Affectionate Fighting

But Amanda, dearest foe, if you never let me down, how can I have the fun of resentfully sulking about it? Just kidding; in the unlikely event that you ever do disappoint me in some way, it will be much more enjoyable--and more in keeping with the overall military strategy of this battlefield--for me to forgive you and Glove you still more!!
Laughing. It would be pretty eventful for that to appear in this thread wouldn't it, if I were to disappoint you and you forgave me. Alas, if that ever happened, I am not sure if I would ever be able to forgive myself. XP
Well then, in such a case I would have to punish you FOR not forgiving yourself. Once more, while still hoping not to offend anyone's sensibilities, I would have to imagine embracing you tenderly while setting you straight. What I would say to you would probably be along these lines:

"Amanda, I've known people with whom talk of 'forgiving themselves' is just a sneaky roundabout way of denying that they really were guilty of any wrongdoing in the first place. But that is NOT you, dear granddaughter! You have too tender a conscience to use those weaselly tactics to avoid repentance. I know that YOU know how to bring your sins to the Cross and let them be taken away."

Then with a final fond squeeze, I would let you go, and lighten the mood with some fresh pretend-anger on an unrelated subject, so we could resume Glovingly sparring.
<3 You must know that I will never tire of your careing for me and all of your nice-talk about me.
Your pretend anger could be along the lines of my having to leave to go to bed at such an early time of 11:30pm.
You know, if I don't go now then I won't be able to read about the hero that you compare me to.
Well then, depending on whether you see this before logging off, or when you next come on, I say one of the following to my dearly treasured opponent:

1) "Good night, little darling."

2) "Good morning, little darling."
haha. I'll take the first one now and leave the second one until the morning. XD

Good Night dearest Copperfox. Have sweet dreams. :D
Amanda's morning session (others may audit the class)

Good morning, teacher's pet! As part of being mean and hostile and intolerant and grouchy toward you, I'm hitting you with another lesson even before the assigned one is quizzed! Actually, this is more like giving you a crib sheet FOR the existing assignment, because it will help the story of Rebekah to be more meaningful. No dozing off at your desk, or I'll hit you on the wrist with a tulip!

This is actually something I wrote to a young man who needed an idea of what was going on in the whole Bible! Here you'll see my explanation of God's "election" of Abraham, who was the father of Isaac, and who before he met God lived in or near what we now call Iraq....

Imagine this. What if you were looking for a new place to live, and someone said to you, "I'll give you a choice between two cities. In one city, you will have a comfortable house, an expensive new car, a new computer, new television, and everything you want for having fun...but no one there will be a close friend to you. If you choose the other city, you will have only an ordinary house, a used car, and so on...but you will have MANY good friends there." Which city would you choose to live in?

When God called Abraham to follow Him, Abraham was being allowed to see what a choice like this means. Only, the choice was not between one city and another; it was between the real God and false gods. It was as if the false gods told men like Abraham, "We will give you money and fancy clothes," while the real God said, "I will give you true friendship." When Abraham left the city of his family, he was leaving what probably was a very comfortable place for that time in history--as if someone in Ohio left a good house in Cincinnati to live in a very old house on a small farm instead. But being a friend to the REAL God was better than any amount of money or fun.

God was planning to do many things that would show the world what He was like. To do these things, He wanted to start a small nation of people who would have a "covenant" with Him. The meaning of "covenant" is like signing a contract, an agreement. God decided that he would create this nation from the family of Abraham. Abraham even HAVING a family was part of God's special plan--because Abraham's wife Sarah was not able to have babies, but God changed this and allowed Sarah to give birth to a son.

That son was Isaac, who was to grow up to be Rebekah's husband. Now you see the connection to the original assignment. And you see how nasty I am to you, making you sit in a class during summer vacation! Some way to fight you, huh?

Copperfox-i liked your writing very much because it is about God offering his friendship to us- probably one of the heaviest affectionate attacks that we can imagine.And our friendship to god is the best possible reason to go on fighting.To see a fellow christian´s development I feel like the bridegrooms friend rejoicing with the young couple .
O Bruiser- just to mention it- ever saw yourself as the most loveable thing god can imagine?
Good Morning Dearest Copperfox! Happy Spiritual Birthday. :]​

Teacher's Pet. haha. You do know me well. Things are starting to connect better now that you have explained. You are not being nasty to me by making me sit in 'summer school'. You are helping me become a better Christian; and there's nothing harmful with that. [I've only fallen to sleep in one class, and that was honors world history. I passed their exam with a 98%. :] haha.]

Onto the quiz. It is going to only be on Genesis 24, right? [lol. Great now I am back into the school test mind-set. I am already starting to worry about this test. XD.]

