I should send a picture first?
I am from the Bahamas so your better of then me!
I would LOVE to play Jill Pole!!!! Its my life-long dream. The only thing is is that i am 13 (almost 14) and already 5’10. =( Is there any hope for me???
I would LOVE to play Jill Pole to!!!! The only thing is is that i am 13 (almost 14) and already 5’10, AND live in Rapid City.
who do i contact for a audition? i really want this, but have never really acted, dont have a agent, dont belong to a drama group or come from a privleged background
First you should get a headshot photo and try to get into a play. Still I don’t really know, but it is always best to pratice!
Hey and don’t worry about ‘privleged background’, things will turn out, you just have to work at it.
Keep looking on the internet! There is alot of info out there , you just need to go find it!
Hope this helps,bye!
thanks that fills me with confidence. Do you think a geordie Jill would be good? If not, I would try and put on a proper english accent
i would go for the proper english accent if i were you
Wow. Ever since I read the books I have dreamed of playing Jill Pole In The Silver Chair and The Last Battle. I am a great actor, I have been in many community theatre productions. I also have a fantastic and believable British accent. If you have any info on auditions, or any advice, please message me. This is my dream. I live in a small city in Ontario, but I want this REALLY badly. Thank you so much. π
If I was to make a video, where do you recommend I post it? I just want to get somewhere. I’m going to try as hard as I can until The part is casted. I would really appreciate as much help as I can get. Thanks
i would send it to a casting agency first, then maybe youtube, so more people can see, and some might show intrest, though be careful, you never know who’s out there. Its only my opinion, but i hope it helps π
Thanks! I was trying to search acting agencies in my area, but I guess there aren’t any. I’ll keep searching, but if I make one, I’ll probably put it on youtube.
also my friend charlotte would like an audition. she has the same background and dilemma as me. should i give her the same advice
I REALY want the roll too:p
wher do you think it might be?
I would love to auditon, where are the audtions?
Now one really knows yet, I think? Sorry wish i could help you.
I would love to have the role of Nina Gold. I would love to do it!!!
who is nina gold!!???
Hey, check out ExploreTalent.com It is a big helper!!!!
I heard a rumor about a Naked Brothers Band star, Kristina Reyes tried to audition for Jill and she’s more like 5’4
guys, bad news… the magicians nephew has been greenlit.. looks like we could be waiting a while to audition for jill :/
How did you fined out?
look at this link, it says that magicians nephew has been greenlit!!!
i doesnt say it has been greenlit, hence the question mark. It says it MIGHT be, so dont give up hope of a silver chair. Besides, I heard somewhere that the silver chairs ‘hobbit'(I honestly have no idea) has been greenlit.
Well I can wate for it till I’m not too old! Though we have to wate but it’s not bad to have anather film of the narnia series and a anther reason could be that they might make that film is that it kind of relates to the pevencies; don’t you think?
ooops sorry the person who said that the silver chairs hobbit had been greenlit, meant that the hobbit had been greenlit. sorry guys, but anyway, if you have doubts that you’re too young, you could always audition for polly. i was going to write to the casting director of vdt, walden media and 20th century fox to ask if they would hold open auditions only, so everyone has a fair chance.good idea?
For some, open auditions could be a problem because they might not be able to get there. But i suppose it is better than just choosing, right?
Question:diden the Disney company do the first two films?
Pleas tell me coz I’m confused.:)
Yes, they did.
well, that just gives us more time to research auditions! There is still hope! but I do hope they consider that Will Poulter isn’t getting any younger and they shoulkd make the film as soon as possible!!
i heard that they’ll cast a completley diffrent eusatce altogether if he’s too old, which is TOTALLY WRONG because he is a perfect eustace
That would definately suck for him, too.
I’m not English but I was born in England and I don’t have a great English accent + I don’t go to any drama clubs(but I’m not a bad actress) + my parent’s don’t know that I want to do this : but I REALLY want to do this.guess there is any chance for me? Pleas HELP ME…!
