war of the dwarves and elves!

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*shoots flu-flues at dwarves in hopes of giving them a few headaches* (flu-flues are a kind of arrow with a flat tip instead of a pointy one and are used to knock out or kill small game)
Ha! We Dwarves are FAR too hard-headed to be hurt by blunt arrows, and our armor is too strong to be penetrated by sharp ones.
I save up the arrow shafts, for a devious scheme to be revealed later. Meanwhile, our tame Balrogs fly over the Elvish forces, dropping onto them all the saved-up garbage from the past ten weeks in the Dwarvish tunnels.
On the possibility that the vaccines were intended in a friendly way, the Dwarves exempt Zella from being hit by their next counterattack: tons of leaflets, covered with the idiotic poetry of the Vogons from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
On the possibility that the vaccines were intended in a friendly way, the Dwarves exempt Zella from being hit by their next counterattack: tons of leaflets, covered with the idiotic poetry of the Vogons from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

They weren't really, I'm just tired of hearing it advertised on the radio when it's even past regular flu season. But thanks anyway.:p
The vaccine samples are taken underground to the Dwarf laboratories; analyzing them helps the Dwarf scientists to produce a new virus. This new virus is launched at the Elves by means of aerosol projectiles. All Elves infected by this virus will be filled with an overpowering desire to go bake Keebler cookies.
Since when do viruses result in mind control?

*baby Elf throws Keebler cookies at the Dwarves*
*sends Viper to howl/bark on the edge of the elves territory to keep the dwarves awake all night* after of course I use a magnet-that-is-for-earplugs to steal all the dwarves earplugs :p:rolleyes:
If you can have a magnet for non-metallic earplugs, we can--AND DO--have something magnetic for Viper's tongue. When we switch it on, a mass of material resembling steel wool flies into Viper's mouth, gagging his barking. And if he gets that out of his mouth, more stuff comes flying into his mouth, as long as he's near the Dwarf-tunnel entrances.
If you can have a magnet for non-metallic earplugs, we can--AND DO--have something magnetic for Viper's tongue. When we switch it on, a mass of material resembling steel wool flies into Viper's mouth, gagging his barking. And if he gets that out of his mouth, more stuff comes flying into his mouth, as long as he's near the Dwarf-tunnel entrances.

Firstly Viper is a girl. Secondly who said she was by the tunnel entrances? Thirdly thank you for muting her, she can be rather annoying when she does that. *sigh*
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