O Bruiser- just to mention it- ever saw yourself as the most loveable thing god can imagine?
No, accually I've never had. Thanks. [Am I really...? Goes off wondering about who would be the most loveable thing that God could imagine.] Woah.
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Lioba!!!! There you go again, with your _intrusive_ goodwill and friendliness, _barging_ in on this thread! I suppose you'll offer the _contemptible_ excuse that I personally invited you to participate again; and I think it's _awful_ of you to use that excuse, taking advantage of the fact that I actually DID personally invite you to come back. Just for that, I smite you with Gloving appreciation!! I challenge you to post and translate some GERMAN phrases which compliment Bruiser and others!
Protagonist - I do hope that you enjoy our show. :] Feel free to barge in at anytime and bombard us with complements and the sort. :D [Brings Protagonist some soda.] We would like you to be as comfortable as possible.
FOUL! UNFAIR! I'm being double-teamed! Here Lioba gets me preoccupied responding to her jabs of gentle sweetness, and then YOU, dastardly-darling Amanda, fly in under the radar to strafe me with your own horribly sincere good wishes! But I'm ready for both of you: I wish for BOTH of you to be, and experience, all of the best things God has in mind for you!

The quiz is forthcoming, but I wanted to get this much posted before anyone ELSE blindsides me...such as Protagonist maybe shifting into aggressive kindness from behind my back.
Okay, Amanda, you really asked for it. This may reduce you to tears (of laughter).

At two months after my Janalee was called away to Aslan's Country, I am just beginning to be able to enjoy some happy memories of my too-short time with her, _without_ feeling fresh agonies of grief over it. (I know, this doesn't seem like much of an inducement to laughter, but stay with me.)

Because of my effort, continuing through all the time God gave us together, to help Jan overcome her brain damage, I developed a loving game with her, in which I would ridiculously "quiz" her about things. It worked in the setting of married love, and it can work in the setting of Glove for a figurative granddaughter. You'll have no difficulty imagining how it was for Jan when I did this routine during our long highway trips, though in her case it was not mostly on Bible topics because she was already Bible-trained. Get ready; this is a multiple-choice test.

What was Eliezer to Abraham?

1) His top-ranking servant.
2) A space alien who was controlling his mind by telepathy.

Why did Abraham send Eliezer on a journey to the east?

1) To find a bride for Abraham's son Isaac.
2) To buy up some oil fields at a cheap price before anyone discovered the uses of petroleum.

Who was Rebekah?

1) The woman whom Eliezer, by God's guidance, chose to marry Isaac.
2) A comicbook super-heroine, called Water-Pitcher Woman.

How did Eliezer determine that Rebekah was the right bride for Isaac?

1) By noting Rebekah's kindly, hospitable behavior.
2) By talking with her during an all-night poker game.
[With tears streaming down her face.] All of the answers are the first choice.
I wish that you were able to be a teacher where I reside. That way I wouldn't have to worry about passing tests so much. lol.

I think that if you haven't done so already, you should go look at the Friendship thread that our dear Lioba has created. I've already posted somewhat of a responce, though I think that I should of elaborated a bit more. :shrugs: I think that you can pick up all of my lose threads there though.

2) A space alien who was controlling his mind by telepathy. - First I was like wahh?

2) To buy up some oil fields at a cheap price before anyone discovered the uses of petroleum. - Is he serious?

2) A comicbook super-heroine, called Water-Pitcher Woman. - I began laughing.

2) By talking with her during an all-night poker game. - Now I was almost in tears. When I read back over all of the answers, yeah that was when the tears of laughter started flowing.
A good point for me to call a recess. I have to go get blood drawn for laboratory tests related to my blood-pressure condition. And I think it would be a _despicable_ act of aggression if you and others were to pray for me as I attend to this necessary business!
I think that that is a very reasonable reason for a recess. I will pray for you and you are going to have to deal with it. lol. I hope all goes well. I Glove you. :D
I´ll quote scripture, nothing is better- and I haven´t to translate,because you hav an English bible yourself:D
Song of Solomon. Chapter 4 Verses 12 to 16
Meine Schwester, liebe Braut, du bist ein verschlossener Garten, eine verschlossen Quelle, ein versiegelter Born.
Du bist gewachsen wie ein Lustgarten von Granatäpfeln mit edlen Früchten, Zyperblumen mit Narden.
Narde und Safran, Kalmus und Zimt, mit allerlei Weihrauchsträuchern, Myrrhe und Aloe, mit allen feinen Gewürzen.
Ein Gartenbrunnen bist du, ein Born lebendigen Wassers, das vom Libanon fliesst.
End of Quote

Oh, und hey sag´nicht , dass bin ich nicht- ich bin alles andere als schön und mein Garten ist schon längst geplündert und zertrampelt und vertrocknet.
Gott ist darauf spezialisiert, Wüsten zu Gärten zu machen..

Oh, hey and don´t you say, that´s not me- I am everything but beautiful and my Garten has been marauded, trampled down and dried out.
God is specialysed on turning deserts into gardens.