Mozart the Meerkitten
Well-known member
Ok, in one message/post can some one tell me what has been going on? Like, are the "rules" changed, whos on whose side, etc. etc.
we're being a bit more civil now, throwing food, paper, cram, wet lembas ect at each other. SD, Zella and me are the elves that normally post, and the only dwarves I remeber are you and Copperfox.
and beware: I have several tricks up my sleve......
and SD and Maurgrim just dumped all the dwarves tents into the river.

DRIVE INTO THE RIVER DWARVES OH DRIVE INTO THE RIVER DWARVES!!! *jumps in river and fills an enormus water balloon* *shoots water balloon at dwarves knocking several of them into the water*