The story of Eliezer finding Rebekah for Isaac is told in Genesis 24. The same chapter also mentions Laban, who was later to be the father-in-law of Jacob.
Most precious Amanda, all of your praise remains as delicious as ever to be hammered with. Now, please do not be hurt by the next thing I will say; in fact, I'll drop the G again for a moment for emphasis, and say that I _LOVE_ you and would never want to hurt your feelings for one instant. But we should beware of suggesting, even as a joke, that any human power could ever defeat, or change the nature of, the fallen angels, Jesus rebuke them, who are the enemies of our souls. To stress all the more that I am not the least bit angry at you as I say this, you are invited to imagine that I am holding you in my arms like a father and stroking your hair as I speak. Joke about Voldemort and even Hitler at will; but don't suggest that I in myself could have any influence over Satan, Jesus rebuke him. Spiritual warfare is a serious matter.
I say this for your own good, because before God you are as dear and precious to me as if you were in my own flesh-and-blood family. I want you to be "well-equipped for every good work," which includes understanding the REAL war and how merciless it is. I wish I could give you a world in which there was no danger, in which games like ours never had to be interrupted for solemn things. But actually, my solemn warnings AND our game-playing both serve the SAME purpose: expressing my actual no-fooling real-world love and fondness and care for my wonderful spiritual granddaughter Amanda. So now I kiss your cheeks, reattach the capital G to the word "love," and hope that I haven't ruined the mood for your observance of my spiritual birthday tomorrow.