Similar story…. But alas at me I am even less than chances was born in Russia and consequently to me to talk to English accent even more difficultly!!! I very much trust that I have a chance and at you too))))) please help if can)))))) to all I wish good luck)))
And still And how you think if to lay out video on YOUtube there is a chance that they will see it????
just send it around and hope for the best!
Thanx guy’s 4the help! It really help’s. But do any of you have a video so I can see how u did it just being sur about it! <3
I might have one up soon, but I need to get a better camera.
i have a few up on my channel heres the link π
Thanx for the advice!(it’s really cool that you were born in Russia)+keep up the confidence;)
I’m going to tell my parents soon & if they support me I will make a klip( do you have one?)
And I guess the accent would work out if we practice π
Wish you all the luck too!
Sorry this is for Mary Sweets!:)
hi!!!but can i already send application for the part of jill pole???and where???
hey guys my audition videos are now on youtube i have done a quick introduction and a monologue here is the link to my monologue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqV4DZjhPjc please comment and any advice would be helpful i have more videos to come!!!!
hi i saw ur video, u are REALLY good. I tried to make a account, but it said something like ‘because of the information u hav submitted to us, you are not entitled to have a account’. I will try again, and when i am, i’m called ‘fruitylou23’. btw, do you hav facebook?
awww thankyou sooo much π yes i do have facebook do you???
yay i am so happy that someone likes my videos!! i have more on my camera but i will post them over time so that i don’t overwhelm people!! ooh i can’t wait to see your videos!!!!
the one that i posted was probably my best audition!! i actually filmed it whilst i was in Bulgaria on a skiing holiday!!!
cool. i do hav facebook, my is louise small(if u hadnt already guessed). i tried to comment, but it wouldnt let me. my friend has nearly learned the script, so the video should be on soon!!
umm do u have a profile picture????
yeah it’s like a cartoon doll, and its blonde with a black pinnifore and purply top on.
um i can’t find you anywhere is your name just louise small?
yeah Louise Small there may be a lot of louise smalls so just keep looking
WOW!I’m your fan already! Believe me you are perfect! Oh no now the chances for me are less:) but do add me on facebook I’m “Rosa Nica Sabet” well it’s a weird name but u never forget it;) we can chat a bout it and help eachather out!
thankyou thankyou thankyou that is sooooo kind ya 1 fan whooooo!!! i am gonna try and see about agents this weekend
i will add you on facebook now!!!
yay i am soo happy that i have a fan!!!!
Cool! Thanx+ good luck with the egent fineding!:D
I went on a website with all the things u need to b an actress -famealert- please let me know if there right. My whole life, ive wanted to b an actress, when I read the silver chair, I kept imaging myself playing da role of jill. How amazing it would be If I gt da part! But do u think im capable? I dont want to sound rude n impolite to da ovas but, I think ill gt a slight less chance of gtting the part, cuz im Asian. Do u have facebook? I have Sadika Rahman im the first1 in green. Please let me know if u think I look like I have a chance. XxX<3
My mam +dad are Asian that makes me one too but I don’t give up nither should you! They can change you in the carictur they want with makeup. Just send a mini video;) good luck!
Maybe I can try out for Polly instead!!! There is still hope!
Try out for whichever role have more good quality in! I haven’t tried looking at Polly yet, but I’ll try.
hi, im a massive Narnia Fan and would absolutely love to play Jill Pole (if they hold auditions) but im worried i might be too young im 14, and all the other actors in Narnia are like 18 and stuff!
honestly, you’re probs better off than me, cos i’m only twelve!!
R u the girl who Had wavy brown hair and were acting out Jill pole from a over the book!? U were awesome if so!
Yes, Will Poulter is 18. But honestly, does he look 18 to you? When i first saw him as Eustace i thought he was twelve! If you take a person like me, who is 14 and small for her age, by the time they actually film the silver chair, we’ll probably look around the same age, plus- in the book it mentions that Jill is small. If you are twelve and you possibly are a little older looking, then that could work out as well. Just a thought… π
me too! I thought he was twelve at first!
