Affectionate Fighting

Thank you, honey. I just hope you don't think your Papa Joe is afraid of being stuck with needles!

No thanks needed.
You might not be afraid of being stabbed with needles but I am. :o I think that I have a legit reason of not likeing them too. The first time that I had blood drawn I was dehydrated and the nurse couldn't hit the vein in my arm, so she kept stabbing me until she hit it. ugh. [shudders. The ironic thing about this is that I accually want a tattoo, which involves needles, but I won't get anything pierced. Well not now. I would like to hear your thoughts on tattoos when you get the chance to respond also. Cause people have been telling me that it is a sin to get a tattoo.]
Since I haven't got my shoes on yet:

I do not at all think it is morally evil to have a tattoo--unless it conveys a _message_ which is evil, which I'm sure you would never choose. But I do think it's unhealthy and silly. Nonetheless, I will never love you any less for getting one.
I guess no one expected it to be finished this quickly. I'm back, minus a few c.c.'s of my O-positive. Results to be told sometime or other.

So now, I'll get Vortex the Gryphon to help me set up some tables. I still have my 37th spiritual birthday to celebrate! All Duffers who visit this thread today should imagine that they are being offered a serving of tuna salad made by the Ravitts family's simple yet tasty recipe: just tuna, crushed pineapple and a little mayonnaise. It's usually eaten in sandwiches or on crackers. Of course, the bread and crackers I offer are all whole-grain varieties.

Do you know the _reason_ why bleached flour should be avoided? There are two trace elements occurring in cereal grains that are very similar in the way they bond themselves to organic molecules, but very _different_ in their effect on the consumer. The elements are zinc and cadmium. Zinc, as long as you don't overdo it, is good for you; cadmium is BAD for you, in fact it increases your risk of cancer. Zinc in a kernel of grain is found in the bran; so if you get rid of the bran, only the cadmium is left, and it rushes in and occupies the biochemical space which rightfully belongs to the zinc! That's why I avoid white flour as much as possible.

All persons reading this can take it as meaning that I am pugnaciously _fighting_ you, by _sadistically_ trying to promote your good health and long life!
oohoohh. Party time. :] [Grabs the other sode of a table that Papa Joe is trying to set up all by himself and smiles a crooked smile when he looks up.]
I really didn't think that you would be back this early. It really didn't take long.

About the tattoo thing, I accually already have picked a tattoo out. Well I didn't really pick it out, one of my friends drew it and I fell in love with it. I'll link a picture of it soon. :]

o.0 I didn't know that white flower was that bad for you. XP Wow. I've been eating things with white flower on it forever. I am going to have to keep a look out for that now.
All persons reading this can take it as meaning that I am pugnaciously _fighting_ you, by _sadistically_ trying to promote your good health and long life!
Yup yup, trying to make my earthbound life, not only the happiest that it can be, but also the healthiest that it can be. What am I going to do with you.? haha. :p

[Amanda produces table cloths with different shades of colorful 'Happy Spritual Birthday' wishes and a cake. Plus a chocolate cream pie, just in case. :D
What are you going to do with me, Amanda? Keep on exchanging innocuous barbs of soft and gentle Glove, I hope! And one other thing on this auspicious occasion: you are going to DANCE with me. Specifically, tap-dancing, which is as G-rated yet exuberant a form of dance as has ever been invented.

I am a self-taught tap dancer. Forget all the mystical twaddle about "the energy flowing from your center;" tap dancing, at least in its fundamentals, can be discussed objectively, in an almost mathematical way. The most basic fact about it is that there must be some foot movements which transfer your body weight from one foot to the other, plus other movements which DON'T shift your weight but only give one more tapping impact. Whichever foot bears the weight at a given instant, the weight will almost always be supported by the ball of the foot, NOT the heel, because it is much harder to shift weight gracefully from heel to heel. Thus most heel impacts on the floor will be non-weight-bearing touches, accounting for much of the audible tapping.

So just imagine that, while we are waiting for my other guests to show up, I coach you carefully--SAVAGELY browbeating you with praise and encouragement all the way, of course; and you bitterly resist my instruction by learning everything perfectly with a radiant smile on your face. Then, when we have our audience (besides Vortex--who, having four legs plus wings, can be forgiven for not being impressed by two-legged performers), you and I take off and strut our stuff like Colin Dunne and Jean Butler, or Michael Flatley and Bernadette Flynn.
Tuna -salad- almost the same way I prefer it.!
Try my version as rice-salad.Whole grain-rice, tuna, pineapple. mayonaise!
Oh and here a fresh whole grain-bread with raisins.copperfox is absolutely right about nutrition!
God bless you Copperfox and all other guests!
Blessings right back to you, Lioba! Jan and I used to eat rice routinely, so I still have a stock of it at home; I'll have to try your version of the tuna salad soon. Meanwhile, if you have the least bit of interest in dancing, get up here alongside Amanda and me! Remember that here you can imagine that you execute every step as perfectly as we do; and all the while, we can all "viciously fight each other" by cheering and applauding each other's moves.
:eek: Dance? Dance!? Have you seen me dance? [Of course not, you haven't even seen me.] Ohh geez. I haven't danced since I was really young, like eight-ish. I have two left feet. Alas, it is your birthday and I will do as you wish. Are you sure you want me to dance? :o. lol. You are really going to have to coach me, harshly.

