war of the dwarves and elves!

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Ok, in one message/post can some one tell me what has been going on? Like, are the "rules" changed, whos on whose side, etc. etc.
Thankyou! :o

we're being a bit more civil now, throwing food, paper, cram, wet lembas ect at each other. SD, Zella and me are the elves that normally post, and the only dwarves I remeber are you and Copperfox.
and beware: I have several tricks up my sleve......
and SD and Maurgrim just dumped all the dwarves tents into the river.:D

DRIVE INTO THE RIVER DWARVES OH DRIVE INTO THE RIVER DWARVES!!! *jumps in river and fills an enormus water balloon* *shoots water balloon at dwarves knocking several of them into the water*
Now it won't be so easy,with Copperfox's whachamacallit-machine lurking around.*grumbles*
Me:Zorro the Kitten is joining the Elves!Welcome,Zorro!*claps*
Zorro:*bows*Aw your so sweet.
Maugrim:Yeah,welcome to the war,fuzzball.:rolleyes:
Zorro:*tackles him,which looks pretty funny considering the difference between sizes*
Me:GUYS!We need to annoy the Dwarves!In our best style.*evil laugh*
Zorro & Maugrim:hehehe.
*we all run up to the Dwarf camp*
Me:And a one,and a two,and....
Me,Maugrim & Zorro: Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?!*sing that fifty-six times,until the Dwarves are begging for us to shut up*
Me:Okay....NEW SONG!
Me Maugrim & Zorro:BA BA BA!GOT ANY GRAPES?DA DA DA DA!HEY!DA DA DA!*sing this a lot*
Me:Wait!Did we steal the Dwarves aspirin?:eek:
Maugrim:Oh noes!They may have more!Zorro,come with me!
Zorro:OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!A mission*falls flat on his face,as he trips*
Maugrim:Fuzzballs will never ever learn,will they?
Me:Hurry!I'll stay here an keep 'em distracted!
*Maugrim and Zorro sneak into Dwarf camp*
Me:Happy Birthday to you!You live in a zoo!You look like a monkey.....and you smell like one too!:p
*Dwarves are screaming in hysterics*
Me:Oh yeah....never underestimate the power of vocal chords.Hehe.
*makes raft with water-propellors* *rescues wet tents and dumps them on Mozart and speeds down stream*:p
*prepares next "weapon"*
The sound which you Elves FLATTERED YOURSELVES was you causing us to scream, was actually the sound of balloons being inflated. Our swarm of balloons goes flying over you Elves, dropping glue-capsules to gum up all that long braided hair of yours, and the cats' fur too.
*hides in milk-house(its a cement building) with cats as things are thrown at her*
What did I do to anybody?!? and I have a glue-proof suit, so do my cats!

*peers out of peep-hole* *creeps out back door of milk-house* *dumps slushies into the river so it overflows into the dwarves camp splattering them with slushies*
*Attempts to wash hair in slushy-filled river*
This isn't working very well.
*Sets up portable shower*

I have a better idea! *calls flying saucer from the Galactica* Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeee make it rain!
*flying saucer ship makes it rain*
*glue is washed off elves and cats*
*flying saucer ship leaves and goes back to Galactica*
Me:*giant sign shows it to the Galactica*
Muagrim:We may be needing the Galactica again,i presume.
Me:With the Dwarves' trechery,yes.
Zorro:Me scaaaaared.
Me:SHUT UP.We've got too many things to do!Here's our agenda:
A)Sing some more....try more annoying songs.
B)Wash ourselves-stupid glue.
C)FIGHT!!!!And be annoying
So that about covers it.*smiles*
Zorro:What,that's all?:eek:
Maugrim:You doofball,thats a lot of work!First we gotta go wash
*we go to the portable shower Zella has so nicely installed*
Me:Now that we're not so sticky...lets get down to buisness!
*we run to the Dwarf camp*
The Trio:*yell*MACARENA MACARENA MACARENA!QUE TE GUSTA LOS VERANOS DE MARBELLA!MACARENA MACARENA MACARENA....*sings fifty-eight times* *Then we sneak into the Dwarf camp,chugging down most of thier water-hey,singing can do that to you*
You Elves have an interesting dictionary. When you attack us and we fight back, you call US treacherous? But okay, if you want "treachery"...and in view of how many times you see fit to decide in YOUR posts what WE would do...

Every Elf sneaking into the Dwarf camp (along with any animals that accompany them) suddenly falls through a camouflaged trapdoor. Landing inside one of our tunnels, the Elves are taken prisoner by our tame Balrogs, and are not released until they have scrubbed a half-mile of tunnel interior with toothbrushes. And this IS what happens, and you CAN'T negate it with any post of yours, no matter what, no matter what, no matter what, nyaah nyaah nyaaaaaah!
I know what we should sing! Father Abraham!

"Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord. Right arm! Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord. Right arm! Left arm! Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord. Right arm! Left arm! Right leg! Father Abraham had many sons..."

I know what we should sing! Father Abraham!

"Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord. Right arm! Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord. Right arm! Left arm! Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord. Right arm! Left arm! Right leg! Father Abraham had many sons..."


Many of us Dwarves like that song, too. So we let you go after only a QUARTER mile of tunnel-cleaning.

at a bike-a-thon we had at our school every year there was this round road-sidewalk thing that we would go on that was a mile long and I would walk on it over and over and over and over again because I didn't have a bike, that is until my mom got me a scooter at 10pm one night before the bike-a-thon. I don't even remeber why we did it but my point is a mile isn't very long...... hehe. at least I think they said it was a mile, but it was a round mile so maybe its different.... thats at the Albion Fairgrounds y'know. I like that fair, its fun.

*sets up big slide and slides down it while throwing pears at the dwarves* *gets her cats to go install escolators into the winding stair*

(wow that was random, and a little disturbing....:p)
Me,Maugrim & Zorro:*dig ourselves outta the underground*
Me:Aw dang it i think i lost my bracelet.
Maugrim & Zorro:*silence*
Maugrim:Er...you're obsessing so much over a bracelet?
Me:Yes!That bracelet had all my friend's phone numbers,magic shrinking powder,and YOUR iPod!
Maugrim:OH NO!:eek:
Zorro:Haha silly fuzzface.
Me:And it also had Zorro's Gameboy.
Maugrim:We GOTTA find that bracelet!
*we all dive into the undrground*
Me:*sticks head out*We'll be back,Elves!
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