Jill_Pole- Jadis is dead. This is a new witch altogether. I so badly want to be Jill but I’m Canadian and not an amazing actress. );
Oh. R u narnian Wanabee? O I remember u from narniaweb lol!
hey there was this girl on here(cant remember what she’s called), but she said she was from japan. has anyone heard anything from her, cos I’d hate for her to have been injured in the earthquake/tsunami, or even worse, KIlLED!!
she is fine, she goes on another narnia thing aswell, her and her family are fine, but keep praying for the people who have been hurt, other people havent been as lucky as lucia π
thank god she’s alright. i dont know her, but i was concerned. nicely put, dont give up japan!
Yes, thank goodness! We have freidns there too! They are fine, but the damage around them is terrible!!
Oh yea……
Lucia? She was so suppuortful and nice.
And as far as I know she is perfectly fine, except there was a blackout when she was working at the resturaunt. Were u on the narniaweb page of Jill pole?
ok my secong audition video is up..i hope that u like it
sadly it isn’t as good as the last one π
i think its good, mine should be up soon, though its only me reading jill’s parts. hopefully later on it should be a proper scene with my friend as eustace.
tell me when you have posted it!!
Hi guys π
ive written stuff already about how much i wanna be jill pole but i just wanna say it again! I WOULD PROBABLY GO MENTAL SHMENTAL IF I GOT THE PART!!! ahem… anyway ive put some videos up on Youtube in the hope that you guys will take a look and tell me what im doing wrong, right or whatever π Thanks guys and this is the link if you wanna go on my site and watch them… http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxRideJ?feature=mhum
U r THE maxridej!!!!
U R AMAZING!!!! I’ve been dying to comment but I don’t have YouTube account π
So sad…
you should try and make an account and then we can keep in touch! π thankyou sooooooooo much!!! π
Hey , i saw your video! It was pretty good..but, i think if i were you i would really think about he feeling that jill had; like about the kids that teased her or thinking what really happend to Eustance, think of him as one of your best friends and then boom! That person changes!! Does that make sense???
Aw yeh cool. Thankyou so much! I also feel like i can play emotions way better when im performing to an audience, thats why i dont really like videos. Like if i was in a studio filming i would be able to perform better cause i knew people were watching. But now i know what to work on in audition tapes. Thankyou so much π x
Hi guys π
ive written stuff already about how much i wanna be jill pole but i just wanna say it again! I WOULD GO MENTAL SHMENTAL IF I GOT THE PART!!! ahem… anyway ive put some videos up on Youtube in the hope that you guys will take a look and tell me what im doing wrong, right or whatever π Thanks guys and this is the link if you wanna go on my site and watch them… http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxRideJ?feature=mhum
wow i have already watched your videos they are pretty good..have you seen mine?? i am ellabellabooxxx1
you are scottish right? or is that someone else..anyways if it is you then good english accent
yeh ive seen yours!! and i remember you commenting on one of mine!! i hope i commented on yours but i cant remember sorry :S ny i LOVE your videos! D
yeh thats me ( the scottish wannnn ) π
eek thankyou soo much!
its kinda ironic cos i was Lucy Pevensie in our school show in November! lol thankyou sooo much i canny stop talking!!! :L right im gonna stop now! :L
gem x
haha that is really cool!!! i would love to be in a play of LWW or SC
hey are you doing any acting courses in the summer?? if you are we probably won’t be at the same ones as you are scotttish and i am english but it would be amazing if we were!!!! i am doing a short film course on the 1st of may which i am so excited about doing basically you make a short film in a day then have a big premier that evening and watch them
That sounds so awesome!!
I just auditioned for this Stage Experience thingy at the PLayhouse on sunday. Ive done it twice before and i really really hope i get in again!!!
That sounds so cool going to a premier of your own movie! Im so jealous i wish i could do it! π
Well hopefully one day we might meet eachother ( though its probably impossible :L ) maybe if the auditions happen, we might meet there! how awesome is that!?
