war of the dwarves and elves!

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Dwarves drop the watermelon rind, and other garbage, into an experimental plant ("plant" in the mechanical sense) for producing natural gas from garbage. This to add to the natural-gas supply we already have from a source I'm too polite to specify.

Then we shoot a volley of napkins and wet-wipes in the Elves' direction.
Just what we wanted! After all, we Dwarves don't bother with napkins much; and that got the Elves to shoot slime! All the slime gets pumped into the natural-gas plant. Meanwhile, to keep up the comical combat, we send several hundred obsolete flying beards on a suicide mission (if they were actually alive in the first place) to tie Elves' shoes together so the Elves will stumble and fall.
JRR Tolkien himself descends from Heaven and miraculously dries the books. As he flies away again, the Dwarves bombard the Elf camp with hundreds of whoopee cushions.
The Elves don't care; they have ear plugs, and whoopie cushions don't hurt anyway.

*baby Elf spits up on the LOTR books, permanently staining them*
Mr. Tolkien comes down again, and as a blessed heavenly spirit is able to overrule the so-called permanent defacing of his books. The Dwarves now get mean--launching tons of JUNK MAIL!!
*burns junkmail* hey thanks! I like to burn stuff *creepy grin* I'm a pyromaniac.:D:p

*delivers a damage cost paper to the dwarves stating how they destroyed the elves camp and now must pay a fine of 100000000000000000000000000$ by noon*
The Dwarves send paper airplanes over; each of these, when unfolded, bears the same text:

"Let's see, that is _almost_ equal to the expense you caused us when you had Giants trample in our upper tunnels; so you can pay us just the difference, about five million dollars."
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