What are you going to do with me, Amanda? Keep on exchanging innocuous barbs of soft and gentle Glove, I hope!
Pshh, of course. What else would I do with you? [laughing. Well I could take you on a picnic, with all of thoes healthy foods, I could tap dance with you. o.0 haha Aren't we already doing that? I could have a fierce Battle of Glove with you, o.0 we are already doing that too. Continues on with the list of fun things to do with Papa Joe.] XD

Awws. Thanks Lioba. XD -hugs-
Enjoy imagining, Amanda! But I bet if I ever had the chance to coach you in person (NO, esteemed Mods, I am NOT trying to get her to tell me where she actually lives; I myself have often reminded kids here about safety precautions), I think you would surprise yourself with how quickly you would pick up at least the simplest basics of tap. Anyway, in THIS virtual setting you are a virtuoso; I take your hand long enough to give you a twirl under my arm, and then Lioba and I step back for a minute and allow you to dazzle all spectators with a solo.
*arrives at the celebration with a heaping plate of freshly baked goodies*

I don't dance either (two left feet), but I'm happy to sing or provide appropriate celebratory music on the flute :).

It's good to remember, in this epic battle of Glove, where love for another person springs from. Spiritual anniversaries are the perfect time to focus on Love Himself.

I'll assume that you sing something marvellous and then do a wonderful flute solo, Juliet. And as for acknowledging the source of all love: our Triune God is also the source of all HOPE for humanity. All the pleasures pursued by those who reject Him are pathetic attempts to fill an emptiness which cannot thus be filled, any more than a dry breeze can fill a water bottle which is both empty and cracked.

Speaking of hope and flute solos, I hope you won't think me "unspiritual" if I remark that I loved the flute solo which was performed by Michael Flatley himself, in the expanded version of "Lord of the Dance" that was called "Feet of Flames."
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Speaking of hope and flute solos, I hope you won't think me "unspiritual" if I remark that I loved the flute solo which was performed by Michael Flatley himself, in the expanded version of "Lord of the Dance" that was called "Feet of Flames."

:eek:I LOVE LOTD's music.:)
Thats a beautiful peice of music.:D
ALERT! ALERT! Another wild-card niceness-warrior has entered the gladiatorial stadium! Be on your guard, everyone; there's no knowing WHOM this formidably wholesome young lady may start liking and approving of!
LOL...Decided to stop in,and see what went on here..

*clears throat*

I will first praise..

She is the sweetest,nicest e-friend anyone could have!!!!
Lots of hugs!!!!(((())))):D
[dance dance]:D
Sorry about the short-ish break; I had some chores that _had_ to be done. OR else.! :P Alas, I think that I am done, unless mom calls and tells me to do something else. :rolleyes:

I hope the party hasn't 'officially' begun with out me. lol.

Baha; I'll try to imagine that I know how to dance. XD A dance that I do know well [well the only dance that I do know] is the macrina. [Or however you spell it. XP] lol.
This thread is filled to overflowing with all kinds of positive smiles and happy dances! How dare you? You totally forgot that there need to be a lot of hugs. :D Glove fits everyone better when it's huggable.
Onetwothree, onetwothree,onetwooops-:o
Have a good time. I haver to say good night!
God give you sweet sleep, Lioba! Be sure to come back; this thread is turning into an absolute _brawl_ of charitable thoughts and heartfelt sentiments!

Solya, I have not at all forgotten hugs, and my unspeakably dear tap-dancing partner Amanda has received a few from her Papa Joe. It's just that in today's climate, because _some_ middle-aged men take improper attitudes toward underage girls, _every_ middle-aged man interacting with girls becomes a potential target for suspicion. One more way that the innocent suffer for the guilty. This is why I don't emphasize imagining any physical contact between myself and female participants. Only after I felt I had adequately shown the parental-type nature of my love for Amanda through long and repeated clashes of belligerent mutual morale-boosting, did I feel I could safely imagine hugging her.

Oh, Amanda, honey, I almost forgot: I actually can do the Macarena. But as a matter of principle, I purposely did not learn to do it until _after_ it had gone out of style. So if you like, we can imagine that we do that now, side by side.
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Yay, okay, you just made me happy. :) I understand you perfectly well, yes. It's a pity that the society from nowadays doesn't immediately allow for this to happen because of some weird people with improper attitudes. But, perhaps, this whole bunch of compliments you're throwing at one another is a hug in itself. ;)