I saw that in ur new video u sort of coppied archerygirlxx in like some parts
That’s perfectly fine I’m just saying that e plains the reason u coppied her π
i didnt copy her i put my videos up first and said it the same way i said it the first 3 times only i tried it with more feeling π
she put up her videos after me me π
Hi new here. I’ve been wanting that part for so long. thanks for the info. I’m small for 13 (going on 14) hope I can audition. i can get along with any of the actors:)
I recognize u from narniaweb page! π
So far I’ve counted four people from the Jill pole page in narniaweb r hers: jessica, u, me, and archerygirlxx
hey im on narniaweb aswell π
Hey, does anyone know any latest info about whether they are doing magicians nephew or the silver chair, becuase if they are doing the magicians nephew i would like to play polly, but i would prefer to play Jill pole
They are doing MN.
same here. i would like to auditon for Polly but i’d prefer to be jill π aww its so sad but at least theyre actually doing another film. i hope that if i dont audition for polly theyll still have auditions for Jill IF SC happens π
yeah, if you try to auddition for polly then ifyou don’t get that you can still try out for jill and that way you will know what to expect…
I would love to play Jill Pole! I’m longing for auditions and Jill Pole would be the ultimate role! It suits me perfectly but i need help on how to audition, i need to get into plays more but i have no idea how, apart from participating in a drama group etc…any help? :/
Is there a parcific age to be for the narnia films?
Everyone thinks age means somthing,but it doesn’t!! Forget the age thing, all that matters is talent!! If you are go at acting,had some experince then go for it. For those who have no experince,now is the time to look for some and jump into acting…just forget about age it doesn’t matter; unless you are trying out for a part as a three yr. old than forget it! Do you get my point?
Know to remind you again Ben Barnes(Prince Caspain) is in his twenty’s and he got a part for a 14-16 year old! And Will Poulter ( Eustance ) got a part for a twelve yaer old….ect…so don’t worry!!! Calm down, talk to your parents and get involed!!!
U r so right. It doesn’t matter about age, or look. ACTING ABILITY MATTERS!!!!! π
thank you , i am glad you agree.
( good at acting) sorry about the mistakes…sorry…
This website is really cool i’m not really a big actress although i do like acting. Your probably not going to belive this but i am going out with will poulter, he is not as cool as you might think, though. ;)sorry if this seems like boasting!
oh, okay that has to be a april fools joke….very funny.
Yea okay… Happy April Fools 2 u too!! lol And btw if u r dating Will then tell him that they better make the silver chair soon or else… >:) lol
what was the point? excuse me?
That was gossip and if it is true that you are going out with him ,then tell Will about what you said, okay? Becuase that wasn’t nice. And wouldn’t do that if i were you or even if i had a boyfreind…just saying.
What happened? (sorry if I sound nosy—–I’m just a curious person that’s the way I was born and stuff hehe)
By the way, can ANYONE explain to me who Nina Gold is??!!!
I’m not EXACTLY sure, but I do know that she is the casting director
Of the Narnia films. And I THINK she was Georgie Henley (Lucy)’s agent
Yes, I found out! She has something to do with casting narnia…ect. I saw her name in the credits when i watch VDT a few days ago!
When I goto London this Sunday, I hope to see VOTDT on the plane, though I’ve already seen it in the theatre. It was awesome π
that is so cool! i always wanted to go to UK !!!! Your so lucky!
Yeah , same with me,i have no clue who Nina Gold is eighter….please help us!!
Yes. I saw on the credits that Nina gold is the casting director of at least VDT. There was someone else, too. What confused me was at the beginning of the comments someone had said that they want to get the part of Nina Gold!! I didn’t exactly remember a Nina Gold in any of the books, so I HAD to find out who she was!! Lol
yeah, i found that out too…
Hey every1! And hi archerygirlxx π
What happened to the Jill pole page in narniaweb!?
I can’t write n e comments! Okay, I am close to getting an agent
Hi archerygirlxx!!!! I miss all of u guys. Something happened to that page π
Aw shucks!
