The Magician’s Nephew poster leaked online! (April Fools!)
The first poster for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew has been leaked online! […]
The first poster for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew has been leaked online! […]
Father Christmas has arrived early this year! Relive the magic of Narnia from the very beginning with The
Magician’s Nephew eBook, at a special low price of $2.99 (normally $7.99).
This holiday offer is only around until January 2, 2012, so get it now from your favorite retailer: […]
Tony Nixon, the actor for Rynelf the The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, wrote a piece about what it was like working with Ben Barnes (Caspian) and other Narnia cast members. It’s a great read, and it gives insight into the processes and procedures of filming a movie. […]
NarniaFans.com has recently reached 3,000,000 “likes” on Facebook! […]
Fox is the first studio to reach $1 billion in overseas grosses in 2011. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader played a large part in this! […]
Yahoo Videos UK has posted a video interview of Ben Barnes (King Caspian) and Will Poulter (Eustace) talking about some of their experiences while filming The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The video also shows one of the Yahoo reporters learning to climb the rigging of the Dawn Treader and learning to fight with a sword. Ben and Will talk about the amount of detail that went into production, the taking apart of and reassembly of the Dawn Treader in the studio, choreographed fights, and more. […]
Have you ever wished that you could feel what it would be like to be a sailor and a fighter on the Dawn Treader? Dan Laryea of the Daily Mail was privileged to enjoy this […]
20th Century Fox is planning to promote sales of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader DVD by bringing giant Dawn Treader displays containing DVDs to several supermarkets! Here are some excerpts from the report: […]
Blu-Ray.com has reviewed the Voyage of the Dawn Treader on both its content and its technical aspects! […]
APRIL FOOLS! In an unfortu-, I mean unforseen series of events, it has been reported to NarniaFans that two of today’s most popular teenage singers/actors have been signed on as actors in The Magician’s Nephew. They are: [drumroll] … [another drumroll] Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black! […]
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