Can’t register for YouTube because I’m inlegible. I suppose I’m too young? π
you have to be at least 13 years old. you could just say you’re a wee bit older than you are. π
I always watch them to improve π
I can’t believe u r THE real maxridej!!!!
Thaanks for telling me. I’ll try registering a bit older. Luke my cousin David has a my space, and he put his age as 16…lol!
haha thankyou very much π sorry i didnt comment earlier i was away at NYCOS Girls Choir camp all week and just got back π
I posted my audition video
Hey, by the way i’m not the same girl as the one who put the going out with will poulter thing, that was totally out of order, i’m the 14 year old, i changed my name aswell from zoe to zoe1, will poulter is cool though! I don’t have a youtube account and i don’t belong to any drama group, all i do is lamda, but i really want to get somewhere with my acting, is it possible to get anywhere without the things i dont have?
Maybe you should register as being older, thats my suggestion
Okay but does it cost money 4 YouTube???
The only reason i want YouTube is to comment—–technically
no youtube is free π
I know
Sorry for the miss spelling.I did not mean to do that.hope that change your mind about me. π π
It is okay Jessica, we all do it! Welcome to the group!
Hey why didn’t n e 1 welcome me?!!!
I don’t know, but welcome to you too. Feel better?
Thank u. I feel better now, like a lot less excluded
oh, i am glad!
thanks,i guess i was caught up in the movie, π
Hi I’m Jessica Hankinson,and I have been in love with narnia since the first ever movie,in fact im watch the voyage of the dawn greaser while I’m typing this,.I would absolutely love to be Jill pole.thanks.and sorry for sloppy grammar and stuff I turned 11 febuay 22 2011.hope u send back
Kool! I FINALLY found someone my age
I am turning twelve this November.
Hello every1! π
Sorry I haven’t introduced my self yet. I’m narniafan16, and some of u many know me from the Jill pole advice page on Narnia web. Like I recognize archerygirlxx and Hannah and Jessica.
It’s cool to meet u. Ive wanted to be in the Narnia movies ever since I first saw LWW.
I was a narniafan ever since I saw LWW. My father read me prince caspian and magicians nephew at bedtime. Now i read The books my self. And actually, my whole family are narniafans! My dad likes the books, and the author CS Lewis him self! He reads a Lot of them. My mother actually loved the Narnia books ever since she was a kid. She is Japanese,
So therefore, she read them in Japanese. In college she bought the set of the chronicles of Narnia in English. She read it again. (my mom studied English in college π
My sister and I have watched all the movies, and are still reading the books. My mom says she prefers the books better. My dad and my sister and I like both. I’ll be speaking to u about my life dream to be Jill in a separate post π
One day (September 2010) after I watched prince caspian, I was really really anxious to be in the movies. So I searched online for the next Narnia movie. It said that they would release VODT in theaters December 2010! I was so excited as I watched the cool trailer. Then I thought what book have they NOT filmed yet? I looked in my big book of Narnia stories. It was the silver chair. I never really looked at that book before. I looked at the characters. ‘Eustace, Aslan…Jill!? I wonder who that is?’ I thought. It was eustaces friend. ‘this is for me!’ I thought. So I looked up some more. On YouTube, and ask.com. I found a page called Jill pole advice on narniaweb. I took a look. It was great advice. O was determined to get an agent as soon as possible. I commented on the page. Before I knew it, I was friends with many, especially A girl named Lucia who was Japanese. She was really supportive and kind. I wish she were on this page. Sadly, That page for some weird reason wasn’t able to comment on. So I looked for another good website, and I found here. I hope to become friends with everyone here as much I did with the others on the narniaweb page. Thank you π
I hope so too!
Thanx. Do u have an agent? Do u have any recommendations?
no, not yet….kinda still looking;you have to be really careful at every move you make in the ‘acting business’!
I have wrote a few things on “narnia .com returns”, check it out okay? (it is a article on narniafans.com!)